Grogmanay, RIP

  • The website news post covering the various holiday events doesn't mention it, and cover everything out through Jan 6th. A new year's tradition I'll miss.

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  • It had been reduced down to logging in (unfortunately, like so many things in sot) but it would be a nice tradition to keep around.

    I dunno if it's actually gone but I dunno why it would be, December is flooded with unnecessary bonuses on top of bonuses, would be nice to keep some sentimental happenings in SoT.

  • Was that the one where you had to kill sharks while completely drunk? I don't miss it. Sounded cool but no.

  • @karkona It was just a jolly way to welcome in the New Year. Seems our tankards will stop having notches this year.

  • I think that’s the Gold and Glory event from December 30th to Jan 6th they spoke about.

    A Manay Grogs, Gold, and Glory event if you will ;)

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