My First LEGITIMATE Shrouded Ghost Encounter

  • fellow pirates. Good day to you.

    I share this story, not for sympathy or clout or anything like that. Just sharing a heart-wrenching, soul crushing, aboslute depression causing story about my first ever Shrouded Ghost encounter.

    I have been playing since the beta, not religiously there have been a lot of things I have missed out on, numerous story and world changing events but I have over 1000 hours, 1030 hours to be precise.

    Now I did participate in the world event where you could summon a Shrouded Ghost, however I did not get credit/commendation for the encounter.

    So here I am playing all day with my girl, working on her Tall Tales, finished up all remaining ones she had apart from 3 more Shores of Gold. So it's 2am, she gets tired so we get off the game. She goes to bed, so me trying to be a good boyfriend and surprise her, because she absolutely HATES the Shores of Gold tall tale, I jump on her account and I plan on doing the final 3 Shores of Gold.

    I start up the game, spawn at Port Merrick and I access the table to dive to Morrow's Peak Outpost. So here I am sailing away from the Outpost so that the dive mechanic can activate. I am getting ready, getting the throwing knives from the weapon box when all of a sudden...I hear it....

    Now I've watched plenty of videos of other people encountering the Shrouded Ghost so I know the music when I hear it.

    So here I am elbow deep in the weapon box when out of nowhere, the music suddenly heart dropped....I thought to myself " time has come! The Pirate Lord and RN Jesus has finally graced me with my first Shrouded Ghost." I'm getting excited and mentally preparing myself for this epic fight.

    Then....the dive mechanic kicks in....and I am screaming "NO NO NO NO." Alas, it was too late, my ship goes underwater.

    The pain in my heart still twinges as I write this story. The Shrouded Ghost was in my grasp, the battle that never was.

    I surface at Morrow's Peak Outpost and, still fuming about my stupidity I decide I'm going to do the Tall Tales for my girl, so I am at the Outpost gathering supplies and still listening to the thoughts in my head...the Whispers of the Shrouded Ghost taunting every corner of my mind, I had lost the will to play, I didn't even want to do the tall tales I just wanted to wallow in my self pity so I turned off the game and came here to share this tale with you.

    I hope no one reading this ever has to go through the loss of the Shrouded Ghost.

    Thank you for listening to my story.

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  • A meg is considered danger and prevents a dive.

    Maybe you heard something that sounded similar to the music (happens to a lot of people) and it was a false alarm.

    Meaning, maybe you didn't truly miss out.

    Without visual confirmation maybe it's 2am, you're tired, you hear some kind of music but it's just the sleepiness and not the shrouded.

    Maybe the best is yet to come.

  • @wolfmanbush well I hope that's the case cuz I would hate to think I missed out on it

  • @xtrenzalorex said in My First LEGITIMATE Shrouded Ghost Encounter:

    @wolfmanbush well I hope that's the case cuz I would hate to think I missed out on it

    Not only would you have been prevented from diving because of a meg nearby there is another reason you probably didn't miss out as well.

    You said you freshly loaded into a server.

    In thousands of meg encounters I've never seen one spawn that early. A very early spawn would be closer to 20 minutes and that's rare. Even if the shrouded has its own unique spawn formula I've still never seen footage of one right off the dock as a fresh spawn. Never heard of it either.

    The only somewhat realistic scenario is that you spawned in and someone that was there before you had a shrouded ghost and either ignored it (it would despawn before you could kill it) or killed it and you heard some leftover shrouded music.

    The odds of you truly missing out in the scenario you were in are so incredibly low that I would just focus on how unlikely that it is, rather than thinking the worst happened.

    Head high, you didn't miss out

  • My guild mate Twiley and I were sailing to drop off a gift at reapers when the shrouded ghost music hit. This would have been a couple of months back. We instantly raised sails..then…nothing appeared!!

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