What is your opinion on how the game's doing as of lately?

  • I see a lot of mixed opinions and people saying that the game has been doing really well lately, and then theres a complete opposite side of the spectrum saying that the game and it's updates aren't doing well lately...

    So, without starting fights please, and without getting the thread locked, what is your honest opinion on the state of the game... What are your criticisms, what do you like, what don't you like, what would you like, etc.

    I'm curious to see what people's opinions are.

  • 39
  • Bugs...lots of bugs!
    The experience has been going downhill for me for the last few updates.

    Increased lag
    hitreg getting worse
    Water bug
    Bucket not emptying water out
    Game stuttering near islands
    Game crashing a lot
    High ping
    Mast repair glitch
    Cannon loading bug
    Poor server stability
    Drip feeding cosmetics

    These and many more bugs are hurting the game for me. If I didn't love the game I would have left long ago.

  • + more content

    - more bugs

  • I still like to sail in Adventure mode and i apreciate the updates.
    I have fun immersing and have a PvEvP playstyle like imo is intended.
    I set sail for PvE while i like it to be contested and if there is an opportunity to get some booty and/ or a flag stolen from another i wont hesitate to do it, but i stick to the code and dont sink or kill others for the sake of it.
    Originally i'm a roleplayer, so if it doesnt make sense for me to sink someone or feels like beeing a troll from an ingame perspective i wont do it. Otherwise i can justify all PvP with rp'ing a murder hobo pirate.
    But for me personally this is a role that is less challenging and just a poor justification to be not more emapthic and socializing with my fellow players.

    Things i dislike are:

    *PvP only playstyles using exploits to win and Rare not willing to finally just fix it and remove DG and restrict the bh'ing and do some other fixes around combat that make it casual friendly and fair for everyone like it's stated in the pirate code.

    I didnt buy season pass and i also dislike twitch drops, although i have watched some, but i rarely can bear most streamers.

    for the future i wish Rare sticks to their initial vision and develops the game further in that direction, stop waisting ressources on Arena and make it more clear they disallow exploiting and cheesing.

    In my wet dreams:
    i dream of cutlass mandatory,
    only 2 shots from guns
    wet guns not working for 5s.
    bunnyhopping restriction making a 4th hop exhaust you like a lunge
    restrict serverhopping to make it feel more organic and not have to fight cherrypickers and exploiters or have too many people cheese themself out of the regular pool for server matchmaking.

  • I may be easier to present my personal take rather then a game as a whole. We all have our own personal biases. For me, my interest in this game is non-existent. This isn't some goodbye speech or, "Rare fix this or I am gone" type of post. I got well beyond my monies worth from this game, and currently other games have have my focus. My main crew is practically done with this game, and I have no desire to branch out and find a new one.

    Fights were to far in-between with little challenge when we had them. Majority ran or simply sunk with little effort. This isn't complaining about running, they have all the rights to do so, but chases don't appeal to me. Trying to find a good fight was just too taxing even when resorting to hopping. PvE has never interested me, it was never challenging enough. The only reason we ever did it was to attract players, but even then, we were lucky to get attention.

    It was a good run with this game, how many games can hold your interest for a few years? Fights are just few in quantity and quality for my taste.

    Side note, @Stundorn highly recommend not using

    In my wet dreams:

    There is connotations to that phrase that you may have missed. Maybe use "Wildest" dreams instead.

  • Content is great. The whole "we more more and more content" criticism isn't something I agree with or think is reasonable criticism. Lots of content lots of events plenty of stuff to do

    Even I who tries to keep a positive and generous/appreciative view on the game get frustrated with some of these bugs. The ones that affect daily play and commonly performed actions in a negative way get quite annoying

    Merge algorithm needs a lot of improvement to be more efficient and beneficial to the environment.
    Whatever they have done in the last few months about open crew makes it pretty unpleasant ping wise. Open crew is already for champions of patience but adding in a very high chance of ending up on servers from other regions with 150-400 ping really is a test of one's ability to withstand annoyance

    Server hopping is absolutely fine and people should never be restricted on that. Wealth sharing in alliances is counterproductive to the concept of this game and should be removed. It doesn't make sense in this game and it has a negative effect on the servers as far as loot circulation goes.

    Emissaries remain one of the very best things implemented in the game but they need a better system of explaining and encouraging them. There is a large crowd of people that would use them but don't understand them enough.

    In game cosmetics are looking great. Having some stuff for high rollers to spend their gold on has been great. Seasons are great. Events are great. How they did renown was perfect. Not requiring trials was a very very very good decision.

    I have no issue with the setup of the emporium in general but I think packing that thing on a regular basis while there are so many bugs and packing it in a way that feels like it's often a little over board does bring out a lot of negative views out of people especially now that there is a pass system on top of it all.
    It's optional and doesn't hurt the gameplay, that is great but it doesn't mean it's positive for PR.

    Overall I still really enjoy the game and am thankful for the opportunity to have been a part of it.

  • GOOD: The new event system is nice. I like the always-on progression that the seasons provides. I'm always seeing other ships on the seas.

    BAD: There are a lot of combat related bugs that need attention. Latency and/or server performance is still a problem.

    I think I would say overall it's good, but not great. We'll see what the extra dev time brings for content in Season 2, as we haven't really had any game changing features in quite awhile.

  • The games great, but pvp is awful, and very laggy.

  • @klutchxking518

    Honestly, I've been hating the game more and more. Especially recently. It seems that with every update the bugs in the game just get worse.

    They fix some bugs and then other bugs take over. Never have I ever played a game riddled with so many issues. The sad thing is that a lot of it seems to be combat side.

    Cannons shooting higher or lower then where I'm aiming, getting locked up on reload, switching to cursed cannon balls when I selected chainshots or using chainshots when I select cannon balls.

    When I eat a piece of food it constantly changes it to something else even though I have more of the food I ate. I'll have 4 banana's and 1 pineapple. I'll eat a banana and then it pulls out the pineapple so I have to switch back to the banana.

    Constant hit registration problems.

    The game glitching me off my boat or not spawning mermaid when I am MILES away from my ship.

    I spend more time being angry over being Rare'd then I do enjoy playing the game.

  • Updates has been a bit lackluster and a bit to many bugs is passing through testing but it's Covid-season so i can't really put much blame at them. Hopefully it goes back to normal or close to in a near future.

  • maybe its that i don't PvP much, or that I only get a few hours a week to play, but i haven't seen a single bug in this game.

    You guys that have noticed a lot of them, are you part of the insider program? if not, please join to help report these bugs.

  • Sea of Thieves in my opinion lost part of its magic, since the end of the dev weekly updates Rare's communication went downhill, the disconnect only felt stronger and the long list of bad choices just made it worse.
    So what do we have, (and i probably missed some) Emporium shop that really got well received in the beginning and praised for being fair started to make bad experiments, lore based cosmetics time after time, the first more personal items that got added were instruments i think and we knew that its only gonna get worse.
    Costumes were mainly hated and defeated the whole idea for creating something new to fit your style, some compromises turned down.

    Shoving politic views down our throats and then shutting down the convo, banning many players for doubtful reason, and simping some ahem.. streamers who had some mental power trip and got supported by Rare.

    Seasons were introduced in a cheap way, got announced only as seasons and they did not bothered to include in the Plunder pass, Rare did it to introduce it in baby step and while it was speculated in the comments "some" people told us that if they will do that it will be completely different then other games but was not confirmed.
    Low and behold day or two after Rare told us about Plunder pass, there is no innocent reason to why it was not mentioned, simple way to play games with us.

    And Seasons for me were a huge mistake, efforts going to an unoriginal feature that everyone and their sisters have already used it in their games.
    Artifical progression that the only things i can praise about it is that at least if we must do the same thing AGAIN at least this time we didnt needed to go out of our way to progress in it, fair plunder pass system that dont lock items behind it, the Season 1 got really cool cosmetics.
    But i would scratch so much of this boring content from this year and get something more decent.

    I feel like the Adventure element was left out, the one thing that actually was creative got the least attention by far and its a damn shame man.....

    I love Sea of Thieves and the devs are good people and weve got a great community, i had so many memorable moments to treasure and awesome people to meet.
    Story time, sailed with someone from the forum and with her met someone random on the seas and even though she wanted to kill him, ive convicned her not to and now they live together hahaha so it happenes.

    I feel like the game was going through a rough road and i dont know if Rare is really putting effort into what was actually unique in Sea of Thieves but i really want to be wrong.

  • I love this game and the new updates but there are immortal bugs like the black screen of 2 minutes or the hitreg that ruin the pvp really often. And i'd like to see the possibility to change the ship in the middle of a session. But the other things are perfect I never seen all these pirates on the seas in 2 years, the game is going really well.

  • @shifty189 said in What is your opinion on how the game's doing as of lately?:

    You guys that have noticed a lot of them, are you part of the insider program? if not, please join to help report these bugs.

    It's not about finding them but if rare is able to fix them. Most of bugs have been in game for months and in case of hitreg years because fixing them is harder than most people thing and in case of hitreg it's about servers or something so it won't change anything. And also 80-90% of people on forums are insiders.

  • the game is completely broken. i would not recommend playing it at this time or you may break your monitor.

  • Depending on the choice of "system" Pc vs Console.

    • Most the bugs people label can be picked out because of the system being used. I wish the forums had a way of listing this so when a Bug is reported, it also say "Reported on Console" or Pc

    The monthly updates is fine for what they have to offer. No complaints on those choices.

    Report system needs some type of fix. Frankly myself I never report anyone, because I choose to ignore the crazy and childish people but Im sure a lot of people would love to see a ingame type.

    I spend my own time solo slooping, meeting random players. Good or bad, and IRL I keep a small log of my own encounters. Heck Ive even gone as far to wright down stuff on certain islands, I could use an App but this makes it interesting for myself.

    Arena to me will always be that waste of time idea. It was nice, gave some Pvp hard tries something to focus on. But it wasnt enough and only made Reports on players jump and made any achievement hunting impossible if you missed the first few months of its release.

    Allowing myself to act a role as a pirate of my choosing is fun. Be a cutthroat who kills on sight (or be killed) or a washed up pirate who just sails around and fishes for a living.
    Choices and options to do what I want and how I want. Best type of game there is for me.

    My only wishes,

    • That ammo becomes something that needs to be protected. Stay in the water to long, wet powder and ammo damage drops or becomes dead weight.
    • Option to join crews with mics....where in a game that requires communication.(and frankly Im sad nobody has one) Yes we have the wheel and chatpad. But I like voice communication above everything else. Its faster than using text or set words.
    • Day when new pirates, Young pirates, non Vet Pirates stop complaining about players playing a video game about Pirates and doing pirate stuff. I be happy.
  • I mostly play a few games of arena when I log into SOT as adventure has become totally stale experience for me, it's just the same grind after another if you really must complete commendations. I've not been impressed with updates for over a year, give or take a few nice additions.
    Season 1 is pathetic. Nothing new to see here, kill skeletons, catch fish. Zzzzz.
    It's almost as if it exists just to try to get players to buy a plunder pass every 3 months as well as the usual monthly emporium updates.

  • @klutchxking518

    Most positive for me are the new faction quests: treasure vaults, lost shipments and ghost ships give great variety to the game.

    I don't mind the seasons idea but I'm not that excited by it. I'm not opposed to buying a plunder pass but the items for season 1 were pretty bland so I didnt bother. I do like that there are additional rewards for pirate legends however.

    The game does seem a lot buggier than it's ever been though, possibly a knock on effect from the devs all working remotely?

  • @klutchxking518

    The game runs... Has still all the content to make Epic Journeys for all that want to see that Childhood dream come to realisation... But the unrelenting refusal to use a Microphone or written ways of Communication makes that most Pirates come over as more advanced AI ... Fast , cunning , deadly but ...Heart and Spiritless because of their total silence...

    This silence , which i have experienced in many evening sessions , is a slow cancer ,which in time , reduce this game to a game without a Beating Heart and that is the only negative thing i can mention about this game ... And , as you all can see and deduct , Pirates' behaviour has nothing to do with the content or controls of the game.... there is need for a mentality change , but don't look at me to start that movement , i'm only a swabbie , but one with an eye upon our world and that eye has a little tear dangling on the side , because Silence hurts harder than a swordslash...

  • IMO this is the worst sea of thieves has ever been

    This past update theres been Insane bugs that ruin the game..Seriously how does water not even showing in the hull ever get through to the main build ?!

    Last night I was loot stacking and about to fight an enemy galleon...what happens? The whole crew gets hard disconnected and none of us could re-join. what fun this game is.

    There needs to be a change of what is actually happening. If you can't add more content because of hardware and memory issues? Stop supporting the old gen consoles. Make what it is now a classic mode and expand going forward only for PC/Next gen.

    None of my friends play the game anymore or it's hard to keep them on the game when the it just crashes or the insane amount of bugs ruins the fun

    The game needs more content that actually expands the game with more mechanics..no more skeleton bosses please!

  • Content wise better than ever. Bug/stability wise and the flow of pirate vs pirate combat, worse than at launch.

  • Content or lack of content SoT still keeping me away from game pass games. May actually cancel it if I never get round to any others.

  • @scoobywrx555 Microsoft has been buying up studios the last few years and I believe the plan is for all future first-party titles to come straight to Game Pass on launch date

    So if you can, I'd stick around at least until the new Halo. Because they'll have actually fixed all of the complaints about the demo by that time, or it'll be another 2077 meme-game.

    Either way it should be entertaining.

  • @scoobywrx555

    20 Bethesda games dropping on gamepass tomorrow 😉

  • @needsmokes said in What is your opinion on how the game's doing as of lately?:


    20 Bethesda games dropping on gamepass tomorrow 😉

    Actually only 9 new/returning ones - the rest of the 20 games were already there.

  • I really don't think the narrative of not enough content moves the needle much. People complain but I think there is plenty for people to do and steal and most people that enjoy the game aren't going to actually leave it because of their perceived lack of content

    I watched the new SOT news upload this morning and think there is a bit of tone deafness going on with the updates between the seasons. The bugs are getting worse for daily grinding. Not just bugs that negatively affect high skill pve pvp and pve/pvp but just day to day quality of life stuff for more and more outside of the extreme groups. This is a type of thing that does get people to try new games and walk away more often from this one.

    The in between season updates are very heavy on the emporium and cosmetics. The cosmetics are high quality and they are well done but when more and more average gamers are really feeling these unpleasant bugs and common issues it creates a feeling in the community that the focus is not on the heart of the game. It can be seen in the comments on the videos and posts.

    I'm generally optimistic and do think this is just a growing pains moment and will improve overall but I think these current server issues will cause some damage if it goes on too long

  • @dlchief58

    Yes, but they weren't on PC gamepass before I don't think. Could be wrong as I often don't look at the PC catalogue even though I have it.

  • @needsmokes Aye. So I got skyrim on the X360 10years ago but played only a bit. Just recently started it up again. Like Oblivion, it's gonna take me years lol. Now I don't know if they will have achievements on the pc version but I reckon it'll have left xgp by the time I'll get to it lol.

  • @thagoochiestman True definately be onto the new Halo. Havent played much of MCC either yet.

  • @scoobywrx555 said in What is your opinion on how the game's doing as of lately?:

    @needsmokes Aye. So I got skyrim on the X360 10years ago but played only a bit. Just recently started it up again. Like Oblivion, it's gonna take me years lol. Now I don't know if they will have achievements on the pc version but I reckon it'll have left xgp by the time I'll get to it lol.

    What I would do to be able to play Skyrim and Fallout for the first time again!

  • @knifelife can't believe it's 10 years old. Already over encumbered, gotta stop picking up every sword

  • @scoobywrx555 said in What is your opinion on how the game's doing as of lately?:

    @knifelife can't believe it's 10 years old. Already over encumbered, gotta stop picking up every sword

    Yepp, it’s crazy to think I have played it on 3 different generations of Xbox console.

    GTA will be the same soon also xD

  • @ryannewbz said in What is your opinion on how the game's doing as of lately?:

    There needs to be a change of what is actually happening. If you can't add more content because of hardware and memory issues? Stop supporting the old gen consoles. Make what it is now a classic mode and expand going forward only for PC/Next gen.

    This. It's time to cut bait on the old console.

  • @ahauntedsoul said in What is your opinion on how the game's doing as of lately?:

    @ryannewbz said in What is your opinion on how the game's doing as of lately?:

    There needs to be a change of what is actually happening. If you can't add more content because of hardware and memory issues? Stop supporting the old gen consoles. Make what it is now a classic mode and expand going forward only for PC/Next gen.

    This. It's time to cut bait on the old console.

    Problem is. New consoles have been out for half a year or less and if you haven't noticed they have bad supply compared to demand. Because this thing called corona it has effected so production of products and shipping them. If they would cut xbox one's out it would probaply be cutting 40% of player base out (if i remember that by beginning of year it wss 50/50with pc/xbox)

    They should wait for more people to get their hands on these pices of gold before cutting down support for old ones.

  • @klutchxking518 said in What is your opinion on how the game's doing as of lately?:

    I see a lot of mixed opinions and people saying that the game has been doing really well lately, and then theres a complete opposite side of the spectrum saying that the game and it's updates aren't doing well lately...

    So, without starting fights please, and without getting the thread locked, what is your honest opinion on the state of the game... What are your criticisms, what do you like, what don't you like, what would you like, etc.

    I'm curious to see what people's opinions are.

    Mine? 👍

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