Autoskipping cutscenes

  • tl;dr: Please let us choose to start the game at the main menu (the one where you select between Adventure/Arena/Shop/etc.).

    I like the cutscene that plays when you click "Start Game". It ties in really well with the game UI and all.

    That being said, having to skip that cutscene manually with ESC/B every time and not being able to disable it is a bit of a drag.
    Especially since there's a loading screen right before that cutscene, so you can't just click Start Game and then skip the cutscene right away.
    Being able to skip the opening videos from all the manufacturers would also be nice.
    Ideally, I'd like an option to start the game right into the main menu (the one where you select between Adventure/Arena/Shop/etc.).

    Is that something that can be implemented into the game at some point?

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