Who actually cares about lantern colors?

  • @bonko40 I've wanted more lantern colors for a while but I wish after the event I could just plop one on my boat instead of having to die in a certain way to get the color. It's cool for the event but too much of a hassle for boat customization.

  • @starquest said in Who actually cares about lantern colors?:

    @betsill There are many people who literally asked for this though and rare delivered to that part of the community.

    What is "this"? I don't remember anyone saying "I want to the game to reward me for committing suicide."

    Maybe your suggestion can be added later and be someone else's lame update :)

    What suggestion?

  • @starship42 said in Who actually cares about lantern colors?:

    @sargent-sully said in Who actually cares about lantern colors?:

    Has anyone tried changing lanterns on islands, on the rowboat, etc?

    I changed the color on a rowboat, and of course, some beacons.

    Maybe it works on any lantern.

  • @betsill

    No one is forcing you to commit suicide. There is no rush to complete the commendations in this release unless you are desperate for the doubloons.

    You could simply play Sea of Thieves in your normal way, and collect the different colored flames when you die while pursuing other objectives.

    That is, of course, unless you are so good you never get killed.

  • @surveyorpete Never said forced, but you can't be serious... The event is to kill yourself in certain ways in order to get the different colors(aka commit suicide). If you don't actively try to kill yourself will never get certain colors like the snake poison and lightning. You will also never get the party boat commendation. Don't be so disingenuous. The devs themselves were intentionally killing themselves in the last stream...

  • @betsill New lantern colors is what people have asked for, rare can implement that in any way they want. Any suggestions, I dont stalk you so how would I know what you want or if you have suggested things...

  • @starquest Ok. I didn't know if you talking about lanterns, or one of the other changes(best of which being the clothing preview). The lantern color changes are implemented in a bad way though. You want "x" color? well go kys in this way! No idea how this concept made it past so many people to get into the game.
    They way you phased your comment I thought you were referring to a specific suggestion I made. nvm then.

  • Yes, I think they’re great. For me they’re not only just another colour to have for your lantern etc but it opens up a whole different way I play the game. For example - 2 ships in an alliance, one team is red and the other blue. You have to change the other teams lanterns to your own colour, it’s great fun.

    In fact I’d like to see a domination mode/event for the game where you have to defend your own colour beacons while trying to change the other islands/enemies beacon

  • I remember as a child when I was bored, my mother would tell me to make my own fun.
    Shouldn't have to make your own fun if the game was fun.

  • I like the change its another aspect of customization which the game could use, plus this update was just for the event im glad they added anything other than commendations. its not a big update like forsaken shores so i didnt expect a game changing update, I am very pleased with this event

  • @bonko40 I think the way you word your post should be a bit different so people can think about it more. Do we care about different lantern colours? Well yes we’ve asked for it since before launch and only just now got a very limited amount of colours.

    The question is whether or not it warrants being considered an event, and to that I say no way. Finished the commendations last night and they were quite boring frankly. It’s a rehash of skeleton thrones.

    Tl dr: Lantern colours? Love em! Doesn’t count as event though

  • @sytoki The real question is: "why do i have to commit suicide in a certain way(or at all for that matter...) to get the lantern color I want?"

  • @betsill said in Who actually cares about lantern colors?:

    @sytoki The real question is: "why do i have to commit suicide in a certain way(or at all for that matter...) to get the lantern color I want?"

    True. I think it would have been nicer if we got it by "absorbing" it from another being using our lantern, after killing them instead. As for lightning and volcanos, should be enough to just take damage from that source.

    This event reminded me of one we had in WoW. There was an npc who gave players pamphlets. If you collected all 10, you got an achievement for it. Thing is, there was a 10 minutes cooldown between each one.
    People found out there was a way to reset it...By killing themselves. So basically, the cities were full of dead players, since everyone was flying up with their mounts and jumping to their death haha.

  • I like the new colors. Its fun to make your ship go all disco.

    I do have a question tho for u guys at Rare.
    How u came up with this suicide update XD?
    U need to die to be part of it! Love it!

  • I love Festival of the Damned event, A celebration of the Ferryman, and while it’s not tied to any real world celebration I hope as the game develops we have others.
    The lantern lights are lovely, especially at night when the colours really stand out. I usually switch all the lanterns off when starting out but now I have an excuse to keep them burning :D. Purple is my favourite.

  • @betsill How is it bad to die and get a flame? That's the story they wish to tell and its unique. Each flame is so easy to get and it gives everyone another goal if they want it and another reason to stay afloat.

  • Like it.

  • I actually enjoy the new lantern colors, gives a new way to customize the ship, even if it may just be temporary.

    Plus, this is one event my crew and I can actually complete ( we've all died in the various ways that get us the new lantern colors, it's about time they gave us a commendation for it...lol ).

  • @betsill said in Who actually cares about lantern colors?:

    @sytoki The real question is: "why do i have to commit suicide in a certain way(or at all for that matter...) to get the lantern color I want?"

    Players have been finding unique and fun ways to kill themselves since launch. Now, we just get something for it.

  • I learned more about the guy behind the wheel on the ferry, and why none of us are going to heaven or hell.

    I find this quite interesting. A pirates life for me, eh?
    Remember when Captain Vane said in Black Sails: "Fear of death is a choice."? He meant embrace death.

    Here, Rare is saying why not make your death hilarious.


  • I think the lanterns are nice, and it's Rare's way of responding to community requests of more ship customization options as well as the ability to have your own "ghost ship".

  • ABSOLUTELY love it . It is the addition of customization options that players seek and this is a very good beginning. Well done

  • i care ...And i do absolutely love it. The plan for this evening is to wait untill Mr Jay4dio has fully lit the ship in a caleidoscope of colours and then....Then i will sing my favorite Halloween Song...Here goes ( * Nothing? , hehehehe ) i dance with the Dead in my dreams...i listen to their hallowed screams...The dead have taken my Soul...Temptations lost for control...
    Oh, man, i feel so excited for this evening...You want to come and listen? i got a Golden Voice ( * Are you trying to lure people to listen to yer banshee cries ? Moron. Those untrained ears could lose their eardrums...Actually ...That would be fun...Can i sing along?)

  • Well, I don't mind em.
    What a minute...

    I love em!

    The different colored lanterns are just another fun thing you can do now.
    There no game changer, (They were never ment to be) But they're fun.
    The new big content will be coming in with Shrouded Spoils later this month, so stick around for that.

  • It's our favorite update so far between my girlfriend and I.

  • I think this is my favorite “Bildge Rat Adventure” to date. It’s low-stress but a lot of fun. The colored flames look awesome. The new sails are really cool and menacing. Not a big fan of the face paint Duke sells, but it fits the theme and I’m sure some will love it. The commendations include a dash of PvP and a dash of cooperation.

    I love all the touches of autumn everywhere, although I wonder where you’d grow a pumpkin in the tropical Sea of Thieves. It would have been nice if they made a cargo run for pumpkins or something. Missed opportunity there.

    But overall I love this update. It’s eerily beautiful and very fitting for Halloween (my favorite holiday). I wish it had come out earlier to better coincide with the actual date, since Halloween gets a bit old after the day is gone. Still fun, though.

    Two thumbs up for me!

  • @genuine-heather said in Who actually cares about lantern colors?:

    I think this is my favorite “Bildge Rat Adventure” to date. It’s low-stress but a lot of fun. The colored flames look awesome. The new sails are really cool and menacing. Not a big fan of the face paint Duke sells, but it fits the theme and I’m sure some will love it. The commendations include a dash of PvP and a dash of cooperation.

    I love all the touches of autumn everywhere, although I wonder where you’d grow a pumpkin in the tropical Sea of Thieves. It would have been nice if they made a cargo run for pumpkins or something. Missed opportunity there.

    But overall I love this update. It’s eerily beautiful and very fitting for Halloween (my favorite holiday). I wish it had come out earlier to better coincide with the actual date, since Halloween gets a bit old after the day is gone. Still fun, though.

    Two thumbs up for me!

    Would have made more sense for them to do this update the week BEFORE Halloween, then it would have been a fitting lead up to the holiday.

  • @kiethblacklion said in Who actually cares about lantern colors?:

    @genuine-heather said in Who actually cares about lantern colors?:

    I think this is my favorite “Bildge Rat Adventure” to date. It’s low-stress but a lot of fun. The colored flames look awesome. The new sails are really cool and menacing. Not a big fan of the face paint Duke sells, but it fits the theme and I’m sure some will love it. The commendations include a dash of PvP and a dash of cooperation.

    I love all the touches of autumn everywhere, although I wonder where you’d grow a pumpkin in the tropical Sea of Thieves. It would have been nice if they made a cargo run for pumpkins or something. Missed opportunity there.

    But overall I love this update. It’s eerily beautiful and very fitting for Halloween (my favorite holiday). I wish it had come out earlier to better coincide with the actual date, since Halloween gets a bit old after the day is gone. Still fun, though.

    Two thumbs up for me!

    Would have made more sense for them to do this update the week BEFORE Halloween, then it would have been a fitting lead up to the holiday.

    I agree, that would have been nice. But oh well, I'm still happy to have it. Plus it gives me an excuse to stretch out my favorite holiday even longer. :)

  • do the plants live longer under the purple lights? ; )

  • I like them because of its something rather than getting nothing.

    True, we would like to see more and I've been frustrated too with the game sometimes. But, overall, I got my monies worth and had a lot of fun for what I did play.

    Overall, Rare is putting in an effort. They make videos and talk to the fans. So, you gotta give credit where credit is due. Worst case scenario, you wait another 1-2 years and come back and play for free (cause you already own the game). And you get to join the game when it has more stuff in it.

  • @bonko40

    I care. It's a neat way to customise your ship, looks glorious in the dark especially with cursed cannonballs loaded and could be used any number of role play ways.

  • @bonko40

    Yeap luv them too. Great little filler event.
    Impressed myself on the first attempt at Crooked Masts, nailed the landing from the cannon whilst sloop was under full sail.
    Wish I had recorded it now... hindsight is a wonderful thing :)

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