merchant alliance is completely broken devs !!

  • I found out that in the devils roar some cargo run NPC does not give the bonus money for having a merchant grade 2+ flag. There we are missing loads of rep and money with. And while running merchant cargo runs in like shores of plenty / wilds / ancient isles no cargo run NPC gives rep and money for a Grade 2+ flag...

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  • Yeah, Merchant Alliance got the short end of the stick with Season 11, (Treasures of Adventure, the voyage rework).

    Not only are Merchant voyages not really able to be chained together like other factions, but the payout is especially bad for the extra care it requires you to put in. On top of their quests being disproportionately less rewarding, they also lack as much variety and high value loot throughout the world, whereas OoS and GH have Kingly treasures available all over. Take all of this, and factor in the fact that they still have Commodities that are wasting away in abandonment, paired with the fact that the Cargo Runs don’t even properly give you bonuses for Guild or Merchant emissaries, and the Merchant Alliance is just really, really unfortunate.

    I wish to see it get brought up to speed with the others.

  • Yep, they've been broken for a little while now. I reported this a month or two ago. You also can't water plants.

  • @klutchxking518 raids are the best way to do merchant currently as they give immaculate diamonds.....

    Another thing to do is collect blue bottles and devote those breaths of the sea to merchant

    Rare needs to step off the cargo system infact I think regular message in a bottles should do a mini lost shipment that sends you to a shipwrecked sloop with merchant loot in it

  • @goutfoot-stiner Why should doing non-merchant activities be the best source of Merchant loot, though? World events and raids are just there for everyone, meanwhile the Merchant voyages are all sorely lacking.

  • @klutchxking518 oh I agree I'm just saying as of right now that's the best solution to doing merchants... I agree merchant bucks I just wanted to put out a solution for anyone whose struggling to do it because they hate it or they just aren't seeing progress

  • I agree it needs to be brought more in line with gold hoarders and OOS. I like doing merchant deliveries at times, but it's definitely frustrating that there's no emissary bonus on shipments when they're delivered to a random NPC, or to a seapost (which seems to be 2/3 of them). I'm not even sure if doing those kinds of deliveries counts towards the merchant emissary ledger at all.

  • The new higher tier cargo also doesn't count towards the original cargo delivery commendations.

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