Finding cheaters, expolits and bugs

  • I have recently got tired of the cheaters and bugs in the game and so I created a group named called "ban cheaters sea of thieves" or BCSOF for short our goal is to not only get rid of cheaters but help find bugs and exploits to report them directly to rare, I wish to be able to get in contact with a member of rare so we can work together to solve a problem that has been hurting the game massivly!, We are also always looking for more people to help us find cheaters and bugs and report them!
    all bugs and cheaters reports are first viewed by a trusted staff member to check that they are not fake reports!
    players are required to have proof when reporting a player and every player who has been found out as a cheater will be publicly shamed and reported by our members and hopefully by me or staff memebers directly to rare to make stuff easier. if you wish to help us than [mod removed]
    I hope a worker in rare sees this and decide to help us!
    if anyone wishes to contact me for more details join the server and open a ticket and me or a staff member will reply.

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  • If you believe a player has been toxic in the game or suspect foul-play, you can report them to Xbox Live here. You can also submit a support ticket via Rare Player Support. As this is a matter for Support and not the Forums, I'll be dropping anchor here.

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