Redbeard issue and how unfair it can be!!

  • Hi I I'm very concerned with the actions taken by rare to a friends account.
    Last Thursday me and a friend were coming on after work as we usually do only to find out that he had been banned permanently for cheating. Something that he or I have never done and when posting the ticket with proof of the fact that he has never cheated rare came back saying he cheated 8 months ago on steam even though he has never bought or played it on said platform. Even with proof provided of the faced he had never used steam for sea of thieves rares harsh and unjust banning process means he has no chance Even with undeniable proof. Its a personal shame as I now will refuse to play this game any longer due to this fact. Specially as I'm a day one player and this game has been a primary way for me And my friend to unwind after a long hard day working. But I can't sit by while rares unjust and frankly unfair banning system comes down on a friend like an iron fist.

    Kindest regards a former sea of thieves player

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