Release Notes - 2.5.2

  • Release Notes - 2.5.2
    Read our release notes for today's release to find out more about the fixes and improvements that this build introduces.

    Release Notes - 2.5.2

    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

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  • 13
  • @meroviel Morrow's Peak Outpost seems to now be lying dormant due to decreased volcanic activity, meaning crews will no longer encounter island volcanic threats on this island.

    Ok, with this I guess we get a new outpost to spawn soon...

  • Is it just me or should bucket reg be acknowledged in the known issues section? It's quite impactful and has been with us for a while now, it would give confidence that Rare are on the case!

  • "Players should no longer become stuck within palm trees at Ancient Spire Outpost." - I had a session ruined due to this not too long ago. So, yay!


    Thank you!!!

  • @ninja-naranja It isn't locked behind any cosmetics either! Honestly super happy about this fact, it's such an amazing ship set, so glad to finally have access to it!

  • Anybody else not getting the new Eastern Winds Jade Beard? I bought it didn't show up in my vanity chest, so i joined another server and i was for sale again bought it and the same problem. And yea i lost 120k 😂

  • Is anyone else having the problem, that you "sell" loot to the companies, but do not get any gold, nor emmissary ledger and no progress on commandations?
    First I thought it just is lagging a bit, but the sold item just pop up at the bottom. No price and gold increase is shown on top, the ledger is still at zero though i have a GRADE V emissary flag for that company up.. Also when picking up gold from a pile, or chest no gold is added..
    Created a ticket and keep selling/giving away my loot, hoping I will get something for it later..

    ( It is all loot from the sunken kingdom, from treasuries )

  • The Fort of the dammed won't activate after placing the ritual skull. We have all the lanterns lit. Has anyone experienced this?

  • @nextspectre Same here sadly

  • @nextspectre The Eastern winds beard is gone from my inventory and from the stores.

    I really hope rare puts it back to the game .

  • Why was the Eastern Winds Jade Beard removed from the game? Did some idiot complain it was offensive somehow?

  • @nextspectre Yep, can happen from time to time. Frustrating, but not much you can do. Occasionally it will start populating if you quit and logon to another server.

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