Sea of Thieves Tattoo

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    Any one else think this would make a pretty sweet tattoo. Devs wink wink i could be convinced

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  • @sirenbroodstock Aye it would and does!

    Take a look at the marvellous' @made-in-89 's tattoo!

  • @musicmee
    looks good. i was sure i wasnt the only person who thought so.

  • I was personally thinking about getting this tattooed on my calf. It's a cool logo regardless even if it's for a game because I think it would stand the test of time.

  • @jonn-havoc
    That would make a nice tatt too. But im looking for something colorful to add to this. (version of family crest)
    ![alt text](0_1515167399398_847e3291-12a0-4600-93f2-a224fd28b50b-image.png image url)

  • @Musicmee THATS MY LEG! haha

  • @made-in-89 And a very nice leg it is too! ( I confess, I snuck in and added it to the post.... just a link there was so sad without the leg ;))

  • @katttruewalker I wondered how that had happened!!... though I had been sleep-posting again!

  • @musicmee Haha! I was waiting to see if you'd notice, lol!

  • @katttruewalker Didn't know which scallywag to point the finger at... will be more vigilant from now on

  • @musicmee It's definitely not something I would be doing except to help out another Old Salt :D

  • And you've had the pleasure if seeing it in the flesh @KattTruewalker !

  • @made-in-89 Ahem... I absolutely have :D

  • That looks awesome. Wouldn't mind getting a Sea of Thieves tattoo. Considering the skull and flintlock.

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