@itskingbertie said in Custom Server Update Discussion:
@venomous-sloth7 I was PL the PVP in this game is sloppy extremely poor, there is some things to learn.
PL doesn't mean anything now. Saying you are a Pirate legend means nothing especially when you got it after the shrouded spoils like you did. Congrats, Agreed combat could be boosted but I'm okay with where it is now. I'm afraid if they try to make it better they are only going to make it worse.
It generally just play with 3 PC people on a galleon and u don’t need to “learn” anything thus why is rather have a PVE server
So this is just you being mad at PC players? You have opt out and if you are on xbox then I have no idea why you want PvE servers in the first place. Xbox servers are the most docile alliance loving hell there is. Its very uncommon to find a ship full of PC players, well that was before Steam. I was the only PC player on my crew for over a year, then 2 of them got PC's. The other 8 or so are still on xbox and they kill and sink people all the time. So the argument of "PC just wins against console" is an empty and tired argument. Its not true. Learn to play the game and get good at it.
Why do players always use the "3 PC's on a galleon" argument anyways? Where are the hell were all these Galleons? I hunt ships in a Sloop begging to find Galleons but these guys are apparently being attacked by Galleons like dogs after squirrels. Most PvP ships aren't Galleons, they are sloops. This is why we know you guys are talking hot air. You guys always pick 4v1 Galleon scenario as if it gives credit to your story but it doesn't, it just lets us know its all smoke.
- I’m glad u like the game and fair play for u I wouldn’t want the game u like to change other then the people on your preferred server to be other people who want to be on that server and people who want to play the same content without the worry of cheaters and grievers, not all players are bad who take part in PVP but for the most part it’s just a repetitive cycle of run or fight - no “ every interaction is different” I got to PL and have never had a friendly player approach me and maybe I have had a few but because of having to watch the horizon then go and cash in before they catch up I wouldn’t have known if they were so doesn’t this game go against its own principles?! And fair enough if you want risk and reward but risk and reward come form an actual risk not just a bunch of people on the server, having dedicated servers would mean that PVPVE would actually pose as a threat not just a chance for pros to prey on noobs and thus I feel PVE is needed, also it’s refreshing that ur not just a “get gud” guy and nice having some decent tone of message to tell me the same point “you need a threat to add to the games intentions of a shared world”
I like how you believe that everyone plays like you do. You are afraid and cash in when you see a ship. Nothing wrong with that, in fact thats what you should be doing. If you don't have the confidence to protect your ship then yes, thats exactly what you should do. Cash in, but since you do it, that must mean everyone does? Including PvP'ers right? False. Most PvP ships have loot on them. We don't rob someone and then cash in right after. We hoard the loot. I know lots of us that do.
Theres a difference between a PvP'er and PvE'er. PvP'ers believe and have confidence that they won't sink in a battle, so we don't RUSH to turn in like you do.
Also you haven't even played the game all that much. All your player encounters? What encounters?
You talk as if you have a ton of experience in the game yet you don't. Had it for 3 years but your stats point to rookie pirate. I have run into lots of different types of pirates. Kind pirates, funny pirates, PvP pirates, whiny pirates. I've played body guard a few times for a pop and kid before. There are other stories on the forums of players having crazy interactions or adventures. However you seem to have none of that.
Would PvE servers effect MY experience? Yes it would. Would it effect the game? Yes it would.
PvE servers would split the player base. The game thrives on all kinds of different players. How can their be all kinds if all the PvE'ers run to a single server? Kind of goes against the vision of the game.
Rare is doing an amazing thing with the private servers. It'll help players who want to create events, content creators, and players who just want to sail around and have fun.
Whats funny is thats exactly what PvE'ers have always complained about -
"I just want to sail around and enjoy the game. Fish, kill the meg." - You get exactly that. You can do whatever you want. Just no progression.
Does having no progression really effect your game play? Its just cosmetics :)