fix the pink flame exploit

  • @CotU42 offtopic and derailing if you are talking about Speedruns.
    It's my opinion and it need not that much discussed, at least not in a thread about an obvious exploit.
    What is to get the pink flame by abusing a glitch.

    Stay on topic i wont answer again about Speedruns. This was a side topic between me and schwammlgott.

  • @bugaboo-bill

    You stated that they have to fix all exploits and then categorize the voyage completion mechanics and the choice to not collect the treasure as an unintended way to play the game. That if you don't collect the treasure you are abusing the system and not playing the game.

    How exactly am I derailing your topic while you are the one bringing this up?

    It is your opinion and it isn't your style. Yet to state all exploits need to be fixed and in my opinion based on your description calling this an exploit is going to far. Therefore I am asking for clarification.

    I am in favor of fixing exploits, but also find it important that all of us get the freedom to be the pirate we want to be. I personally don't understand those that only hunt others or never engage with others or those that need to collect every last title, commendation and cosmetic in the game. Yet I don't think that we should be telling them they are not playing the game, correctly, based on their style.

    There is a distinction between playstyles (how they use the tools) and exploits, one needs fixing the other is personal preference and I think it important to distinguish between those.

  • @inboundbomb aye the pink flame from a crew member is in my belief an exploit and should be fixed, I voted for his OP.

    I am responding there to the post above it regarding the tapping of chests example he brought up of other unintended aspects that are achieved by working the system. I believe we might have a different definitions of an exploit, so asking for some clarity.

  • @CotU42 exhausting discussion.

    You mix up things and are set on something that is not the topic

    @bugaboo-bill sagte in fix the pink flame exploit:


    To me tapping chests for example to speedrun is also not playing the game, it's working the system.

    I said it's working the system, i did not say it's an exploit!

    I have spoken

    I say it again.
    Speedruns are not the topic here.
    It was a side topic between me and schwammlgott.

    In my opinion Speedruns for example are **NO EXPLOITS **, but an unintended way to play a game and circumventing gamemechanics to be faster.


    But Speedruns are often done by circumventing normal and intended gameplay.

    Do you think it's intended to click conversations away for example?
    Lets say you play a RPG and dont read the Text, because the modern game give you anyway a map marker and you need not read the quest description, what also contains some story.

    If you think not reading it and click it through asap and just do the quest to be quicker and maybe "Speedrun" it than i say that this is not the intended way to play, because else we would have no text but only an accept quest button and the map marker.
    There are games that dont provide any map markers, if you do not read the text, good luck finding your aim.

    Speedruns are by definition a way to asap finish a game or quest or something similar.
    Mostly done while refusing to do unneccessary tasks. But unneccessary doesnt mean unintended.
    If unintended, then it wouldn't even exist.
    So it's skipped to be faster.
    Speedrun Eye of the Beholder without a Map. Impossible.
    Have a map, spoil the Exploration part and you can speedrun it.

    Speedrun a Tall Tale.
    You can do that because you know in advance what comes.
    The intended way is to read and to figure out what next and where.
    If you know it already you need not read anymore, you know where to go and speedrun it. If you spoil yourself the Tall Tales for the first time doing them you need not solve any riddle or search for the next island. Intended? For sure not, else the whole thing with the tales books and riddles and texts are unneccessary.
    Because they are in the game i assume it's intended to read them and do it by yourself and do not spoil you all the infos and speedrun it.

    Speedruns are no exploits, but for sure an unintended way to play a game!

  • @bugaboo-bill

    The video you linked regarding intent in games and devs opinions:

    1. They indicate that the person doing speedruns have played the game multiple times.
    2. The caption below indicates that they love that people are speed running.
    3. They are in complete awe of what this person achieved.

    It is a single player game and not a multiplayer sandbox, therefore the game is trying to tell a story unlike Sea of Thieves where the intent is to allow players to be a pirate they want to be; Open shared world.

    The intent of the ability to skip aspects is to allow those that replay to play the game based on their own goals to increase replayability by allowing them to skip aspects they already done before and is key in a game like Sea of Thieves where you are supposed to continue coming back.

    The ability to skip conversation is intended to allow to speed it up, even by the devs statements in the link you provided, if you know the story; just like the ability to not gather loot is to allow us to speed up our journey at a cost. These type of mechanics are intended to increase replayability and Sea of Thieves even makes a point out of redoing the same content by rewarding it.

    Speed running uses exploits and unintended behaviors, but tapping treasure is not one of them. Speed digging the Athena's Chest or others and then sprint running it back to the ship or the keg your own crew are unintended behaviors to speed up your process and need fixing.

    I believe that you are wrong about the intent of voyages being completed on tap is unintended. They have voyages that require delivery and they were removed from Athena's all together, animal capturing and delivery. The choice of treasure collection and delivery is upon the player as intended and is why it works like that.

    You can state this was a side one on one conversation about tapping of chests, yet you posted it in your topic regarding the fixing of exploits and called it an example. Don't blame others for hooking into the public conversation that you started, if you want an one on one, maybe use DM.

  • @stundorn Great, it's fixed now and since everyone [mod edit] runs away like a little child, getting the pink flame is unnecessarily tedious now.

  • @miko-ohne-hose


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