Merge the crew after sinking on a server a certain amount of times

  • Hi!

    I thought a lot about opening this topic or not because it might be controversial, but I really want this change and also curious about the opinions from people.

    So in my opinion, it totally kills the organic gameplay experience that you have the chance to attack the same crew as many times as you want. I really liked the feature in hourglass that you are getting merged after losing so you can't go back to your opponent, and I think there should be something implemented in adventure mode as well. I don't think you should be instantly merged after sinking, but there should be a counter and merge you once the given limit has been reached (maybe 2-3 times).

    I will provide an example why it is very bad for the game's experience:

    A few weeks ago me and a few friends were stacking FOTD and a brigantine crew came by to sink us, we finished them in a few seconds. They came back for revenge and it went down the same way, however they voted up the Siren Skull quest and spawned back just a square away to Snake Island. After that they came back like 10 times even tho they always sunk in literally seconds, and prevented us from doing anything.

    My honest opinion: Should people have a chance for revenge? Definitely. Should people have the ability to grief people by keep coming back for the same crew endlessly without risking any loot at all? Hell no. This is just pointless griefing for me, and I am not the one who should scuttle to change seas because they were the one who lost the fight countless times.

    Everyone is welcome for discussion about this topic, but either way some change is needed imo because the people with this behavior will not change.

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  • @molnaramy00 This is due for a long time. Without wanting to be toxic, it's a broken/bad design decision. One of the worst game sessions I remember having in this game happened a few years ago, I was solo questing in the Devil's Roar when a duo reaper 5 came all across the map for me. They weren't good and I sunk them. Then they came back at least 7 or 8 times after that. I couldn't make any progress because they kept coming back and sometimes super fast. They weren't total noobs and it was still 2vs1 so some fights were taking me some time and drying my supplies. I remember that I spent 2,5 hours doing nothing but just fighting them despite sinking them every time. Until I gave up super frustrated.

    Also, sometimes as a solo player, if you can pull up sinking a decent brig or galleon, which is already a feat in itself, but when they are back and you didn't even finish harpooning all the loot they had, it's so demoralizing. And if they keep coming back after you sink them again, it's just abusing their higher player numbers against you.

    I agree you should have a chance for revenge, but one time. If you sink twice against the same crew, you should automatically server merge IMO.

  • I think bigger issue here is siren skull spawn. I also think you should spawn further away with each sink if being sunk by same person. Only reason I don't agree with being merged is this is only viewed from aggressor being sunk. What if someone keeps attacking you, people could force merges etc by clearing server

  • @hiradc said in Merge the crew after sinking on a server a certain amount of times:

    I think bigger issue here is siren skull spawn. I also think you should spawn further away with each sink if being sunk by same person. Only reason I don't agree with being merged is this is only viewed from aggressor being sunk. What if someone keeps attacking you, people could force merges etc by clearing server

    Well thats a a double-edged sword. If you are not good enough to sink them you wouldn't leave the server anyway with the way it works currently? Then if you are good enough they are risking their own server-merge. My point is, the adventure doesn't have enough risks so people can do stuff like this.

  • it totally kills the organic gameplay experience that you have the chance to attack the same crew as many times as you want.

    Rare wants players to do these things. Active Fort? Contest it until its finished, loot packed and turned in.
    Too many times, Ive completed forts and unlike the past....Nobody shows up. It part of the gameplay.

    I really liked the feature in hourglass that you are getting merged after losing so you can't go back to your opponent

    I don't think you should be instantly merged after sinking, but there should be a counter and merge you once the given limit has been reached (maybe 2-3 times).

    Ummm, Question. Is this players who engage in combat or those minding there own business, get sunk by the same crew multiple times...without Loot and FORCED to switch servers while they are on say Tall Tale. That isn't Fair. That sounds more like Griefing/Trolling

    Should people have the ability to grief people by keep coming back for the same crew endlessly without risking any loot at all? Hell no.

    This isn't griefing...Im sorry But it far from it. They have Time to lose.

    This is just pointless griefing for me, and I am not the one who should scuttle to change seas because they were the one who lost the fight countless times.

    So, if they Sink YOU enough, you be forced. Scuttled and all to a new server.

    (Funny I’m only one OP replies to first XD.)

  • Play safer seas if fighting is bothersome to you.

    Fix Siren Skull absolutely tho.

  • @BurnBacon

    Rare wants players to do these things. Active Fort? Contest it until its finished, loot packed and turned in.
    Too many times, Ive completed forts and unlike the past....Nobody shows up. It part of the gameplay.

    Adventure is not arena. You are not supposed to get back that quick after people sink you.

    Ummm, Question. Is this players who engage in combat or those minding there own business, get sunk by the same crew multiple times...without Loot and FORCED to switch servers while they are on say Tall Tale. That isn't Fair. That sounds more like Griefing/Trolling

    There is already a solution to do tall tales peacefully without getting griefed - Safer Seas

    So, if they Sink YOU enough, you be forced. Scuttled and all to a new server.

    Not sure what are you trying to say? They didn't sink me, they just kept coming back to annoy us(and thats what I call griefing - "A griefer or bad-faith player is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately and intentionally irritates, annoys or trolls other players within the game. Source: Wikipedia)


    Fighting is absolutely fine with me until it's about fighting and not coming back to the same spot endlessly just to annoy us. If you agree on they should fix siren skull then you should know what I'm talking about.

  • @molnaramy00 absolutely agree with this in theory. I'm not sure what the correct balance is, MAYBE 2 sinks up over the crew so if you sink and then sink them you are tied but if you are sunk twice with damage coming from the same crew without sinking them you are merged. That way close fights are encouraged but just bum-rushing without regard to your ship is discouraged.

  • I don't know how anyone that has ever stacked loot literally ever in a long session could ever possibly disagree with you.

    The best idea I ever heard suggested is there needs to be some sort of "ship social credit score" on a server by server basis.

    If you have no loot on your boat and you are brand new to a server you should not be able to repeatedly sink to another crew with 0 true risk other than wasting time trolling while they're doing an event or voyage or whatever.

    The longer an event goes on because of the griefing crew doesn't let up, the higher probability that the defending crew who put in all the effort gets sunk trends towards 100%.

    Amy isn't saying that there shouldn't be PVP. This isn't about high seas vs safer seas. This is about the fact that the defending crew is shouldering 100% of the risk 100% of the time and the attacking crew can brute force a win, or at least virtually guarantee a loss for the defending/stacking crew as someone else comes along unless the defending crew decides to stop playing and log off or switch servers.

    The developers recognized how stupid it would be for hourglass crews to come back, I am not sure why they haven't done something about that in adventure as well.

  • @hiradc Not really clearing servers because when some go, others come. I don't know where's the real issue here.

  • Yeah, this is a no for me, since this would kill sneaky gameplay. Players would be restricted from tuckplay, since that would mean they have to either scuttle their boat, or someone would sink it while they are tucking.

    Also it would destroy the ability for players to quickly hide their loot on an island and come back later to collect it (because they are merged away) or to quickly load it on a rowboat and behind a rock/island detach the rowboat and row it away unnoticed from a chaser (because the ship could get sunk before they reach the outpost with a rowboat and get merged away from their rowboat)

    So no, this would hurt some ligitimate gameplay, and that only for a tiny tiny fraction of encounters what OP is referring to, since the crews that just keep on coming back are rare in my experience.

    And incase OP would say something like "but scuttling won't count", then those same players you accuse of griefing (it isn't griefing, since Rare inteded crews to be allowed to come back to continue fighting over world events) could just quickly scuttle just before they are about to sink and they can still keep coming back and you gained nothing.

    Only thing they need to do is to make it so that if you are sunk by an enemy player, you spawn back as far as possible (while if you are sunk by the environment, you will spawn closeby), independend of if you have the SoSS active or not.

    Perhaps another one could be to bring the starting supplies back to what it was, so that people don't spawn with enough supplies to imidiately start attacking other players again. For Hourglass then make it so that you get extra supplies (on top of what you already have on your ship) when a battle starts, so that they still have decent starting supplies if they don't collect anything else.

    edit: also shrines and treasuries would then be more risky, since your ship is very vulnerable to sinking and you risk getting merged away....
    Or the Burning Blade, since that automaticly sinks your ship... Imagine taking over the BB and imidiately get merged away because that sink was 1 to many....

  • @Super87Ghost

    Yeah, this is a no for me, since this would kill sneaky gameplay. Players would be restricted from tuckplay, since that would mean they have to either scuttle their boat, or someone would sink it while they are tucking.

    Right, I did not think about this as my playstyle is different.

    So no, this would hurt some ligitimate gameplay, and that only for a tiny tiny fraction of encounters what OP is referring to, since the crews that just keep on coming back are rare in my experience.

    It is not a rare experience, but I understand that you don't see it often because as you said you prefer sneaky gameplay.

    Only thing they need to do is to make it so that if you are sunk by an enemy player, you spawn back as far as possible (while if you are sunk by the environment, you will spawn closeby), independend of if you have the SoSS active or not.

    This would probably be the best solution, either way a change is needed.

    ..and please lets get this straight: just because you are allowed to do something in the game it doesn't assure that it's an intended feature, otherwise there wouldn't be changes and bugfixes to the game all time

  • @molnaramy00 the problem is in the quest that allows an enemy ship to teleport to you.

  • @ixxxoloff

    I'm aware, but the respawn system itself is weird in general, it always was even before Siren Skull was a thing.

  • @super87ghost the easy fix would be that your ship doesn't respawn until you merm to it. If you sink and tuck your ship just won't exist until you go back and respawn the ship.

    The merge could even wait until the ship is spawned, someone from your crew returns from the ferry or takes a mermaid. That way you have one last chance to fight and swim the loot but no further ships to aid you.

  • Honestly, the big issue isn't that they keep coming is that they keep coming at no cost outside of a few travel minutes.
    I can see the solution being quite simple, if the ship has loot or is anchored with no damage it's not counted as it's bringing value to the fight instead of just wasting time and supplies of the defenders.
    The thing is most of these recurrent fighters aren't even after the loot they are after the fight, they don't care about the loot and that's my biggest annoyance with these players they will chase you to the ends of the earth just for the fight and you're just wasting supplies fighting them off with no gain if you succeed.
    TLDR: add a value onboard/emissary and an inactive check and with a 3 "sinks after you got hit by a player cannon" counter and it should be fine.

  • I can understand the frustration you may be feeling, with people constantly returning - but I think I kind of like the aspect of having to be strategic with this possibility - do we need to pause what we are doing to restock supplies and prepare for another assault? Can we spare players in the pvp fight to continue completing the world event? Can we distract constant returners by moving the boat while the rest of the crew completes a task?

    I happen to feel that it's all just part of the open-world pvp game we play - sure sometimes when you just want to sell/log off or complete something players turning up again and again can be a bother - but to merge people away after being sunk by the same crew multiple times would honestly break up sessions needlessly - I can think if a couple times my regular crew and I have (perhaps incorrectly) assumed a ship is aggressive by the way they sail towards us when they are really just very new players and we ended up sinking the same helpless crew a couple of times and there would be some unfairness to their fledgling voyages being interrupted by a merge - and then of course there is the possibility for people to target crews and grief using such a mechanic...

    Anyway, rambling post because I am not awake yet!

  • What's funny is after sinking the same ship 20+ times, they get lucky once and sink you. Then the game spawns nonstop PvE and changes the wind direction to the opposite way 😂, slowing you down from getting back while they're on their way to sell the loot. 😂😂

  • I think the more effective solution would be to have respawned ships have limited supplies when sunk via PvP.

    ZERO chainshots or throwables. 50% planks. 50% cannonballs.

    That would force players to have to supply up before making an attempt at a rematch instead of just being able to b-line to a rematch with sufficient supps to, at the very least, be annoying.

    I also proposed a PvP specific respawn location map a long while ago that would do the game a lot of good.

  • @molnaramy00

    I agree with the Siren's Skull only.

    Say you have 2, 3, 6, 7, 10 stacks of FotD.
    Some one wipes the poopdeck with you...3x in a row. You're telling me you'd give up and leave them alone? Not once considering the next time you might get lucky 🍀?

  • @th3-tater

    As I said there should be a chance to try multiple times, but I wasn't exaggerating that they have sunk in a few seconds. 10 times. No, if someone is destroying me like that I know I have no chance. They knew that as well(we spoke to them), they simply wanted to troll.

    The main problem here was the close spawn, but even without siren skull voyage you can get very lucky while the other side can spawn at the end of the world, and I think there shouldn't be this much inconsistency in this.

    Thanks for all the replies that weren't in a passive aggressive tone and brought up actual issues with my suggestion tho (rather not saying names). I agree that it wouldn't work for certain playstyles and I respect that, however the mechanic of respawning on the server should be changed somehow(even outside the siren skull voyage).

  • @molnaramy00
    I absolutely understand the reasoning behind the original post. Having the same people coming after you again and again brings the enjoyment of the game down, whether or not they are better or worse than you at PvP.
    Luckily the Code of Conduct has something already in place adding more for the system to do like keeping track of how many times you've had engagements with other pirates isn't really necessary.

    • "Any activity you engage in that is solely designed to target and upset another player or crew constitutes bullying. Repeated activity designed to ruin the experience of another player or crew constitutes harassment."
      If they're coming after you multiple times ruining your experience and/or upsetting you by any activity or repeated activity then all you need is proof and you can report them.

    When I read the title, my first thought was entirely different from your actual proposal. What if there was an option to merge crews in-game? A separate option from the Alliance Flag where you can invite other crews you meet to join you at an Outpost so you can upgrade your ship and literally Merge. Two duo-sloops merging into a Galleon for example, without having to go through the trudge of sending friend requests, potentially losing your loot if you have any. Sure your original ships would sink, but you can just harpoon the treasure and supplies aboard and you're already at an Outpost where you can get a Supply Crate to offload the barrel's inventory.
    Just my two cents.

  • @killerk70 said in Merge the crew after sinking on a server a certain amount of times:

    When I read the title, my first thought was entirely different from your actual proposal. What if there was an option to merge crews in-game? A separate option from the Alliance Flag where you can invite other crews you meet to join you at an Outpost so you can upgrade your ship and literally Merge. Two duo-sloops merging into a Galleon for example, without having to go through the trudge of sending friend requests, potentially losing your loot if you have any. Sure your original ships would sink, but you can just harpoon the treasure and supplies aboard and you're already at an Outpost where you can get a Supply Crate to offload the barrel's inventory.

    I think people talked about this idea a while ago, it would be interesting, but it can also impact the adventure mode badly, like for example: crew A sinks crew B so crew B would merge to a bigger ship for an advantage and go back.
    This could only work if they would also merge to a new server with the people who they teamed up with

  • I totally agree! My team and I fought for 3 hours without a break because of the "Siren's Skull". The winners also run out of resources, while the losers always have them, and they return after 5 minutes!
    But I think nothing will change, it's not profitable for developers, why change anything if people are fighting for hours and coming back endlessly.

  • There are a few flaws with just a blanket system like this. For it to not be frustrating since there can occasionally be rare voyages that are lost if you are merged in any way other than the changing seas repopulation message.

    The first problem being if its just being sunk so many times total without regard if it is pvp or not. If a new player sinks to a few pve enemies, they should not be merged away. Then if you are sunk to different players you should not be merged since you clearly arnt targeting them or being targeted. And finally, if its been 30+ minutes since you sunk to some one, would it still count as you targeting them? On top of if doing a siren skull along with the person you are fighting since you are all supposed to keep respawning and being able to fight until that finishes.

    These are all things to factor in when considering such a system, which might be a little harder implemented than expected, especially if something could be exploited in that system to bypass it.

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