4 man Sloop crew confirmed by Joe Neate

  • 4 man Sloop confirmed by Joe Neate himself! https://twitter.com/JoeNeate1/status/982689747876409344?s=20
    Ok so this is getting a lot of attention and backlash and I can see why. I see the complaints and see how this can be unbalanced and in a way ruin part of the game. I have an idea of maxing out the Sloop at 3 that way it’s not too much but you can also have one extra person.

    Edit: Can we possibly get this moved to become a mega thread? It’s blown up and this is a major game play change discussion.

  • 714
  • @corrupt-fellow
    Your link sends me to a post of yourself

  • Really hope we get a bonus to action times on sails etc for 2man / 1 man etc, if they aren't going to make a dedicated smaller crew ship

  • Quit trolling.

  • Deleting game now

  • I said it once already but if they add a 4 man sloop and don't give solo players a new ship the game will [mod edited] [peach beard edit] be horribly unbalanced.

  • @barnacle-remson I fixed it trying to figure how to post a picture to the post.

  • @lord-sphinktus I’m not trolling I’m trying to figure out how to post the picture

  • This will destroy the game.

  • @barnacle-remson Fixed.

  • @lord-sphinktus Linked the tweet.

  • @themilkman-vaec How?

  • this is absolutly terrible....they could give us an additional SHIP to balance the terms of teams...but a 4 man sloop?? thats just unfair... 1 and 2 man sloops will become extremely rare..really just seems RARE has no idea how to balance the two...Are you saying that having extra cannons is balanced compared to having more manuverability? lets not forget that the sloop takes on water no matter where you get hit!!! but the gallion can get hit on the second deck all day long without anyone needed below for bailing.. gimme a break!! Fix your game before changing content that completely breaks it again..

  • This is a bad idea. They need a new single person ship type if they are going to do this. Fast and small but unable to carry much cargo and easy sink if hit or rammed. One canon on the bow.

    And they need to allow galleons to hold 6.

    And need a new ship with canons on two decks that can hold 8 man crews.

  • @jesusthebird it took them 2 years to make one ship, of course the went with the lazy option.

  • lets also not forget it takes 4men to raise anchor as fast as a sloop can raise theirs with 1...its literally not designed for more than 2 players..so letting us have 4 on a sloop is basically cheating I think..sails raise and lower quicker compared to the gallon..giving more manpower to the sloop makes it insanly overpowered...lets chase down a gallion board em.. all while they cant even turn to fire at us because...we are so manuverable we can sit behind the gallion the entire time..Ive done it too...dont act like its not a thing lol

  • Wow seriously...that's ridiculous, are they trying to completely destroy the game?

  • Relaxe, rare will take a close look in what direction this goes. And I am sure they will make adjustments if needed.

  • @zynthetikk86 said in 4 man max Sloop confirmed by Joe Neate:

    @jesusthebird it took them 2 years to make one ship, of course the went with the lazy option.

    Exactly. This is a completely lazy and half-baked idea for something people were not really asking for.

    If anything they wanted larger galleon crews, like 6 to 8, not the ability to single or double sail a galleon.

    Who would use a galleon if you can put 4 in a sloop?

    So much easier to use and you get the advantage of someone in the crows nest and musician/water bailer.

  • @perfecshionist said in 4 man max Sloop confirmed by Joe Neate:

    @zynthetikk86 said in 4 man max Sloop confirmed by Joe Neate:

    @jesusthebird it took them 2 years to make one ship, of course the went with the lazy option.

    Exactly. This is a completely lazy and half-baked idea for something people were not really asking for.

    If anything they wanted larger galleon crews, like 6 to 8, not the ability to single or double sail a galleon.

    Who would use a galleon if you can put 4 in a sloop?

    So much easier to use and you get the advantage of someone in the crows nest and musician/water bailer.

    [mod edited] Or scuttle your galleon if you're afraid of a sloop.

  • @perfecshionist not to mention with a 4 crew sloop you can have one guy steering, one guy managing the cannons and 2 guys dropping and raising the anchor. It would be invincible.

  • This is a terrible idea and I can easily rationalize that with a single sentence.

    You can have manned cannons, sails, steering and repairs all happening at once with no need to ever deviate. This would make sinking and taking down a Sloop literally impossible.

    This is a terrible solution to something never asked for.

  • @buckshot-matt kek

  • @zynthetikk86 How do you know how long it took them?

  • @corrupt-fellow I saw it in an interview, don't have the link on me right now.

  • Going from bad to worse. Decisions like this show they have absolutely no clue how to handle the game, they are scrambling. It's a stupid idea just like the death tax was. And that's all they come up with. Somebody has to stop this mess, they are just making a bigger mess from a big mess.

    Chase a sloop? Well, too bad, there's four people on board and they will just jump overboard and try to board you until they succeed. While remaining full control of their ship.

    You want to fight a sloop? Well, they now have one guarding each ladder, one on the wheel and one firing the cannon. Have fun.

    Fact: A 4 player sloop will be fully armed and fully maneuverable by just three, plus a fourth to repair any damage. A galleon with four doesn't see where it's going. It's harder to turn. And you still only have a maximum of three cannons vs. 2 on a sloop, even if you accept your lack of control. And then there's nobody repairing it. Or getting cannonballs, because they are below deck. And nobody is guarding your ladders at that time, because you are busy. Unlike on the sloop, where you can fire a cannon and watch the ladder at the same time.

    How do you come up with these ideas? Sure, go ahead, destroy your game completely. First the game falls victim to griefers, now Rare is trolling the ones that actually play the game by allowing griefers to become unstoppable. I'm out.

  • @zynthetikk86 Lol

  • @x1-two We’ll see how this goes.

  • @themilkman-vaec How exactly does this ruin the game? Seems fine to me.

    What I'd really like is to be able to invite people to my ship/crew during the game. For example, I got marooned on an island by my crew. Had some Treasure I could have given to a sloop that came by the island to "save" me as a reward for letting me join their ship. So, could've had 3 on sloop. I like the possibilities. I'd say even up it to 6 people for a galleon (or sloop. who cares).

  • I'm really not sure about this but we can still try and see what happen (like for a weekend, to gather feedbacks).

  • I'm already seeing how the meta is going to change, it will be sea of sloops.

  • @corrupt-fellow I'm sorry, what?

    Can people really not handle a two man, or solo sloop? A four man sloop is a Fortress, and is completely unfair, even against a Galleon.

    This is going to stir up an even bigger problem in this game, I severely hope this is some kind of joke.

  • This was sorta hinted at awhile ago, and to me Im really excited, playing Pvp means to galleons a sloop could be a big threat most of the time now, so galleons wont go up to sloops all whilly nilly and sink them on sight.
    This also means I can play on a galleon by myself just to have fun.
    Like I said this was hinted at because the brig in the sloop was unusable, this just adds a whole other layer of crazy to the game that im excited for.
    If you guys dont like it, because its a change, then simply put down the game for awhile and come back, RARE has a plan with the game, ironing out the issues with the game first, so we can play and enjoy the game, then rolling out content once they fixed the issues with the game.

  • @corrupt-fellow

    Ladies and Gentleman. The marvelously Rare creators of the smashing hit Sea of Thieves present you with...

    4 MAN SLOOPS!!

  • Wow. Bring back the Death Tax! (J/K) What are they doing? Its like they sit in a meeting and just throw something at the wall and see what sticks? Do they have a server for the Pioneer group to at least test this stuff? No expert here, but this seems like a really bad idea. I have seen two man sloops owning 4 man galleons. A 4 man sloop? Prepare yourself, the forums Griefing and PvP threads are about to increase by a lot.

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