Guilds & Ships

  • The guild to ship interaction is kind of limited at the moment. I know it's new, but there are some immediate issues which come to mind, which are driving issues in our guilds:

    • Ships, once pledged, are stuck there. So once the guild uses a given sloop a lot, that sloop is there, in its ordered place, being the one people take out. In my case, the sloop is listed first, is legendary across the board, and the owner now wants to move to their next ship. Even with three guilds under their belt, that means the guilds will be missing out on reputation, which is hard enough for many of us to get as it is (guild owners are obviously stuck here, they can't leave and rejoin, and they'll actively harm their guilds by flooding it with their own fleet or using non-guild ships); Apparently not, see end of post.
    • Ships seeem to be stuck in a fixed order, with nobody being able to change them;
    • We've had some quirks where non-captains/owners couldn't change cosmetics on guild ships (this seems to be resolved now, but it's worth flagging);
    • 'Early mover'/'early joiner' status means people can flood guilds with ships.

    My suggestions for this would be:

    • Allow each guild member to put in one ship of each type, raising the cap to 72 (3 x 24); (Edit: Even if the cap is functionally, 360 we don't need more?)
    • Allow players to swap a ship-for-a-ship, rotating their existing Guild Pledged sloop/brig/gal out for an equivalent (players still need to earn that gold to buy a new one, and you need to be active enough to get involved in this anyway);
    • Allow players to request to remove a pledged vessel (having a Guild Owner/Leader then approving), preventing any 'leave guild' followed by 'invite me' situations; Apparently already a thing;
    • Show us the status of the ships (minimally 'is the vessel legendary?'), so guilds have some option to rotate their support for vessels. It would be nice to have each of the potential legendary status markers shown, so we can work out what to take out for playing music on long voyages, or hourglassing;
    • Filtering/sorting of vessels would be nice too (so we could filter out legendary for X), perhaps tagging of some kind. I know the metadata and processing overheads here are extremely low if using existing ship data, but so too is showing markers or an overview of the vessel (even if we have to click it).

    I guess the bottom line is that we don't need the guild grind to actively harm other, normal, progression. Those who've done the previous commendations, which are shadowed by guilds, may not care, but it's actively limiting (harmful even?) to newer players, and, as a result, guilds.

    To remove a ship from a Guild: Play -> Guild -> Select (your) ship -> Sharing Options -> Remove Pledged Ship. (This needs to be made way more accessible, perhaps listed under 'My Ships' and then 'Pledged' or something.)

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  • There is not currently a limit on how many ships can be pledged, or not a published limit. My guild currently has 58 ships.

    They show your ships first, in the order you pledged them, then the other members ships in the order they were pledged. So if you haven’t pledged any personally, you’ll just see the ships in the order they were pledged.

    If you want to change the order, unpledge the ship(which you can do anytime, don’t need permission), then repledge it, it will be moved to the back of the list of either your personal ships, or the overall ships… if this makes sense?

  • @abjectarity said in Guilds & Ships:

    There is not currently a limit on how many ships can be pledged, or not a published limit. My guild currently has 58 ships.

    Thanks. That's my misunderstanding; the manifest loading issue made us think we'd been capped, and nobody's wanted to touch it since. I'm not sure unlimited (or no known cap of) ships is great either, but I guess worst case a guild would have 360.

    They show your ships first, in the order you pledged them, then the other members ships in the order they were pledged. So if you haven’t pledged any personally, you’ll just see the ships in the order they were pledged.

    I see mine first, but they went in first to help a few newer players who didn't have any.

    If you want to change the order, unpledge the ship(which you can do anytime, don’t need permission), then repledge it, it will be moved to the back of the list of either your personal ships, or the overall ships… if this makes sense?

    Good to know too :) I haven't tried to unpledge my sloop, but the brig was in use every time I'd have wanted to pull it out.

  • @abjectarity said in Guilds & Ships:

    There is not currently a limit on how many ships can be pledged, or not a published limit. My guild currently has 58 ships.

    That's interesting. The patch notes for the most recent hotfix specifically call out 42 ships as being the limit that can be pledged to a guild.

    "Guilds that reach the limit of 42 pledged ships can now continue to access the Guilds tab and browse their progress."

  • @habiki said in Guilds & Ships:

    @abjectarity said in Guilds & Ships:

    There is not currently a limit on how many ships can be pledged, or not a published limit. My guild currently has 58 ships.

    That's interesting. The patch notes for the most recent hotfix specifically call out 42 ships as being the limit that can be pledged to a guild.

    "Guilds that reach the limit of 42 pledged ships can now continue to access the Guilds tab and browse their progress."

    I think the wording is a bit off there - you could pledge more than 42 ships but once you did that, it broke the menu so that if you ever left the game you'd have trouble selecting another guild ship.

  • @d3adst1ck ah, alleviate the clarification.

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