should they make priate legend harder??

  • IMO most pirate legends that I come across tend to have a lack of pvp skill (obviously some are goated but yea) i would like to see something small such as to achieve pirate legend you need to something small like 10 lv in either hourglass this might show pirates how to pvp (better) and would make the hourglass more populated for people grinding it for a curse or fun. I don't think this will happen but I think it could be good. i would like to hear your opinions

  • 31
  • Just no.

  • @foambreaker fair

  • the way I see PL is a point where you have put a solid amount of effort into many parts of the game so adding a small section the need to try hourglass as lv 10 is only 11 (ish) wins which isn't too hard even against better crews, in 20-30 fight (depending on skill) it will only take 5-10 hours in total and improve the avg pvp ability of most crews

  • PL doesn’t mean higher pvp skills

    But yeah. Pl needs to be a “special” achievement again. Not simply “I played with friends who helped me unlock everything”. It needs to be a single achievement.

  • @burnbacon no but it should be like you said it should be more "specail" or "uncommon" i thought hourglass could be the way to do this but if you have any ideas i would love to hear them

  • Everyone's story is different. It takes some a long time and a lot of effort to get to pirate legend. To them is was a long journey. Not everyone coordinates in this game like in the social areas, not everyone has that core group of crew mates to get through things together.

    This is an adventure environment, nobody has to be anything they just get to be who they are. If they become a pirate legend and aren't that skilled at fighting or don't wanna fight, that's alright.

    I'm a peaceful dude that wears good boy cosmetics and am not skilled at tdm. People don't have to be anything, if they go through the requirements that's good enough imo.

    Nothing to be arrogant about in this game imo and nothing that obligates people to meet other's expectations.

    It's a random fight in a game, at the most experienced level people are just trading wins and losses depending on which way the wind blows that fight, nothing to take serious imo.

  • I think that experience that a lot of people had getting to PL is gone. I've gotten two people to PL since becoming PL. One of them was over the course of one month and neither of them really had the phase of doing the beginer voyages. I think they both started with sea forts. Meanwhile someone I spent a lot of hours with didn't make it because his hours were back before sea forts. Kind of funny. Anyway.

    Pirate Legend doesn't really mean anything. Once upon a time nobody was a legend and it was all mysterious and nobody knew how it would work. Those days are gone. But it's for the best. How else could new friends catch up?

  • Since you have to High Seas to PL, it's fine. They'll get their share of pvp abuse.

    Stop using HG for gatekeeping anything besides the curses and cosmetics.

    Some of us are smugglers!

  • @pithyrumble That is fair but I wouldn't call it "pvp abuse"

  • @hurtwillcam10 i personly don't like the negative stigma around pvp as it is a ligament part of a pirate video game

  • @hurtwillcam10 as much as pve is

  • @burnbacon said in should they make priate legend harder??:

    PL doesn’t mean higher pvp skills

    But yeah. Pl needs to be a “special” achievement again. Not simply “I played with friends who helped me unlock everything”. It needs to be a single achievement.

    But that's how we got this stupid guild grind.

    They made it so the overachievers would not finish it over night and as a result all the normal players will never finish it.

    You can't design around overachievers at the expense of normal customers.

  • It's already too late to bother making things like this harder tbh. If they were gonna do it they needed to do it on Emissary launch

  • I just don't see the point. The only content PL unlocks are Athena voyages, which are just more of what you did to get there, Thieves' Haven Runs which are now second fiddle to Veils, and Veils which are only good at grinding out Athena levels and not the most profitable activity to pursue. So making it harder is just making it take even longer for new players to be able to participate in two newish things to do. Considering HG grind is new and Guilds grind is brand new, making the first grind of the game harder is unnecessarily punishing to new players and does absolutely nothing to us 75/75/75/75/50/30 veterans.

    Instead of arbitrarily adding grinds they should focus on more things to do. There are basic voyages for the trading companies, then the level 20 advanced ones (vaults, fleets, and lost shipments). I want to see a trio of new voyages unlocked at level 40, and another Athena voyage like the veil. The problem isn't the grind is too short, the problem is the grind is too repetitive. They really need to do something to bring focus to daily deeds after that. 100 gold just isn't enough incentive for me to do another riddle map from Humphrey...

  • @hurtwillcam10 becoming PL isn't about how strong you are it's about creating a name for yourself weather through exploring, sailing, or simply finding as much gold as you can like the kleptomaniacs that we all are

  • People with thousands of hours in this game need to stop imagining themselves as mainstream or representative of how people play this game. Fewer than 5% of players on XBOX are PL. it’s plenty challenging for most people to get and in fact, the grind to do it via most normal play that people can afford to spend is steep enough for many to presume they will never get there and probably made more than a few that used to be here move on to other games.

    The game is 5+ yrs old. If anything the relative dearth of players at PL should demonstrate the diminishing returns of this kind thinking.

  • Perhaps those pirate legends who are bad at PVP, have been catching chickens. So they are legends in their own right.

    Also if you are good at games, does not mean everyone is. So I would be against making pirate legend harder, its a good achievement for new pirates that they look forward to getting and it takes one a fair amount of time to get there without experienced crew members, going against experienced players. We are 5 years in now, a lot of pirates are at least decent.

    I would however, like to see another new title pirates could look forward to after unlocking Pirate Legend. And that title should be something as exciting as PL, but you would be able to obtain it just by regularly playing the game. Not like ''Legendary Hunter of Sea of Thieves'' where you really need to zone in to a single activity and do it in very specific and grinding way to get it. It's not fun.

  • Since Ships Of Fortune becoming PL has become very easy for a dedicated player. And being PL never meant anything regarding PvP skills. Three PvE factions to level 50. A dedicated player can make it in one day, some even in 6 hours or less if you were the speedrun type.

    But the average SoT adventure player spending average adventure player time in this game will take and need a good while to become PL. And while advertised as "endgame goal" it surely is not. It is just the "first" big achievement. It used to be the "endgame" when there was nothing else than Thieves Haven Runs but since then so much new content has been added. A lot of it even PL exclusive.

    I'd suggest seeing the road to PL as more of an "extended maiden voyage", it is the extended tutorial time.

  • I think that pvp tied commendation, titles and curses are good way to indicate that its probably skilled in fight pirate.

    Im here with @WolfManbush every way to pirate legend should be own story.

    It's ok as it is now.

  • Since i started in 2021 pl has never been an indication of a good level of experience or game mastery, I don't think it needs to be any harder. There's plenty of stuff to grind post pl

  • If anyone watches Futurama here, you must remember the episode where Fry moved in with B3nder and B3nders (seriously his name is censored?Why?) flat was basically a small closet space, since he is a robot and then at the end Fry realizes that B3nders actual closet is the size of a spacious apartment.

    So same was with Pirate legend. You get it, you think you achieved it all. Then realize it was literally a tutorial and a vast amount of stuff to look forward to.

    Idk just a silly thought that passed my mind. :D

  • @merlin-mav-k said in should they make priate legend harder??:

    People with thousands of hours in this game need to stop imagining themselves as mainstream or representative of how people play this game. Fewer than 5% of players on XBOX are PL. it’s plenty challenging for most people to get and in fact, the grind to do it via most normal play that people can afford to spend is steep enough for many to presume they will never get there and probably made more than a few that used to be here move on to other games.

    The game is 5+ yrs old. If anything the relative dearth of players at PL should demonstrate the diminishing returns of this kind thinking.

    That's not really a fair statistic because remember 5% includes game pass pirates who logged in for all of one hour and decided "nah." The average contemporary AAA title has 20-40 "main campaign" hours of play and two to three times that in "side quest" type activities. What I'd love to see is how many pirates with over 100 hours in game are PL. I think that would be a more pertinent statistic.

  • No.

    Why should that be a requirement? Also, leveling up in HG doesn't require skill, just time. Sure you level up faster if you have skill, but it isn't required. See: loss farmers with both curses.

    There's no reason to make getting to endgame content more difficult. What's the point?

    What they should do instead is require that you have Allianced with at least 20 other ships (and not sank them) before become Pirate Legend to prove that you can interact with other ships in a positive way instead of just sailing your Brig around and sinking the first noob solo sloop you see at an outpost "for the lolz".

    This isn't a serious suggestion, obviously, but I think having more benefits for positive interactions with other crews would help the game a lot. Too many murder-hobos.

  • @hurtwillcam10 PL is like a drivers license, just because you have it doesn’t mean you should enter NASCAR

  • The game is evolving and it makes sense that progressing toward Pirate Legends gets simpler over time.

    Instead, they should introduce new ways of progression that would put into interest RPG players to stay in the game. There is no real reason to play the game.
    The target audience of this game is tight. I can't really understand how SoT can be profit-making based on the player base and what's inside the premium shop.
    There is a huge potential in this game but without a touch.

  • No they don't need to make PL harder what they need to do is implement more AFTER PL.

    For the longest time SoT lacked content so it was important for Rare to add more things for new players to do on their way to PL. However now a days there is so much available content that a new player would hit PL before having run out of new things to do.

    Rare should focus now on adding more content after one achieves PL since the whole game frames it like it's the end when in reality it's far from it.

  • I'm actually torn on this. On paper I actually like this idea "today", but with an HG lvl drop to 5 only. But as a noob, the last thing I wanted to do was PvP while I was trying to grind missions for PL and had a boatload of loot. BUT since HG is basically a separate mode of play, and voluntary, it kind of feels like an ok idea to me.

  • "No need to make it harder, I'll catch these aspiring legends on the high seas and make them earn it". Which means that perhaps after the split happens, it will become harder for them naturally, they will no longer be on a server full of tall talers and fishermen.

  • @karkona yea I reckon with fewer high seas servers being full the "pve" community who pose pvp is going to get a shock cause even if 3 pvp crews are going around servers they make the game quite hard for the less skilled pirates hopefully this will make them learn at least a little pvp while going thought the game

  • @nitroxien said in should they make priate legend harder??:

    No they don't need to make PL harder what they need to do is implement more AFTER PL.

    For the longest time SoT lacked content so it was important for Rare to add more things for new players to do on their way to PL. However now a days there is so much available content that a new player would hit PL before having run out of new things to do.

    Rare should focus now on adding more content after one achieves PL since the whole game frames it like it's the end when in reality it's far from it.

    Most people aren't compatible with what is over represented in the social spaces.

    Most people aren't really looking for years and years and thousands of hours of play.

    Imo the issue isn't how the more casual player views the environment, it's more how us veteran players have viewed it.

    Many of the issues in the community aren't even built into the game, it's just things that we created as players and then expect those expectations to be catered to for very long amounts of time. Has Rare played into that often? absolutely,

    If anything, the casual players that bounce for 6 months or a year probably have it more right than us. Just a game to casually have some fun with, not take too serious, not constantly need a grind and some sort of piratical superiority to chase.

    A live service game was never realistically going to serve us a lot of what we wanted throughout the years.

    The cheesing in the game got too extreme and the gap between organic play and coordinated play got far too extreme for people to take any grind serious anymore.

    Having people here because they want to be here, when they want to be here, will lead healthier encounters and gameplay.

    People getting hooked on these grinds and status and all the other stuff has just lead to people that really don't wanna be here sticking around and making it more unpleasant for others. Imo.

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