Verbesserung der Ruhigere Gewässer

  • Schönen guten Tag eine Frage Mann wird im Offenes Meer nur von anderen Spielern weg gemacht Mann kann sich nicht wieder beleben ohne direkt wieder getötet zu werden das macht kein Spaß könnt ihr im Ruhigere Gewässer die Belohnung ändern das es kein unterschied mehr macht ob man Offenes Meer oder Ruhigere Gewässer spielt alles was im Offenes Meer frei ist auch in Ruhigere Gewässer frei schalten damit würdet ihr mehr Leute zurück gewinnen und jeder hat dann sein Spaß am Spiel so wie es jetzt ist macht es kein Sinn weiter zu spielen bitte ändert das so schnell wie möglich an sich ist das Spiel Mega geil aber die online Spieler nerven ich möchte gerne mit meinen Freunden das Spiel genießen und alles freischalten und Leveln im Privaten Modus

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  • Play something else that fits your play style instead of insisting Rare change their game. It’s a PvPvE Shared World Adventure Game (SWAG) and that means you’re gonna meet other players, entirely in the nature of it.

  • The game design and intent for Sea of Thieves is a shared world adventure, and it always will be. Those who wish to play in the confines of Safer Seas will always have the option but we will not bring the rewards and activities in line with those of High Seas when many of the restrictions are in place due to the risk vs reward factor that is inherent in Sea of Thieves - removing any risk means rewards must be balanced accordingly.

    Safer Seas will act not only as a safe space for our Tall Tale players but also for families with children who just want to pirate, for people who want to play the game but learn the ropes and it will organically feed into Adventure mode, keeping the player pool there healthy and upskilled as they've learned the mechanics.

    This is not only useful for new players but also families and players with accessibility needs - the whole game suddenly becomes available in a way it hasn't before, letting them naturally progress to High Seas and become a Pirate Legend. SoT has grown a huge amount in 5 years and it can be fairly overwhelming.

    The borders put in Safer Seas mean that to experience the full depth and breadth of the game you will have to hit the high seas BUT if you're playing with your family you don't have to, you can just enjoy the game and have fun as a family.

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