Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal

  • @angrycoconut16 said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    @i-am-lost-77 said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    1. this system could have a positive effect towards helping this as with less risk of loss (since they already got some xp) more crews could be more likely to do an extra quest before going back to an outpost right away. Thus increasing the chances of a higher loot gains from PvP. (Speculative I know, but not unrealistic)

    I have also considered this too! I think it may well happen to some degree. Probably not massively but I'm sure some crews would get the additional chest prior to handing in... But like you say, speculative.

    I can only speak for myself here. If I knew, through some game mechanic, that my reputation portion of the rewards was to remain intact...I would engage much more often, loot or no loot. The only thing that keeps me from engaging right now is the loss of reputation. To the point that I literally only play the edges of the map (Red Sea Dump). Now I happen to very much enjoy a good ship battle. When I am on with the kids most times they don't want to do a voyage, they just want to have a Galleon vs. Galleon cannonball slinging fest. And we do. But...If I have loot to turn in (especially when solo), no chance in hell I will engage. Its not worth the time I have invested. And yes, I will go actively out of my way to insure the attacker doesn't get a piece of it either. Just sayin'...let me keep my "experience" and chances are I will engage a lot more often. I know for a fact I will no longer roam the edges, there won't be a reason too. You know how many sloops I see on the edges now? Tons! And we all sail past each other waving. Not because we are friendly to each other, but because we know if we give chase...getting the loot is next to impossible. The only reason I am there is Rep loss...I wonder how many others are too!

  • @urihamrayne “the games called sea of thieves so everyone must be a thief”. This is not an argument! Ever play For Honor? Surprise, everyone doesn’t fight honorably.

    On to the point you can’t code hostility into a player. only an ai can be coded as hostile. Ain’t it great being human and having choices!

    Anyways, games can label players as enemies however this game does not. There are simply other players. Rare said it themselves in one of their videos “that when ever you see a sail on the horizon we want it be another player so you never know what their intention is or what they are gonna do” something along those lines. They are not enemies by default, their intention is unknown! It creates an amazing sense of tension and caution. They are neutral players with unknown intentions. this game may make you percive hostility Bc it’s safer than assuming friendly but no one is by default hostile.

    Feel free to admit your wrong but either way keep the thread going!!!!

  • @i-am-lost-77 “the games called sea of thieves so everyone must be a thief”.

    moving the goalpost and strawmaning, man you are really pathetic.

  • further to losing rep/money

    Last night I was on a galleon to two friends. We were busy doing quests and had quite a bit already stashed on the boat.
    One of my friends disconnected, and obviously couldn't get back on, so the game, in it's wisdom, decided it better find someone to replace him - which it did.

    This guy proceeded to try and take over our ship, refusing to talk to us.
    Eventually we got the helm back and proceeded to our next quest island. Moored the ship and jumped on land.
    We were busy on land digging up treasure chests when we notice our ship sailing off into the distance. The sod had stolen our ship with all riches on board, and left us marooned on the island!
    I joined the ship again via mermaid, my friend remained on the island guarding the chests we'd just dug up, and I confronted the guy - he just laughed and said 'now I'm the captain'

    There was no hope of getting our ship back, and I disconnected then as well - ended up back at the menu, while my friend sat alone on the island - I think he logged in disgust as well.

    It was our ship - I mean - do you start giving people orders when you arrive on a strange ship that's obviously mid quest?
    And take it over?
    We had no way of dealing with him - couldn't scuttle the ship - sure as heck can't shoot him. Can't manhandle him or get him in the brig.
    Some of you are possibly laughing right now - but over an hours play and reward down the drain.
    Anyone have any ideas how we could have regained control or gotten rid of him?
    Felt really helpless.
    Maybe there should be a way to block other players joining if you'd rather carry on as you were.
    Be glad to hear.

  • @urihamrayne I guess you gave up reading my posts. It’s alright to make a mistake. Hostility has to do with intension and human players cannot by definition be automatically labeled as hostile that’s all there is to it. You can build a game, design it around fighting, label players as enemies of each other, but they are still only hostile when they make the choice to be.

    Sea of thieves is a SWAG and player choice is the core aspect of the game. Players are neutral. Keep the thread at the top bud!

  • @sledgezapper64 why couldnt you brig him sounded like you had a 2 man majority vote. Private crews really the only fix and I heard they are supposed to be coming soon! This thread helps lower the damage tho. Sorry to hear that mate. It’s stories like yours why I support this thread.

  • @i-am-lost-77
    I agree - guns don't kill people, people kill people. Guns are just a tool, much like a knife or axe.
    If someone wants to kill bad enough, and there's no gun, they'll find other ways.
    The gun is neutral. It's neither good nor bad. It's the person holding it that makes the choice in what spirit to use it. The choice is always ours. It's not forced upon us by the game. You can't say 'the ship made me do it'.

  • @i-am-lost-77
    We were originally a 4 man crew.
    One had just left shortly before
    By the time I teleported back to the ship after being marooned, there was already a new guy there standing next to him.

  • @sledgezapper64 ah yea that can really suck. Well that’s the point of this thread: to reduce the damage of disconnects and that “waste of time” feeling after a bad session. But for your specific situation private crew would’ve really been the only way to prevent it.

  • Here's hoping they bring that feature out soon...

  • @i-am-lost-77 said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    @entspeak said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    Gain zero and reset to zero are not the same thing.

    Great glad we cleared that up moving on. You gain zero for several hours of playtime. happy?

    Yeah... because being “reset to zero” is the “cripplingly low” low the devs chose not to go for. “Gaining zero” in a couple of hours based on choices you make in the game isn’t what they were referring to when they said “cripplingly low” lows. You guys keep mentioning this and saying you get “reset to zero” to make the “cripplingly low” argument. But, because you aren’t “ reset to zero, that argument is false.

    It's called Sea of Thieves - not Sea of Folks Who Kill Skeletons and Search Islands.

    Halo is not called “run around and shoot up aliens.”

    Does Halo make reference to a type of person who engages in a particular behavior? No.

    Yes becasue PvP is not a viable way of getting loot already.

    Then what, exactly, is happening to all this loot you guys are losing if PvP players aren’t taking it all? You make it sound like it’s enough that the game design needs to change.

    I imagine the viability of progressing for PvP depends on how you go about it - all that choices and strategy stuff. If you go after a ship leaving an island or clearly heading to an outpost, chances are they have loot. Just spotting them on the open sea would be 50/50, and attacking someone leaving an outpost would purely be for fun.

    Unless you got a written statement from rare saying they never intended anyone to ever get xp other than turning in loot then you cannot speculate that and use it as an argument.

    “We've made decisions where all quest rewards are physical, and all of that stuff is never truly yours until you get back to the outpost.”

    Just let me know how many times you want me to put that in front of your face.

  • You wouldn't get reputation for something you didn't turn in. The kraken gives you nothing to prove that you defeated it so of course you get no reputation. However you get THE EXPERIENCE of defeating it and their for are a better fight and more skilled. Same with treasure. When you find a chest you get THE EXPERIENCE of solving riddles or navigating an island. You get reputation with the Merchant when you return an item they sent you out to discover.

    If someone came to you and said "hey I found 30 chest. I don't have any of them but aren't I a good treasure hunter? " you wouldn't give a darn. However, if you bought them 30 chest.... They would care fractionally more

  • @entspeak said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    Yes becasue PvP is not a viable way of getting loot already.

    Then what, exactly, is happening to all this loot you guys are losing if PvP players aren’t taking it all? You make it sound like it’s enough that the game design needs to change.

    The loot is getting stolen and it will continue to get stolen. Some people may lose it 1/100 voyages some may lose it 1/10 voyages. But why make newer/casual players suffer for no reason? Why can’t we all just get a little reward just for playing the game? Does it really bother you that much?

    Unless you got a written statement from rare saying they never intended anyone to ever get xp other than turning in loot then you cannot speculate that and use it as an argument.

    “We've made decisions where all quest rewards are physical, and all of that stuff is never truly yours until you get back to the outpost.”

    I found the source where you got this from. This is how they said they designed their game true I’ll agree with you on that. But now to put it in context: the discussion was about how it would be bad for players to lose a bunch of stuff and how it would impact the players low lows and all that.

    This thread is here to address what the interviewer was worrying about and that we think Rares view is wrong. And unlike PvE servers, they never said this was set in stone they just said this is just how they designed it therefore it is open for debate and discussion.

    As community, feedback is meant to help the devs to improve their game. this thread is saying we think their approach is not the best approach. If you disagree that’s your opinion.

    But as I said Rare simply states that’s how they designed the loot system so therefore as a community we can voice our opinions to get it to change.

  • @muertoamigo420 not arguing over rep vs xp.

    Rep doesn’t function as reputation in this game. Real reputation goes up and down as a measure of your superiority against another player. So unless they make it when you cancel or fail voyages you lose rep it’s not really rep.

    Xp on the other hand is a measure of progress due to dedication. The “rep” in this game functions as xp since the longer you play the more you get and should therefore be treated as such

  • @I-Am-Lost-77
    I've played for 50+ hours and have no reputation. I've gotten a lot experience but I've never showed the merchants any treasures. Your argument is fundamentally flawed. You're making up your own definitions to words that are already clearly defined. On top of that you're taking a game mechanic that you're not familiar with and trying to describe how it doesn't function properly. Obviously you don't understand it. Your reputation in this game is only effected by the treasures you return to the merchant. You're clearly wrong

  • @i-am-lost-77 said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    @entspeak said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    The loot is getting stolen and it will continue to get stolen. Some people may lose it 1/100 voyages some may lose it 1/10 voyages. But why make newer/casual players suffer for no reason? Why can’t we all just get a little reward just for playing the game?

    They don’t suffer for no reason. There are choices to be made, strategies to adopt. They can be chosen and adopted... or not. As a casual player, the only suffering that occurs to me for “no reason” happens when there is a bug, a server issue, the inability to deal with someone logging onto a crew who can’t be kicked - that is suffering for no reason. These are all things to be addressed. Every other bad thing that happens that results in my losing loot is directly related to a choice I made or a strategy that failed. But, that’s what the game is about! To give you another written statement from the devs:

    “There's a reason there's no fast travel, there's a reason you have to sail everywhere. It's because a ship isn't just going to come out of nowhere unless you've let it come out of nowhere. You've not paid attention, an enemy ship has literally just snuck up behind you because you've left your lights on at night. That's the kind of thing we'd love players to strategize over.”

    Choice and strategy... ways to minimize those lows. So, yes, rewards for playing the game... well, this is the game. While it can be played as a silly, goofing around, fun, casual pirate adventure, that isn’t how the game is designed when it comes to progression, so, naturally, you’re not going to make much in progression if those are the choices you make. But, to each their own, I guess... fun is perspective.

    I found the source where you got this from. This is how they said they designed their game true I’ll agree with you on that. But now to put it in context: the discussion was about how it would be bad for players to lose a bunch of stuff and how it would impact the players low lows and all that.

    No, no, no... oversimplifying is not putting it in context; it is a fallacy and is taking it out of context. They were very specific about what they were trying to avoid when it came to the lows - which is why I keep harping on you and others when you mention “reset to zero” and “cripplingly low” lows with regard to how SoT’s reward system currently works. The type of lows they were concerned about were the type of lows that occur in DayZ and Rust... truly being “reset to zero” and losing “absolutely everything.” If you are losing all your loot for an hour long play session 1 out of 10 times, you are gaining 90% more than someone who loses “absolutely everything.” Lose all that loot 1 out of 100 times and that is 99% more of a gain than a “reset to zero.” That’s not bad at all. So, what’s the complaint again? Gaining 90 to 99% more than someone who is actually “reset to zero” is not enough for you?

    This thread is here to address what the interviewer was worrying about and that we think Rares view is wrong. And unlike PvE servers, they never said this was set in stone they just said this is just how they designed it therefore it is open for debate and discussion.

    If you read that article, that simple notion about quest rewards is at the heart of the tone, the atmosphere, they want for the game - that’s what drives the tension in the game.

    “To have that ‘high high’ you've got to have the ‘low low.’

    That’s why I say it’s a core aspect of the game. That’s why I challenge your claim that this game is designed to be a fun, casual, pirate adventure. You’ve pretty much admitted now that it’s not and that you think Rare was wrong for not making it a fun, casual, pirate adventure. And, why does that bother me? Because it’s not the game I want. I play the games they researched for the design of this one - I like those types of games and also enjoy that this game is nowhere near as punishing, but still retains that tension for me. That was a brilliant move on Rare’s part. You want to make it a game that I have little interest in... not the game I paid for. I paid for the game with the vision they describe in that article.

    Could the game be improved? Yes. But this suggestion is not an improvement, it is a watering down.

  • @sledgezapper64 Damn! Well I had not even thought on that scenario. Correct me if I am wrong. You had two randoms on board, one was cooperative but would not vote to brig, the other was the guy needing to be brig'd? Can't say I would have enjoyed that scenario much. I've had bad randoms before but they were either brig'd or I left to another server. Been lucky I guess, no one ever seems to join when I am loaded with loot.

    The fix for that would be something entirely different than what we are discussing here. but I see where you tied it in on the loss of rewards due to an a****t player.

  • @entspeak I stand by my point in this being a casual fun pirate adventure game. The devs just thought the current system was the bestway to make tension. And it’s a good system that does that but it could be improved, this the point of this thread. The tension isn’t going to just disappear when you have a ship full of treasure just Bc u got a little xp at the end of the voyage.

    just so i understand your position. You would sell the game if they gave you some extra xp on voyage completion?

  • @i-am-lost-77 It is a casual fun pirate game, it is supposed to be fun, silly, whimsical. People should log out laughing about it, telling stories the next day about how funny it was....who said different? It's not e-sports hardcore PvP get a sponsor BS. It is a session game, which by definition is a casual game. They did a great job in many respects. The rewards and risk are not one of them.

    As far as the "tension" goes, that faded away for me after week one. now it is more like annoyance. If I see a ship at an outpost, ok I go to another one. If I see a ship at the island I am headed too, it just feels like, "hurry up dude" there is NO TENSION. Ship battles end when someone runs out of planks, or both ships are out of cannonballs. The PvP is pointless, and clunky. What Tension? I got loot on my ship, if I see another ship I don't have any tension. I am just thinking, great here comes another Johnny PvP Bad A*s to cuss me on his mic if I make it h*****n him. Besides, the last few weeks I have been playing the edge. Red Sea all the way...If I can't have it...neither can you! Just sayin'...

  • @touchdown1504 don’t need to tell me man! I agree with everything you say. Except optional crossplay but that’s another thread ;)

  • @angrycoconut16 said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    @lotrmith PvP already has an issue - lack of incentive. This suggestion would not change that, or if it would, only slightly, but it's a major issue with or without this change. There is no real reason to PvP, it's pointless, the only thing you can potentially gain is loot from somebody, but why would you do that when focusing on your voyage and evading PvP altogether is a far more efficient way of gaining loot? The problem you state is true, and it does exist, but it's a problem CURRENTLY which this suggestion would have minimal or no influence on depending on how it would be implemented.

    Opposing crews are not necessarily hard coded to be hostile I've met a few friendly people. I think crews are hard coded to be cautious around each other, but not always hostile, there's a difference. But anyway, this suggestion would not impact crew-crew interaction any more than the current in game situation. I honestly believe Rare need to add some sort of inventive to PvP because although I find naval combat fun, I just see nothing in it for me at the moment...

    I mean, we're talking about the ruleset of the server. Default is hostile, regardless of player intention. There is no Neutral. All players on different crews can attack all players on opposing crews at all times. There are no 'neutral' zones or servers where guards or something will attack or arrest 'neutral' players for aggression. There are no 'friendly' zones or servers where players cannot attack opposing crews. All opposing crew members are able to attack eachother on any server, in any area, at any time.

    Your ability to move the goal post or engage in any other such fallacious argument is matched only by your delusional optimism that you have more support than you actually do.

  • @sledgezapper64 said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    We were originally a 4 man crew.
    One had just left shortly before
    By the time I teleported back to the ship after being marooned, there was already a new guy there standing next to him.

    What you are referring to is something the devs have specifically stated they want to address by adding the ability for private crews.

  • @I-Am-Lost-77 don’t shift the goal post again. Do you stand by your claim that the game is designed to be a fun, casual, pirate adventure? If so, point to anything about how the devs describe the rewards system in that article that points to the game being designed to be a “fun, casual, pirate adventure.” How did you put it? Oh, yeah... give me a written statement from the devs talking about how this game is designed to be a fun, casual, pirate adventure or you don’t have a point to stand by.


    It is a casual fun pirate game, it is supposed to be fun, silly, whimsical. People should log out laughing about it, telling stories the next day about how funny it was....who said different?

    The fallacies are strong with this one. DayZ can be fun, silly, whimsical, and often people are laughing while playing - and I’ve logged off laughing... there are YouTube videos dedicated to telling the funny tales. Yet one could hardly claim that DayZ was designed to be “casual fun.” You can’t play that game for an hour and get very far at all. And, spending hours traveling the map to gear up only to be headshot and “reset to zero” well... you would absolutely hate it... and yet, there is still some fun to be had, silliness, whimsy, laughs, tales... hanging out with friends, meeting new people. But, you die and you start over at the very beginning, almost starving on the coast... with nothing at all to show for your hours/weeks/months of work. What you are describing here is possible in any online multiplayer game... and so, can’t be considered a defining characteristic of a “casual fun” game.

    The point is, you guys want it to be a casual, fun pirate adventure - and, that’s fine... it’s good to want things; but, don’t claim it’s supposed to be or designed to be a casual, fun pirate adventure. It isn’t.

  • @lotrmith @entspeak
    You guys... Keep up the good fight. Most have fled from these forums to avoid all of this debate but we fail to realize how important our presence is here. Most people are being negative in the forums cause everyone else is out enjoying NH the game lol

  • @muertoamigo420 said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    @lotrmith @entspeak
    You guys... Keep up the good fight. Most have fled from these forums to avoid all of this debate but we fail to realize how important our presence is here. Most people are being negative in the forums cause everyone else is out enjoying NH the game lol

    I’m enjoying the game, too and, as a bonus, I just may hit 30 in GH tonight.

  • @entspeak said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    @I-Am-Lost-77 Do you stand by your claim that the game is designed to be a fun, casual, pirate adventure? If so, point to anything about how the devs describe the rewards system in that article that points to the game being designed to be a “fun, casual, pirate adventure.” How did you put it? Oh, yeah... give me a written statement from the devs talking about how this game is designed to be a fun, casual, pirate adventure or you don’t have a point to stand by.

    “Sea of Thieves is a shared world adventure game (or SWAG) with crew co-operation at its core, designed to let you be the kind of pirate you want to be. Want to follow maps and solve riddles to find legendary treasure? Assemble the mightiest, most fearsome crew to sail the seas? Set a course for the horizon and just explore? Our ambition is to build a game that lets you pursue whatever adventure your salty heart desires.”

    “Venture out onto a vast, open ocean, uncovering new regions scattered with unspoiled islands and the sunken ships of less agile sailors. You're free to approach this world and its wealth of challenges however you choose. Sail for the sheer joy of discovery or undertake dramatic voyages, following maps and untangling riddles, learning to expect the unexpected...”

    And about the point on hostility:
    “Sea of Thieves is a new type of multiplayer game that delivers all you need to live the free-roaming pirate life. Whether adventuring as a group or sailing solo, you'll encounter other crews... but will they be friends or foes, and how will you respond?”

    Done. anything else?

  • @i-am-lost-77

    Okay. So, you can do whatever you want. As I mentioned above, you can do that in DayZ, too - doesn’t mean it’s a casual, fun game... means it’s an open world game. For example, yes, yes, yes... you can “sail for the sheer joy” or “set a course for the horizon and just explore.” You can definitely do that... but those choices will not gain you reputation. As I said, above, you can do these types of things in any open world game. I could “just explore” in Life is Feudal and that is the grindiest, least casual, fun game in existence. And, if I make that choice, I’m never going to progress.

    I’m fact, I think the devs want people to do these casual fun things and not worry all the time about earning reputation... the experience over the destination.

    I could spend the entire game shooting myself out of cannons at rocks... silly, whimsical... and worth zero reputation. So, no, that doesn’t support the claim that the game is a “casual, fun pirate adventure” - though, you are certainly free to do casual, fun things in it. No, what you’ve posted basically supports the notion that this is an open world game.

  • @entspeak I gave you 2 quotes right from the main page describing what the game is designed to do.

    How is dayZ marketed:
    “DayZ is a gritty, authentic, open-world survival horror hybrid-MMO game, in which you follow a single goal: to survive in the harsh post-apocalyptic landscape as long as they can. There are no superficial tips, waypoints, built in tutorials or help given to players. Every decision matters, there are no save games, no extra lives, every mistake can be lethal. If you fail, you lose everything and you need to play again from the beginning with nothing but your wits, and your two hands. Fight the hostile environment, where every other player can be friend or foe and nothing can be taken for granted. This is DayZ, this is your story.”

    I rest my case.

    SoT is designed as a casual adventure game, designed to make your own adventure playing how you want. DayZ designed as a survival horror game that’s supposed to be punishing it’s all right there. I know what SoT was marketed as it’s written all over their website. It’s not a survival PvP pirate game, it’s a pirate adventure game with PvP. Go to the SoT homepage if you want to know what game you bought.

  • @i-am-lost-77 said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    SoT is designed as a casual adventure game, designed to make your own adventure playing how you want.

    I want to kill your toon, sink your ship, and take your loot for its full value.

    I sure am glad the game is designed, as intended, to allow that.

  • @lotrmith yes and you are free to do so. Never was against PvP. Be boring without people like you to sink :)

  • @i-am-lost-77 said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    @lotrmith yes and you are free to do so. Never was against PvP. Be boring without people like you to sink :)

    Thanks for the laugh.

  • @i-am-lost-77 said in Give us our XP for finishing a voyage, not turning in the chest/soul/animal:

    @entspeak I gave you 2 quotes right from the main page describing what the game is designed to do.

    How is dayZ marketed:
    “DayZ is a gritty, authentic, open-world survival horror hybrid-MMO game, in which you follow a single goal: to survive in the harsh post-apocalyptic landscape as long as they can. There are no superficial tips, waypoints, built in tutorials or help given to players. Every decision matters, there are no save games, no extra lives, every mistake can be lethal. If you fail, you lose everything and you need to play again from the beginning with nothing but your wits, and your two hands. Fight the hostile environment, where every other player can be friend or foe and nothing can be taken for granted. This is DayZ, this is your story.”

    I rest my case.

    SoT is designed as a casual adventure game, designed to make your own adventure playing how you want. DayZ designed as a survival horror game that’s supposed to be punishing it’s all right there. I know what SoT was marketed as it’s written all over their website. It’s not a survival PvP pirate game, it’s a pirate adventure game with PvP. Go to the SoT homepage if you want to know what game you bought.

    You’ve rested nothing. So, suddenly, you’re all about the marketing when you think it helps your argument. You were quite dismissive of marketing earlier. Of course, what I posted were quotes from the devs that actually covered design decisions and not the marketing lingo (but you mistakenly characterized them as such)... but, now, it is the marketing lingo that gives the most accurate picture of game design... not the discussions about how the game was actually designed?

    The discussions about actual design choices mean nothing, how the game actually works now (which matches those design decisions) mean nothing... the marketing lingo is suddenly the clearest way to determine how the game is “clearly designed?”

    Two words: puh and lease. Your argument is a sham, jumps back and forth, relies on fallacious reasoning, and you are contradicting yourself.

  • ^ that's pretty thorough and accurate. Shows clearly how much OPer uses no logic in his arguments. This is a wishy washy way to discuss needed change to the game. Quit focusing on being right and focus on being constructive

  • @muertoamigo420 And got to 30 in GH and crashed and burned trying to solo a skull fort... lol. I knew there was a reason I hadn’t tried that before. All around a good evening.

    But, yes... if folks want to make a suggestion like this, they need to be able to defend their reasoning for it. So far, it’s been pretty much based on fallacies and personal attacks.

  • @lotrmith No, default is caution. Definition of hostile: showing opposition or dislike. If you do that from the off that is your choice, but I can tell you the majority of people have a feeling of caution first, not instant hostility. The hostile ones are the people who open fire first and some people do that, but many will often try to get an idea of the opposing players intentions first, to see whether they can avoid PvP, whether they have loot, etc,... clever pirates will PLAN their actions not just instantly show hostility.

    The potential to attack other pirates, does not equate to hostility, it is just that, a potential.

    I am all for people having varied opinions, but if you think that the arguments in this thread are fallacious, then you are the delusional one. Providing additional rewards for other tasks completed in the game is going to have no negative effect on the game. What it will do is provide a more positive atmosphere however. Anyone who can't see that is arguing for the sake of arguing.

    Of course quantity is a valid argument, and it's QUANTITY (i.e. do we award 100% progression at voyage complete, or just a small bonus for tasks etc etc..) which will have the impact. The idea in itself is sound.

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