Sea of Thieves Captains Log - Project

  • Ahoy thar Fo'Rum!

    Apologies for my absence, study and life have been getting in the way of the Pirates Life...

    Thought I would pop on by and give you all a sneak peak into a project I've been planning.

    I've loved seeing all the creative tales/pictures/videos and stories being shared on the Fo'Rum as well as places like Twitter, Facebook etc.

    And just like yourself I have a lot of amazing memories that my friends and I have created upon the Sea of Thieves and I wanted a way to immortalise those tales.

    As you may remember, some time back I proposed an in-game Captain's Log that would keep track of stats and voyage information.

    Well as it turns out I had a physical Sea of Thieves Journal just laying about...

    So I decided that I'll take some of those memories and record them in my own Captains Log. Initially, I begun drawing and writing by hand but quickly discovered to get the visual style I liked would result in huge amounts of ink bleed through the pages.

    Cue - Illustrator.

    Instead, I've taken to drawing the pages up in Illustrator that I will later paste into the book to fill the Log as best (and messy) as I can.

    Here are some examples of pages I've just completed:


    What do you think? - Any feedback welcome as the project is really early days.

    How do you keep track of all the awesome things you do upon the Sea of Thieves?

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  • @pikaaroon Looks great! and is such a cool idea to record all the fun adventures and experiances that you've had.
    I like to capture screen shots or video clips and share them on twitter etc but I may create my own blog later on to collect them all together.

  • @pikaaroon Great idea, but now you'll have to post the full thing on the forums when you're done. I'll remember, because I'm making a note of it in my............ hmm........... I need something to make a note of it in.

  • I record by going straight to Mixer, Youtube when Mixer isn't working, and the Game-DVR when my brain isn't working.

    I don't consider putting the events to actual paper until the very end. Typically, I want to make the spirit of a genuine piratey "Tavern Tale" to come alive by posting it on here. This is my pub, my tavern, and I believe keeping it personal doesn't give it enough life; it only helps me -- Captn Jaq -- remember.

    The game sessions/stories I share are those which are most memorable or what I think people would enjoy or should hear... that would explain the 'Randoms' and 'Drunken Sailors'... especially when things need cheering up.

    If I were to put it to paper, it would most likely end up being a gift for someone in RARRRE. For you, I think this digital version would work in-particularly if you're running a blog or wanting to make a long-running journal on the forums.

    This version comes across as very much like you, Aaron, and I say go for it. The only thing I'd suggest is to make the font actual handwritten text. Like if you can write on a tablet and transfer the image onto that e-parchment. If not, use the typed up log as the background and write over some sections with the stylist. For instance, that "I blame the grogs!," "Why not gold?," and the banana on the first page. R')

  • Hey @pikaaroon, that's awesome. I have a blog I use to record my adventures too but it's not as fancy as your journal.

    Hope you don't mind but I'm going to drop the video of pass the banana in here so everyone see how it plays out.

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