No oreo Codes???

  • Guys, I got my lucky hands on oreo 1 or 2 days, did everything it took to get the prize
    But yet no result and no code
    Anyone knows if the codes are still available?

  • 40
  • mass activity from a few different communities lead to a delay for people

    probably a lot of people without it right now

  • @scaryfawn235336 a dit dans No oreo Codes??? :

    Guys, I got my lucky hands on oreo 1 or 2 days, did everything it took to get the prize
    But yet no result and no code
    Anyone knows if the codes are still available?

    Same here :(

  • We're being told in the official discord that you need to contact Oreo directly about delayed or missing codes.

  • Same...
    Got the message and got no code yet

  • @wolfmanbush
    You have an email adress?

  • @zuckerkreis8421 people have received emails stating something along the lines of "we ran out of codes but don't worry we are working to get you one." So you should receive one but it might take a bit.

  • @abjectarity Got the message, now im waiting...

  • @abjectarity said in No oreo Codes???:

    @zuckerkreis8421 people have received emails stating something along the lines of "we ran out of codes but don't worry we are working to get you one." So you should receive one but it might take a bit.

    They either had a very small number of codes or this game is not as dead as some like to insist.

  • @pumpa-cat said in No oreo Codes???:

    They either had a very small number of codes or this game is not as dead as some like to insist.

    You know that the Oreo promotion involves Forza Horizon and Halo as well, right? Like, big games?

  • I really don't want to sugarcoat this but

    I'm very sure the craze of obtaining these cosmetics with the Oreo promotion went in a very destructive direction when participants could join in without the need to purchase the product required for participation.

    They likely "ran out of codes to give" because of said craze.

  • @eldritchbear said in No oreo Codes???:

    @pumpa-cat said in No oreo Codes???:

    They either had a very small number of codes or this game is not as dead as some like to insist.

    You know that the Oreo promotion involves Forza Horizon and Halo as well, right? Like, big games?

    Nah. Both FH and Halo are dead.

    Well, if others can claim that about SoT, I’m going to claim it about other big games. 🤣

  • There are alot of people trying to exploit the promotion. I saw on social media where people are trying to guess the codes and are doing it successfully. I would hope that if you would happen to be the unlucky one where your code has already been claimed by someone who just guessed it, that you could provide a proof of purchase to get a newly generated one by support.

    I've been to BP gas station, a huge Sainsburys and COOP next to my home in UK, nobody has the Oreos with Xbox promotion. I would not be surprised that they have them in stock, but wanna sell their old stock first. And given that Oreos are mass produced cookies, full of sugar with bland taste, by the time majority of them will come out, the promotion will be over :D

  • @zig-zag-ltu

    Nothing at Tesco either.

  • @pumpa-cat I guess you could find some at a huge Asda, but I dont really feel like driving there just for oreos.

  • @pumpa-cat said in No oreo Codes???:


    Nothing at Tesco either.

    We just got the Xbox code packets of Oreo in at Tesco 😄

  • The promotion wasn't even supposed to go live until Jan 16, was my understanding.

  • @personalc0ffee said in No oreo Codes???:

    The promotion wasn't even supposed to go live until Jan 16, was my understanding.

    a few days into January depending on the area

    Germany, Italy, Portugal and a few others went live earlier. I'm pretty sure the official statement was "January" and the 16th part was specific to an area.

  • The promotion opened to the UK on the 16th of January however the promotion was already open for other countries before hand and as stated by another user, Oreo allowed an option to deny access to the camera and to continue and complete the puzzle without having to get Oreos in the first place. People found this out and abused it for codes until they stopped sending codes out. They have not sent any codes since me posting this but gave an update a couple of days ago for people who were already waiting for codes:

    Hello [MY NAME]
    your playfulness knocks our socks off!

    We've run out of codes due to the unexpected and overwhelming response to our campaign.

    As much as we appreciate your interest, we regret to inform you that the delivery of your gaming skins will be delayed by a few days. Our team is working tirelessly to get the new codes to you in a timely manner. We promise your skins will be worth the wait!

    Many greetings,
    your OREO team

  • I went to Morrisons a few days before the 16th and they had them. It’s been a week now and still no codes. I even did it twice.

  • Bought 3 multi packs, all excited and nothing in days, why are rare not pushing for new codes to be sent out

  • Rare aren't the ones running this, Oreo are. So if you are having issues or not recieving your code, they're the ones you need to contact.

  • I've just received my code! Finally!

    (I live in England.)

  • @scaryfawn235336 did you check spam folders etc?

  • @nex-stargaze yep oreo are going to be annoyed when they compare the number of codes issued with their sales of the product.
    When the majority of people with sails used vpn and a workaround to get them.
    I also saw a video from happyfeetz confirming rare have now banned partners from giving away any dlc related content like this (they can still do capstan, 6 packs)

  • @hiradc yep, there was a message that said they had some trouble. But no code yet

  • @hiradc said in No oreo Codes???:

    @nex-stargaze yep oreo are going to be annoyed when they compare the number of codes issued with their sales of the product.
    When the majority of people with sails used vpn and a workaround to get them.
    I also saw a video from happyfeetz confirming rare have now banned partners from giving away any dlc related content like this (they can still do capstan, 6 packs)

    Is that statement there a violation of the partner NDA? Like can he actually say that? That seems to be something they should have kept to themselves.

    Rare should just provide the codes to partners directly for these sorts of things and partners should definitely not have been encouraging or explaining how to get around the system.

  • @personalc0ffee the partner only mentioned not being able to give out codes they weren't giving instructions on how to workaround

  • @personalc0ffee said in No oreo Codes???:

    Is that statement there a violation of the partner NDA? Like can he actually say that? That seems to be something they should have kept to themselves.

    This partner was known for utilizing streamloots to give away codes for items that are not meant to be offered by unofficial means (Ferryman, Black Dog, Oreo Ship Sets). With the unexpected situation with the Oreo promotion, Rare went on damage control in order to prevent their partners from offering codes for a time limited promotion region locked to countries a fair amount of their playerbase isn't in, and other codes that were likely purchased directly off of Ebay.

    This is why they made this announcement, this would conflict with their audience that may have been planning to participate in streamloots specifically for these commodities, and Rare sprung this new rule onto partners suddenly.

  • @nex-stargaze said in No oreo Codes???:

    @personalc0ffee said in No oreo Codes???:

    Is that statement there a violation of the partner NDA? Like can he actually say that? That seems to be something they should have kept to themselves.

    This partner was known for utilizing streamloots to give away codes for items that are not meant to be offered by unofficial means (Ferryman, Black Dog, Oreo Ship Sets). With the unexpected situation with the Oreo promotion, Rare went on damage control in order to prevent their partners from offering codes for a time limited promotion region locked to countries a fair amount of their playerbase isn't in, and other codes that were likely purchased directly off of Ebay.

    This is why they made this announcement, this would conflict with their audience that may have been planning to participate in streamloots specifically for these commodities, and Rare sprung this new rule onto partners suddenly.

    Ah, thank you for that clarification.

  • I've also been waiting for an update for about 5 days now. I'm from Germany, so i was lucky to participate relatively early. At first, i didn't recieve anything, no newsletter, no confirmation i even took part, nothing. I did it with my personal E-mail adress for myself (skipped the camera), and my GF found a pack at our local gas station and did it with hers. After about 3-4 days we at least got the same E-mail some of you already posted, that they ran out of codes etc.

    What we will be doing now is just wait, there's nothing we can really do otherwise. We got their E-mail as confirmation that we took part, if there are any problems in the future I'm sure their support will at least aknowledge it.

  • I'm out of the loop, what's an Oreo code??

  • @rdrjj said in No oreo Codes???:

    I'm out of the loop, what's an Oreo code??

    oreo and xbox worked out a deal for cosmetics for a few games

    one being SoT sails and hull but it's exclusive to certain countries

    so people have been chasing after codes from those areas and the mass activity/cheesing the system lead to a delay in rewards

    Really fun sails and a nice wandering reaperesque hull so it's quite popular

  • @wolfmanbush ah, I see, thanks for the clear response.

  • Hi, any news about that ?

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