Elder Magic comes to the wicked Sea Of Thieves

  • Hello there mighty Rare Captains..
    Do not be afraid of my idyllic profile looks, I am but a humble Captain in these lands, so it would appear...
    My name is Hoberstein, just Hoberstein would suffice, for now... 👽
    I was born in the worlds outside of the Seas yet the Seas have always been my home.
    I have been awake since before the ancient frames were created by the Legendary Captains of Rare, have stood present when the first skeletons emerged from the depths of the Isles, seen the minting of the first Ancient Coins and witnessed the Voyages of the first Pirates. Many have heard faint whispers and legends about me, no one knows where I am or where I exactly come from, I still reside on the deepest side, beyond the charted maps of the present Isles, waiting for a call...
    I am but a humble friend and protector of everything that is sacred for all pirates.
    I have come to you with a proposition......
    I have sensed a force, a force equal to the first elder source, the magic within every pirate.
    I can sense that a lot of changes are beginning to happen and once again the doors of the Elder Magic shall be open again, and once they are opened they cannot be closed....perhaps...
    My avatar is roaming the Seas of the Thieves, sleeping and steering my ship, plundering every island, but my spirit has not awakened yet. I have come to thee oh mighty Legends of Rare, I have come to thee in the spirit!
    Arrr haaarrr, listen how the waves of change are clashing infront of your Castle doors, it is me that calls you, it is me who offers you the rings of the Elder power. Although the master ring resides on my finger, its essence infinite in splendor and Elder magic has whispered in my ear, it yearns to create its own rings. I have said to my ring "O vessel of Light, be not worried for the time has come for me to fulfill your request" and so I have decided to grant upon you all, the rings that shall unlock the elder magic within worthy pirates powerful enough to take upon this Light and Might.
    The rings are yours to have and yours is the ability to forge more of them and bestow to the fiercest pirates of them all. Bury them in places no one has seen before, seal them with secret riddles unlike the riddles created ever before. The master ring that resides on my finger is the vessel of Light, the source of Elder magic, it grants me the power to control the known elemental elements and shapeshift into various beasts that roam the Sea of Thieves. I am a mischievous yet benevolent spirit that desires to wreak havoc once again in those waters, I would like to teach every pirate the sacred art of the elders and by my beard, to grant them powers beyond comprehension and see how they either fall to their doom or prosper.
    My ring has a mind of its own and it whispers, sometimes the whispers are pleasant and sometimes they are not. The ring has carvings of an Ancient Language, the language of my elder forefathers in spirit, it is called Glagolitsa and the master sentance goes as follows "Forged from the metals and flames of the spirit world, this ring shall grant its bearer unimaginable knowledge and power". The rings primary elemental power is Light, but it can also control darkness.
    I will observe you, mighty Rare Captains, I will observe you very closely what you will do with these rings, it is a power that can drive one to madness if not used correctly, be aware of that always.
    I must go now, duty calls.
    Yours dearly, a humble pirate friend from the Unknown Seas...

  • 21
    feedbackstory & lorecommunitygeneral
  • Pleased to meet you, looks like I don't have to guess your name
    puzzlin' me appears to be the nature of your game

  • Aye, please to meet you pirate lord, what brings you forth to this curious pirate board?
    Are you going to be one of the new ring bearers I dont know, but my senses tell me that you are eager to know more... ;)

  • So, this is a feedback and suggestion forum. And while we all enjoy a bit of role play here and there, I wouldn't count on starting a long-running in-character RP thread here.

    What exactly are you feedbacking or suggestion? You want to add player-usable magic to Sea of Thieves?

  • Indeed ^^

  • @lordqulex magic elder rings to be more precise. The premise is that the rings start whispering in a deep monotone voice, chilling the bones of the Player. In terms of powers it would be amazing to add something like a flash with an immense cooldown to blind enemy captains on board or on land.
    Im thinking of powers in a way so that they dont make the game unplayable or the characters too op, the damage should be one hp less than a pistol (not talking about the flash ability)

  • When you put on the ring, the carvings start glowing, if you have tattoos they might start glowing too. They will glow in a enigmatic white light mixed with some grey elements/particles. The metal of the ring should look like its made out of an ancient but modern looking metal, sort of like platinum.

  • @hoberstein The flash will not cover the full screen, only a small amount and then the screen would gradually turn to normal, I mean the vision of the player.

  • @hoberstein

    Are elder rings an IP I'm not familiar with? Are you asking for a crossover?

  • @hoberstein The rings do not belong to any Faction, as they predate the faction, maybe the ghost pirate captain would give a complex map trail quest, this quest will unlock at the highest level of Athenas Fortune. Or if we want to stay true to the no-faction mechanic (standalone item), the hints for the rings whereabouts would be on a very small lonely island perhaps and on that island there would be a book with scribbles on it and instructions to more islands, put some bosses on island 3,4,5 and on island 6 will be a map in a new looking treasure chest.

  • @hoberstein
    I am thinking of a experimental mechanic where one of the powers of the rings would activate a mode that lets your ship delve to the bottom of the Sea for 2 minutes, loot is intact and doesn't flow up, repairs are possible during that time plus healing, when the ship comes up, a little bit of water is on the lower deck, the ship will also move a bit during that time (again, this is an experimental mechanic)

  • The Darkness mode will enable the players to shapeshift into the local bird species, this is a sneak and streak mechanic where the enemy ship is jolly sailing through the seas, you might be on a rowboat, you activate the shapeshift ability and you go to the top of the mast and start shooting from up there. The animations for this mechanic are the following, when the ring is equipped, it will emit a dark condescending red aura, the inscriptions will be glowing and their color will be dark red aswell, a color variation option is dark purple too, when the shapeshift ability is on, the hand becomes crow-like, ashen grey hand, sharp dark-grey fingernails.

  • @lordqulex not a crossover, its just an og idea of mine that im suggesting, it came outta nowhere like three days ago. Whats an IP?

  • @lordqulex I just read what game IP's are, this is exactly my game IP, if its the same thing as google puts it together : "Game IP is the creative and original expression of your game idea, including its characters, story, art, music, code, and gameplay" then yes, hahaha.
    Sorry, I didn't know what you meant at first, do you like the idea though?

  • I want these rings to be special, I want the players tp get goosebumps when they put them on, not only because of the amazing elder looks or powers, but also because of the sweat they had to shed in order to get them!

  • Another ability of the ring of light would be called the Wrath of Light, this ability casts a ray of light that stuns the player, deals damage that is maybe one hp less than a pistol, slows down the player for just a bit and not too much (you can escape from the ship or hide during that time). The ray of light (Wrath of Light) would look similarly like the Cinder Blast from Santa Monica Studios' Infamous Second Son, but the range of the blast of light would be reduced, the particles and the whole texture of the blast would be grayish-white but not too grey.

  • Another ability for the ring of light would be an ability called Wrath of Light, its basically a blast of light paeticles, the attack would be similar to "Cinder Blast" from Santa Monica Studios' Infamous Second Son, the blast will be with a reduced range, it will come out of the hand and it will have particle effects on the hand too. The magic attack deals - 1hp than a pistol, it slows down the enemy pirate but not so much, it also partially blinds the pirate (doesn't cover the whole screen, just half of it), during the flash the pirate can either escape or hide ;)

  • Picture this, you have the ring equipped, the darkness mode is on, you are on your ship, you see a sloop/brigg/galleon, you turn into a crow (eyes glowing suspiciously red?) you fly over and land behind the captain of the ship on one of the lanterns, you press enter, you land on deck, tranform back and lunge attack or shoot him.

  • @hoberstein IP, to my understanding, is Intellectual Property. Which, Google is right, "characters, story, art, music, code, and gameplay." E.g., Pirates of the Caribbean is Disney's intellectual property—Rare entered into a deal with Disney so they could put Jack Sparrow and Davey Jones (characters) in Sea of Thieves with the magic compass (story) and "A Pirate's Life for Me" shanty (music).

    So what I was asking is, are these rings you're talking about a proprietary idea from you (which above you said yes), or if it came from something else like Elden Ring, One Piece, et cetera...

    I have no problem with Rare adding more magic and more abilities to the game: tools not rules after all. I think the biggest problem will be the ring part. They just added rings to game, and with a first person perspective it makes a temporary ring equipment potentially hard to add to the game when everything else is holdable, requiring a hand. Sure in games like Hexen (showing my age here) having a weapon that is a ring is cool, but remember when holding equipment (trident, horn, ashen skull) you can't run, so we'd just be staring at a clenched fist with a glowy ring as we walk around... kinda lame if you ask me.

    But wands aren't really canon in SoT... I dunno a lot of what you mention above sound like potions you quaff (there's a scrabble word for you) or throwables. Those would fit well.

  • @lordqulex
    1.My IP isn't inspired from Elden ring or the others.
    2.Magic is awesome and it excites people.
    3.Once equipped, the ring cannot be taken off, it's powers can be selected via the wheel of selection ^^
    Im not a potions guy, unfortunately :/

  • I really like this game and I only wish the team to look forward and never abandon it. If the devs are reading this, please do not abandon this game, it is a treasure and you need to keep on expanding it with whatever means necessary, add more tools, more mechanics, more cool designs, more scars, more tattoos, add magic, go crazy with it!
    You are doing a phenomenal job guys!

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