I am so glad that they finally seem to solve the problems with the black screen. In the insider version, the duration of the black screen was reduced from 5 minutes to 4 minutes and 47 seconds. That gives hope.
The sword fight, which has been adapted again, is still a mess. 10 seconds time penalty if you didn't hit your opponent, that's exaggerated. I think it's good that you can't use your arm anymore in case of been hitten, a leg been hitten limps and so on. But the effect is too hard. The other day a pirate was put out of action on both sides: two blows each on legs and arms, there he lay, the poor drip.
But the new exhaustion system for insiders is a sign of hope. Finally, Rare has realized that exhausting physical actions should result in a temporary weakening of the character. So you can no longer run endlessly at the same speed - after a short sprint the player falls into a trot. After a marathon distance he stops and needs a banana.
Swordfighting is also included. The blows and parades weaken in the long run. At the moment unfortunately somewhat exaggerated. After the first blow, which causes 33% damage to the opponent, another hit takes only 0.3%. Rare is already looking for the trainee who has programmed and hidden this factor in the code.
Also bouncing is included. Continuous jumping is attenuated. Finally.
I am already looking forward to the upcoming event on the occasion of the first moon landing by the Cuban space brigade. Rare wants to adapt gravity to lunar conditions, represent the islands as a lunar landscape consisting of cheese, the sea of milk, the earth will rise in the sky. The sails will be replaced by baloons. This will be fun! And we get cigars!!
We are excited about the new, randomly generated maps. We know the problems from Minecraft - there are some objects standing around misplaced in the world. Rare is confident to solve this and also to change the Tall Tales and Small Tales to work with randomized maps.
We can be curious!