Looking for active guild members

  • Looking for people that want to join a lv 179 guild named: 'Remnants of the VOC'. People who want to join will have to pledge ships to the guild and actively play with those ships. We are looking to build a small community around sea of thieves and would like active players. Not playing and/or not pledging ships will result in getting kicked. EU would be nice, otherwise playing with each other will be a pain, but it is not a deal breaker. There are 22 open slots. Just reply to this post. We have a discord

  • 12
  • Hey would love to join.

  • @thedemonbee whats your gamertag and discord?

  • Can I join?

  • @kyhloix
    Discord is beedemon
    GamerTag is TheDemonBee

  • @el-cid2717 sure what is your gamertag and discord

  • @Kyhloix
    GamerTag is El Cid 2717
    Discord is gort0392

  • @el-cid2717
    Sorry, it's El Cid2717

  • Hello,

    We are a duo that we want to play. In case you want to invite us its me and SilverCrow47.

  • Ahoy!

    I like to reply on your recruitment! Since the old days I sail the seas as a pirate and it would be an honour to pledge myself as a Remnant of the VOC.

    While sailing on the Seas I go by the name of "Khal Cresie"
    Your parrot can send me a message by the discord of "iocusta"


    Cpt. Khal Cresie

  • im looking for an active guild

  • @kyhloix

    Would love to join if possible.

    Discord: BrainRain
    SoT: BrainRain

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