Cross play?

  • Hi Devs of Sea Of Thieves! My name is Evan and I made a account just so I could give you some suggestions. So to start of I'm sure you have gotten this alot or have thought about it. I played Sea Of Thieves One Xbox 1 and let me tell you it was amazing and beautiful you devs did amazing and filled my imagination. Now I have switched over to PS4 and I've been having urges to play Sea Of Thieves and I know you guys are kind of a Microsoft only game company and I was thinking if you guys could make Sea Of Thieves compatible with PS4? Your Company would be BOOMING with purchases on the game and people buying in game item like money! Now it would cost alot of money to do so but you guys could get just as much or even more in return! Now I'm sure thier is ALOT more to it then this but from what I understand it's a bit of a win win I'm not sure if you have a contract with Microsoft if so I completely understand if you stick with Microsoft I mean you can let people enjoy and I bit less work but I'm telling you it would be amazing & fascinating. If I would be really cool to read gaming news and see "Sea Of Thieves now on PlayStation!" That would be a dream and please everyone that read this please spread the word and I know I may play PlayStation and thier a rivalry between the two companies but please don't send harm to other or me including or even the company that have created Sea Of Thieves I hope you all enjoyed and thank you for giving you time to read this goodbye!

    A loving player- Evan

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  • @supremephantom8

    I'm glad that you had fun during your brief experience playing this game- most people on this forum would agree that Sea of Thieves is something unique in today's gaming world. Unfortunately, Rare does not get to determine if Sea of Thieves gets moved to Playstation- that's up to Sony and Microsoft. There are various reasons why Microsoft would resist letting this happen, namely profits and exclusivity. Microsoft and Sony are competitors, and Microsoft is touting Sea of Thieves as a reason to buy an Xbox (or PC). If they let people play it on Playstation, they'd lose that incentive.

    That said, Sea of Thieves is available to play on PC, so if don't want to buy an Xbox, you can see if it'll run on your computer. Hope it works out!

  • @supremephantom8 sea of thieves as a direct port to PS4 will never happen, simply because it is a microsoft exclusive.
    Rare is not somewhat of a microsoft company they are a full part of Microsoft game studios.

    However with X Cloud coming out relatively soon, Microsoft is planning to have this work on most platforms and you would be able to play XBox games on even a simple computer (since all the hard work is doen by the servers)

    That would be a way for you to play sot again, otherwise and XBox or somewhat decent PC is your only choice

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