PS5 friendly shout out...

  • Hi all,
    I'm totally excited to be playing Sea of Thieves soon, I've been wanting this to beon playstation for ever but seemed it nvr would. Until I guess I'll have to be ready for the "meat grinder" with veteran players but over all im sure it'll be fun. I do t have many friends and hopefully in here I can meet some. My id is Vortec60 and looking for a crew and mates to hang and be pirates with. I jeed to learn a lot do be patient plz.

  • 19
    communityjust for fun
  • Welcome aboard shipmate!

  • The sea of thieves world will never seem so vast and mysterious as when you journey through inexperience.

    I wouldn't worry about being a part of a "meat grinder" because we all sink sometimes no matter how skilled or experienced we get. Always a bigger fish and there are always randomly unfortunate situations. We are all a part of that.

    Whatever you do, don't rush it, that will just be robbing yourself of experiences that you will look back on fondly later.

    Approach this game like an opportunity to have fun and to find rewarding experiences rather than an obligation and/or a job and you'll take this adventure about as far as you want to take it, maybe even beyond what you think is possible.


  • @wolfmanbush

    I was saying this to a fellow pirate yesterday.

    It’s a game about loot where the loot isn’t the be all and end all. Ultimately you will get your gold, commendations and PL.

    Also you can spend AGES chasing runaway scallywags before sinking them, when you could be selling loot and grinding instead.

    It’s very much a game of experiences to be enjoyed and not a typical ‘looter’-type game imo.

  • @captainwilks

    Well said! Welcome to the seas, we really needed new players on the seas, not for the "meat grinder" but to diversify the sandbox which is the best part of the game.

  • @oldreclaimer

    Thank you. Just a 7 day wait to get my sea legs again (urgh..)

  • if you guys see that the crossplay is too intense restrict the game to PS5 only (although on the long run i would advise to be on crossplay enabled)

  • @oldreclaimer

    Exactly what I will do mate. I’m going to start on PS5 only until I have all my guild ships sorted (I already have a sloop and almost a brig), then open it up to all comers :)

  • I like to fish FYI....and really want to do the fishing tournament when it's up and running. I watched a tutorial jist on fishing and its freaking insanely awesome! I'm going to love this game. And I'll probably puke a few times doing mead doing it as well lol.

  • @vortc60 said in PS5 friendly shout out...:

    I like to fish FYI....and really want to do the fishing tournament when it's up and running. I watched a tutorial jist on fishing and its freaking insanely awesome! I'm going to love this game. And I'll probably puke a few times doing mead doing it as well lol.

    Have you ever considered Megalodon hunting?

    You'd make a wonderful hunter of the shrouded ghost.

  • @wolfmanbush

    Ha! Yeah idk not yet amd besides I need to find those wand things to blast it. Those work better apparently for that. I did however...get a warm welcome on the Beta after me and my nephew got killed on our sloop. And then spawned back only to be headed for the rocks and wrecked. Lol good times!!! That was funny. He named his ship Rock Side i think it is now.

  • @oldreclaimer
    Not sure if thats an option with cross play with new season coming out i would think there isn't going to be ps5 only as they did incorporate a "safer yet boring seas"

  • @vortc60

    Boring but perfect for fishing mate :)

  • 70% loss long as we can tune to some mead im in ...savy 😆

  • @vortc60 the challenges and hardened lessons not to catch bad habits from safer ones.

  • Grog is a given!

    I haven’t really tried safet seas tbh, the 70% drop in loot…urgh… :)

  • Hope you guys have a great time when this game becomes available for PS5. Just remember solo sloop is the hard version of SOT and always be aware of your surroundings!

  • @metal-ravage

    Thanks mate.

    And you’re right! I have a small crew together from the beta, but starting a guild in order to mitigate against ‘solo slooping’ haha.

  • TBH, I've had a great time just seeing all the new wonder and joy in new players posts on the various social outlets. I haven't seen this much excitement since the Tech Alpha. All of you new swabbies will be a welcome addition to the Sea of Thieves. If there is any advice I can give, Don't get discouraged by losing loot. It can be disheartening at first, but let that defeat push you to learn more and improve your skills and pirating knowledge. Just get out there again and get krackin'

    Fair winds and calm seas,
    Captain of the Merry Fool

communityjust for fun
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