Remove crouching until you can fix quick swapping.

  • As a person who has hypothetically used just about all the exploits found in this game for the last couple years for scientific purposes. This conversation is so ridiculous guys 🥺, lets be real here, the quickswap right now is such a none issue. You have to crouch which significantly decreases your movement for like 2 nano seconds faster. Its fun for skxxts and stuff but its not real practical in competitive fights. Honestly, idk an exploit that has 'broken' this game, closest was probably the bb exploit which was pretty silly, or maybe some of those invincibility exploits i suppose. At the end of the day its just a game, casuals don't even know these exist so saying they are the ones affected by this is quite goofy :/

  • Remove the double gun and you won't have to worry about QS anymore, there will probably also be a drop in cheat usage and toxicity in PVP

  • @wolfmanbush said:

    It also largely just focuses on the small group of players that are accurate with shots more often than not.

    I've never lost a fight specifically because someone was quickswapping but I've won or recovered countless times because people were more focused on speed than accuracy.

    It's just cope lol.

    I see DGers stand still or get too close to sword users and then complain about sword. I see sword users walk in straight lines while spam clicking and then complain about DG.

    Quickswap was never "high level" skill. It's a skill by definition, but it's one that someone could develop after watching a youtube video and a few minutes of practicing. The actual skill involved in DG, which some folks fail to recognize, is the aiming, not the speed.

    As you pointed out, if one is strictly trying to shoot fast, without properly aiming, they'll likely lose most of their PvP exchanges. Which is why I always thought it was a pretty low-impact exploit.

    It was also intuitive. More intuitive than something like loot-sprinting, or "sails to stupid" ("dummy sails," or whatever other names people gave them). People sprint in combat. Running between shots is something that is so natural that people may have occasionally quickswapped without even realizing it.

    None of that matters now anyways because Rare has taken a clear stance against it in their messaging.

    What does matter is that, as usual, their actions aren't in line with their messaging. If they want to say something so benign is a big no-no, then at least commit to it, and penalize players who exploit in order to achieve that result.

    What this also tells me is that EAC is either being underutlized, or is completely useless at catching even the most basic exploits.

    It takes X amount of time to fire between shots. Billy kills Bob in less-than-X amount of time. Kick Billy from the game. Billy has been kicked for this reason multiple times. Temp ban Billy from the game. Billy has received more than one temp ban for this. Billy gets a redbeard now. Bye, Billy.

  • It shouldn't have been reintroduced in its current state. Well it's fun to use and I can understand that, it's an exploit that is far more advantageous than a sword dash. There's currently several methods to quickswap and the crouch method is as fast as it's ever been.

    It's intended to be patched but they will not punish anyone for it. People in the community are promoting it like it's all fair game. I think it's absolutely not fair but people will suggest sprint running with loot and sword dashing are also unintended mechanics and some will die on that hill and compare apples to oranges as if they're the same

  • @cainbong sadly it is what you get after years of promoting cheesing and exploiting in your own game.

  • @haughtyfern4707 it's pretty tone deaf to say casuals aren't effected by the QS exploit every time they pop up... anytime they fight someone using it to gain an edge they are effected.

  • I still very much disagree. Combat feels gross. I want an all around damage reduction and double the ammo bag size to compensate. This would make double tapping impossible and would allow us to quickly switch weapons. With the introduction of the grapple gun and dart this weapon swapping just feels worse than ever before. On top of that we need a 3rd weapon slot because as long as we only have 2 slots I will only be using the new tools for commendations once I complete them it will be back to my year1 loadout. Especially the grapple gun being such a useful tool but at the cost of being able to shoot the legs of skeletons with kegs. Ironic this tool comes along with FoTD chest of fortune grind to highlight the short comings of the new tool. Also how tedious it is to use the grapple gun to get up top just to weapon swap back to a proper gun.

  • If anything.

    1. Crouch should be disabled until everything connected to it becomes fixed. Crouching is pretty silly but we all want to hang off ship sides and disguise as barrels more than anything.
    2. Hourglass should have it where, You can't Double Gun. You activate HG and the game changes your loadout to a Sword and Pistol. Which you are free to change the pistol afterwards. (or make it so you pick before hand)
  • @burnbacon

    I agree with your first point entirely, but not the second. I feel restricting weapon loadouts would make it less appealing and less fun of an experience for most.

    They should make it switch animation + time of eye of reach animation before you can shoot making it the exact same time for everyone regardless if you bypass the animation.

    They made these changes in the original Counterstrike from version 1.3-1.6 and it did not effect the top players on equal footing. What it did do was stop people pub stomping easily without effort. I will say it did feel a little clunkier and it was fun to awp/deagle instantly bypassing the animations, but it simply wasn't fair.

  • OP here,

    To clarify my main problem is not even with the bug. Stuff like that happens. I played the beginning of the season with it and was fine. My problem is the Lying.

    Rare lies. They straight up lied to us.

    They said they would not rush out a sub-par hot fix in a week, and instead "work until we get it right".
    What happened? A week later they rushed out a hot fix that fixed how many bugs? One? Just the invincibility bug? That is [Mod edit].

    Total [Mod edit].

    They did not fix disguises. They did not fix traps. They did not fix ledge hanging. Worse yet, on top of all that, they did not fix the most toxic Insta-kill used in the game.

    I was fine with it before the video, it was a lame bug used by garbage players who can't win without it, and usually can't with it either, but no big deal. I just can't stand the attitude that they can say whatever they want, while waving their hands around making promises, and then take a big dump all over us because they expect us to just take it for extra gold or whatever.

    Garbage communication and garbage decision making.

  • @cainbong yeah iv always found the clunky argument in sea of thieves really dumb. The game just isn't as focused on cqc and has so many other issues eith hand to hand than the clunkiness of weapons.

  • @captain-fob4141 well the clunky feeling I'm referring to is in relation not just to firing weapons but most of the combat experience in general. Things like movement and time to ads, A lot of things do feel like slow motion and doesn't reward reflexes and coordination as it should. Weapons reg, backtracks, having to double ads blunderbuss, the blunderbuss not firing. No cross hair, not hitscan, etc. The timing of things seems slow and inconsistent. I just feel there's a lot to be desired with pvp in SoT and 'clunky' is just what I describe in a nutshell for the lack of fluidity and consistency. Also the server performance leaves a lot to be desired

  • @cainbong probably because it's not designed to feel smooth...

    Arguably it should be more clunky than it is bunny hopping shouldn't be as integrated.

  • @captain-fob4141 who tf wants clunky gameplay man?

  • @captain-fob4141 to be honest its not clunky by desing.

    Ovearll clunky feeling is resoult of years on pilling bugs and server perfomance only geting worse.

    I remeber how it was around preseasons time and it was much smoother experience than now.

  • @ghutar @HaughtyFern4707
    The game started as smooth as they could make it but the devs have shown they value the integrity of the gameplay more than the "smoothness". The more people abused the game mechanics the clunkier the game became.

  • @captain-fob4141 oh yeach years of abuse left scars both on game health, overall combat vibe and community.

    But still it's not like they developed to not be smooth.

    More I think about it the more I think that they need to overhaul whole combat and healing system as it is.

  • @ghutar band aids only go so far.

  • @haughtyfern4707 said in Remove crouching until you can fix quick swapping.:

    As a person who has hypothetically used just about all the exploits found in this game for the last couple years for scientific purposes. This conversation is so ridiculous guys 🥺, lets be real here, the quickswap right now is such a none issue. You have to crouch which significantly decreases your movement for like 2 nano seconds faster. Its fun for skxxts and stuff but its not real practical in competitive fights. Honestly, idk an exploit that has 'broken' this game, closest was probably the bb exploit which was pretty silly, or maybe some of those invincibility exploits i suppose. At the end of the day its just a game, casuals don't even know these exist so saying they are the ones affected by this is quite goofy :/

    What an objectively incorrect take.......

    Casuals not knowing they exist is precisely why they're affected by it. Sweaty cheaters rolling up on them, crud launching to their deck and then quick-swapping them to death with an artificially low TTK, all the while with invincibility from an exploit.

    How are other players, casual or not, unaffected by this? The statement is nonsensical.

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