Getting constantly kicked for rumblebeard?

  • I've never cheated, and I've used a lot of money on this account and it's a day one account I'd be extremely upset if I lost it all to a bug. Is there anything I can do to fix this? I've already tried re-verifying the files, re-installing, different accounts, and I've tried different versions of the game (Microsoft and steam). What else can I try to do to fix this? Because actual support didn't respond to me at all.

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  • @umrbread Ahoy matey!

    When did you log your ticket? It can take a few days to reply - especially in busy periods such as new season launches.

    I would say, make sure theres nothing running like video recording software, any apps that may look like softweare trying to interfer with the game. Etc.

    Rumblebeard on its own for cases like this wont lead to a ban directly in most casess so you should be fine.

  • Just got the same problem also Day 1 account with hundreds of $ put into this. Imma see what I can figure out. I have OBS (recording software) running so Im gonna try and load in without it on to see if that helps.

  • Got in fine after turning OBS off.

  • @zherron-vorse For your Game Capture source in OBS, does ticking the box that says 'Use anti-cheat compatibility hook' make any difference?

  • @look-behind-you I already had that toggled on it seems. Im able to record now without issues it just seemed to flag it while loading the game up initially.

  • @zherron-vorse if you open SoT first, then O.B.S. it is fine but not the other way around?

  • @look-behind-you that appears to be the case.

  • I don't have OBS ever opened, or like any cheat programs on my PC. I was wondering if it's the app center for my CPU? That's literally the closest thing I have to an app modifier but like I need that open 24/7 so... And I made one ticket around a month ago and I just made another 2 days ago. The older ticket the support has said "we are working on it as this is a known issue." And didn't even really help me try to figure it out.

  • @musicmee I've had this rumble beard for like 2 months like since July. And I kinda just waited to see if it fixed it self and now it didn't, I reinstalled EAC multiple times as well.

  • @umrbread I saw something a couple of hours ago... I don't suppose you are using "AMD Adrenaline"?

  • I'm a day 1 account as well, literally just posted the same issue as this topic, sorry for the double post but it happens to me as well :p

  • FYI: I made a ticket towards Steam the other day, regarding that their service might be under compromise as I was presented with Russian Rubles through Age of Conan ingame store when running Steam through Admin mode.
    Restarting Steam in non-admin mode I was presented with the correct currency Norwegian Kroner.
    There was also this issue through steam in which I flagged where it skipped the 3'rd party authentication when doing payments (i.e NETS) through Steam when it is run in Admin mode.

    Might be some cyberwarfare going on fetching cryptic keys, or just me being paranoid.

    Please update and post if you experience this issue running the game through Steam!

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