Is Soulflame captain supposed to not drop loot sometimes?

  • We've encountered this bug 3 times already. When you kill soulflame captain during the legend of the veil, sometimes he doesn't drop a single piece of loot.

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  • @rustyaldrich said in Is Soulflame captain supposed to not drop loot sometimes?:

    We've encountered this bug 3 times already. When you kill soulflame captain during the legend of the veil, sometimes he doesn't drop a single piece of loot.

    Depends on where you kill him but sometimes the loot glitches and is not visible, but still there. It will be just below the visible surface because the actual ground collision model is lower than the visual one.

  • @kommodoreyenser
    Oh, it's still there so you can pick it up? I think I tried to do that, but it didn't work for me. Maybe I was looking in the wrong place though.

  • @rustyaldrich said in Is Soulflame captain supposed to not drop loot sometimes?:

    Oh, it's still there so you can pick it up? I think I tried to do that, but it didn't work for me. Maybe I was looking in the wrong place though.

    You will also notice this at times when digging treasure and some places on some islands. The first dig you get the audio cue and the notification for finding treasure, but it doesn’t appear until the second or third dig because the visual and collision layers of the terrain aren’t the same in that location. There is a ton of it in different forms everywhere. One of the most controversial is the rock at Thieves Haven you can fully walk into and disappear. Players over the years have used it to hide treasure, although there are many other places this occurs.

    Try dropping flags or keys on certain places on your ship for a quick demonstration!

  • @kommodoreyenser пишет в Is Soulflame captain supposed to not drop loot sometimes?:

    @rustyaldrich said in Is Soulflame captain supposed to not drop loot sometimes?:

    Oh, it's still there so you can pick it up? I think I tried to do that, but it didn't work for me. Maybe I was looking in the wrong place though.

    You will also notice this at times when digging treasure and some places on some islands. The first dig you get the audio cue and the notification for finding treasure, but it doesn’t appear until the second or third dig because the visual and collision layers of the terrain aren’t the same in that location. There is a ton of it in different forms everywhere. One of the most controversial is the rock at Thieves Haven you can fully walk into and disappear. Players over the years have used it to hide treasure, although there are many other places this occurs.

    Try dropping flags or keys on certain places on your ship for a quick demonstration!

    Ooh, good to know that. Thanks for the info!

  • @rustyaldrich said in Is Soulflame captain supposed to not drop loot sometimes?:

    @kommodoreyenser пишет в Is Soulflame captain supposed to not drop loot sometimes?:

    @rustyaldrich said in Is Soulflame captain supposed to not drop loot sometimes?:

    Oh, it's still there so you can pick it up? I think I tried to do that, but it didn't work for me. Maybe I was looking in the wrong place though.

    You will also notice this at times when digging treasure and some places on some islands. The first dig you get the audio cue and the notification for finding treasure, but it doesn’t appear until the second or third dig because the visual and collision layers of the terrain aren’t the same in that location. There is a ton of it in different forms everywhere. One of the most controversial is the rock at Thieves Haven you can fully walk into and disappear. Players over the years have used it to hide treasure, although there are many other places this occurs.

    Try dropping flags or keys on certain places on your ship for a quick demonstration!

    Ooh, good to know that. Thanks for the info!

    Yeah, careful with that kinda thing though. I say the Thieves Haven rock is controversial because some have been handed temp bans for exploiting doing stuff like that.

  • @rustyaldrich I had this happen 2x today so far. never had an issue prior to the update so i assume it is bugged

  • Had this happen on every single Veil quest last night. What's going on? It wasn't glitched under the ground because the ammo pouch he dropped was on top of the ground.

  • I have had this happen with every veil quest since the last update. I feel it broke something. Hopefully it gets fixed soon

    Spawn rates for the sunken ship part appear to be off as well. We have been doing two veils a day for the past week and only had one shipwreck

  • Unless all you players are submitting support tickets, it is not likely to be fixed quickly in a hot patch.

  • @kommodoreyenser support ticket logged along with a link to this thread

  • I had this happen 2 more times over the last 2 days. Both times on different islands and was sure it wasn't because it was hidden in the ground.

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