[CLOSED] Win Wednesday - Sea of Thieves comic with exclusive Pax East 2018 cover

  • Floatasm

  • Generous

  • Gormless

  • One word: sunken

  • Merciless

  • Always "Groggy" of course!

  • Bravehearth

  • Selfless

  • Gold eater

  • @itsdaleykong lonely

  • Gold eater

  • Unpredictable

  • Friendly

  • One word doesn't wanna fit.

  • Daredevil

  • Drunk!!!

  • Legendary

  • Assiduous

  • Enormous

  • @itsdaleykong Grog.

  • Ostrobogulous

  • Hero

    (8 Characters)

  • A greedy pirate

  • The one word would be “Myth”

  • @itsdaleykong said in [CLOSED] Win Wednesday - Sea of Thieves comic with exclusive Pax East 2018 cover:

    After much deliberation I have selected 2 winners!

    Congratulations @TheRev4n and @Inkar-Agobi!

    Shoot me a message and we will arrange your prizes! :)

    As the winners have been selected this thread has been closed!

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