How to gift a pet?

  • Maybe I miss something obvious - but how can I purchase a pet as a gift to another player?

  • 8
  • @rishare you can't

  • @futtardel Ohh, thats a shame. Shame. SHAME!

  • If your on xbox you can go to xbox store and gift them a pet bundle

  • You can gift them the ancient coins so they can buy a pet. You can do this on the xbox/Microsoft store.

  • Yes or no

  • @havoc-stylus said in How to gift a pet?:

    If your on xbox you can go to xbox store and gift them a pet bundle

    ^ THIS ^

    Plenty of online code retailers, plus Mirosoft themselves sell codes for Parrot starter sets, or the Wars and Paws set to use to redeem a pet.

    As an aside - with the new seasons and the rewards for ancient coins - it's only a matter of time before players have enough to buy their own. Or is there a specific pet that your friend wants @rishare ?

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