Skull Fort for 2!

  • I love this game.

    So, the other night, I spawned into a Galleon with 3 randoms; all of whom were complete noobs. Since they were adults (i.e., not kids intent on destroying our game) and I was just looking for a mental health break, I decided to hang with them regardless of their missions (or lack thereof).

    I'm glad I did, too.

    I'm FAR from a Legend (pretty much low 30s across the board for me) but I've learned a lot from more experienced players, and I'm always happy to pass along any tricks I've picked up to help people improve their games, too. These guys were soaking it up and it was actually a lot of fun teaching them.

    Eventually, one dropped and we picked up a competent 4th (with ratings similar to me). We all decided we'd drop off our loot at a nearby outpost and make a run for the Skull Fort that had just come up. We took out a sloop along the way but our 2 noobs had to drop before we ever reached the fort. We initially considered changing course since we were a Galleon of 2, but I'm glad we didn't! Together, my new found "friend" and I surprised the c**p out of ourselves as we took out each wave of the Skull Fort!

    Half way through, we had a mic-less 3rd spawn into our crew. Unfortunately, they were only a distraction and cause for delay since they started exploding gunpowder and squatting on the boat, taking supplies. We brigged them pretty quickly and they eventually left.

    I'd heard people say they'd taken down Skull Forts in sloops but, while I believed them, I was a little skeptical that I had the skills to do it myself (in a team of 2). It was nerve racking for both of us but a ton of fun.

    Sidebar: People can complain about lack of content, safe zones, and whatever they want in this game. It's the people and the varied pirate experiences that keep me coming back. A few nights ago, I was on a ship that got completely demolished by another Galleon which we, thereafter, referred to as the Navy. We had so much fun running missions, looting sunken ships, and avoiding future run-ins with the Navy. We lost some loot when they took us down but it didn't matter. They weren't griefers -- they did their pirating and moved on. It was all part of the experience. You win some. You lose some...and sometimes you get the loot while you're at it!

    Happy Pirating! :)

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