Deaf friendly events?

  • It would be nice to have deaf friendly such like visual or pop up. Since it kinda sad about the new recent update on the mermaid statues hunting. It wont be very easier for deaf people to find it since it need to play music to hear it more. I did found some statues but the light is very very small easier to be missed. I thought it kinda great idea of the event but sadly not deaf friendly enough...Hope next event would be better compare this one.

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  • @ant-heuser-kush - Yes! The two event was very deaf friendly and fun! Also yes, we do have crewmates all of time but funny thing about that we are all deaf crew. We love to collect the awards for it but we all just surprising with the recent update.

  • You can also see some light coming out of the statues from a distance. You don't have to hear them.

  • Ever since the retractable ladder request and people referring to the audio cue, I have hoped they would introduce more accessibility into the game. They have some with visual, now for audio.

    I still think they should subtitle audio events. It is not hard to add a text to the audio trigger code. I would even volunteer to do such if able.
    splash in water
    ladder creeks
    eerie music starts

    I mean just a photoshop, but a customizeable font size and position would be simple:

  • @dyfrin - That would make the game more perfect!

  • Personally I wouldn't like having a visual hud pop up cue for audio clues. There are already programs that will help, Like asus has one built into their mobos that have an overlay with an arrow pointing in the direction the sound would be emitting from. I don't want to make it easier for people to see me sneaking on to their boat lol.

  • @dyfrin said in Deaf friendly events?:

    Ever since the retractable ladder request and people referring to the audio cue, I have hoped they would introduce more accessibility into the game. They have some with visual, now for audio.

    I still think they should subtitle audio events. It is not hard to add a text to the audio trigger code. I would even volunteer to do such if able.
    splash in water
    ladder creeks
    eerie music starts

    I mean just a photoshop, but a customizeable font size and position would be simple:

    Nice Photoshop work! That is something would make it big different with access for deaf. It could be used as in setting where you can either disable or enable.

  • @ant-heuser-kush - Yeah! Also we already been tried that we just swim and swim all over the area and find nothing we could spent like half hour on each island. Until someone came to same island we on and found it within 3 mins. That is shown it won't be easier to find it. :/

    Yes I hope Rare notice this suggestion. Hello Rare! if you notice this discussion! :D

  • I'm always in support of greater accessibility for those with obstacles to consider.

    But this event? In specific? In specific to this event, I see zero issue. I am not deaf, though thanks to tinnitus (darn mortar shells....) I actually do have hearing issues that I simply deal with.

    I actually turn down game volume to zero often... and in relation to this event it hasn't affected me in the least!

    The shine really isn't bad on even my what... 23" or whatever monitor?

    I think the request is sound but the platform of presentation is flawed in this case.

    But as I said, I'm all for advocacy for people with certain needs... so yea let's hope that Rare considers things like this down the road some eh?

  • @sir-xianion
    I hope for deaf accesability settings, with visuals instead of sound

  • What? Huh? I can’t hear you.

  • I've been suggesting visual audio cues in general since the alpha as the earlier they're built in the easier they are to implement (or so I'm told by people in the industry), but nothing's come of it yet.

    Given the inclusive nature of the game and the community Rare has built up around it though, I can only hope it and other accessibility features are somewhere on their road map.

  • I agree, we should also have blind support for the game.

    But in all seriousness, subtitles might work, there are some people that might find them too good and would ruin the """""stealth""""" of this game, but hey, acessibility is more important.

  • @urihamrayne
    Either you are Serious or Humorous... on a serious topic.
    No offence but.......which one?

    edit... seen your edited update

  • @piratecraggy I made a joke and proceded to speak seriously.

  • @urihamrayne
    fair enough... we are both typing ... good to know

  • @glannigan said in Deaf friendly events?:

    What? Huh? I can’t hear you.

    Was that supposed to be funny? Tasteless comment.

  • @ever-reddy
    Well it does seem that they are moving forward lately with the color blindness, so the hope is they continue with the others. It seems it is a "current" project Microsoft is working on.

    While it is true having a foundation laid for things is good and could have been tackled in Alpha/Beta, I am sure they noted it, but had to continue on.
    As for the difficulty of doing this now, it shouldn't be that hindered from not laying the groundwork earlier.

    In UE when they have the class that spawns the audio/music cue they can reference a text identifier of the sound, (like an alt text for an image).
    This could take less than 1 hour and be done, then they would have the ability to have not only the audio play but a descriptor as well.

    Now, the longer part is filling out the description of the audio files.. while you could use the nomenclature of the audio files themselves, process the string, formatting it, but I am sure they aren't as.... piratey? or human readable as they could be, so you would need to in each reference to an audio file, add the new text description.

    This could easily eat up a couple days, both in actual typing, but more of how to best describe it.

    Eye of Reach fired event:
    Eye of Reach fired
    Gunfire from an Eye of Reach was heard

    That really can add flavor to the game or just be... quickly done like the top line.

    The ability to display it on the screen, with input options, will take a little time, to make it look right, fade time, stacking when multiple sounds are up, which are "important" and should be larger, or stay longer, that kind of testing to get a "polished" output can also take a week or more. Add more if location of sound generation is also added.

    I could see this from start to finish 1 month.
    Just when does that start on their roadmap?

    Looking at my chest of sorrows next to Merrick, I wonder which is actually producing that inconsolable weeping

  • Along with the creepy hum when you're near a mermaid statue, there could be a subtle halo/glow around the perimeter of your tv/monitor screen

  • just make pop up subtitle type things an optional thing

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