If you're solo in a sloop and a skeleton ship attacks, you might as well scuttle ship.

  • I’m going to take out 500 skeleton ships SOLO and prove to the community solo slooping is alive more than ever

  • @straw-hat-blake said in If you're solo in a sloop and a skeleton ship attacks, you might as well scuttle ship.:

    I’m going to take out 500 skeleton ships SOLO and prove to the community solo slooping is alive more than ever

    Good show mate!

  • @danklizard202 said in If you're solo in a sloop and a skeleton ship attacks, you might as well scuttle ship.:

    @emperorass I don’t know what your talking about...the only time a skeleton ship attacks me is when I fire at them. I haven’t seen one just pop up and hunt me down though

    The U-boat captains seen to be the most aggressive. You hear the battlehorn just before they breach the surface. Unlike the ships that patrol the surface.

    I carry a rowboat and start thinking about loot recovery when I hear that horn, but this thread has juiced me up for a fight.

  • @straw-hat-blake I took a skeleton ship into Isle of Lost Words and tattooed it! You have to create strategic advantages. Once you do they're easy to sink!

  • @emperorass personally in my opinion it depends on what cursed cannonballs they have for example if they have the anchor ball or the grog ball then yes I agree but it's not impossible I've done it before just make sure u have the supplies😉

  • @emperorass Could have been worse. You could have the big three after you. What's the big three you ask? Ooooh. Starting with a skeleton ship, finding a megalodon in your midst, and wait for it....The Kraken just might show up. Not in that order, but you get the idea. Anyway, solo slooping and cursed ships not much a problem until something else comes along that's NPCish. Ick!

  • @cpt-parr0t-head haha niiice. So far my best strategy is to get my ship right against theirs and once they start to cross my T I’ll turn with them so we stay linked Up. Meanwhile I’m bucketing all of my water into their ship. Once you get some distance they just settle in on you and if they have a good curse it can be game over. They drop some crazy loot though. Good luck!

  • @emperorass the curse ball that makes the skip fo lower into water helps a lot fighting the skeleton ship if you do it right also I have beaten it solo

  • Commenting on this post because I was just sunk by a Skeleton Ship, and rage quit without finishing the voyage I spent 3 hours slowly intent on completing.

    Typically, Skeleton Ships are not a huge issue for me, even as a solo sloop.

    But I've had a string of bad luck lately--Skeleton Ship appearing the past 4 times i've attempted to chase a looted galleon that bullied me off a skull fort, and a Skele Ship emerging to attack me, the past 3 times a galleon was on my tail. All 7 incidents i've lost the engagement or been forced to withdraw. Its odd that 7 consecutive times the Skeleton Ship has targeted me, the sloop, instead of the galleon.

    Alas, this most recent rage quit was nothing like my past engagements. I managed to run the Skele ship aground, and anchor turned my ship so i could take on a better angle to sink the skeles. Unfortunately for me, the Skeleton ship managed to use the earth in its favor, and had prime angle on me for opening cannon fire.
    Two skeles were on the starboard cannons, and every second shot was a jigball. I lost that fight the moment that first jigball hit my ship. The cannon fire rounded off faster than the duration of the jigball's effect, and I was forced to watch my ship slowly sink. My ship was hit by 14 individual cannonballs before a stray shot managed to send me to the grave.

    That was, and hopefully forever will be, the most unsatisfying way go.

  • @emperorass first of all you can run away from the skeleton ship it leaves you alone at some point and not "20 minutes"less, and it is easy to sink a skeleton ship plan it right and youll take it down.

  • @emperorass Welcome to the world of a solo captain.

    This is the most challenging type of crew you can imagine. The seas are a dangerous place and deciding to take it on by yourself is not for everyone.

    It is the place to hone your skills and become a master of the seas. It requires one to understand the risks of being alone, always be prepared and ready for any situation that emerges from the depths. There are people out there that deal with these without issues solo, I for one hunt them down when I am out big game hunting solo.

    This is can be a very rewarding experience at times and a very frustrating one if one makes a mistake. The sea is not the forgiving type and is easier to tame with others.

  • thats a lie, i have killed 50 skellie ships, all while solo slooping. also they rarely ever sink me unless i want them too, i literally cant think of the last time one sank me without me trying to sink on purpose

  • Hey I think you just need to strategize a lil more. Knowing how to use the sloop to its fullest is the first thing to master, I used to go out attacking player galleons solo till I perfected it. Cursed balls are key for soloing The skelly galleys and I’ll be honest with you, once you work them out you’ll be able to solo fleets on the sloop to. I currently have 8-9 fleets solo so far, when I’m not on crews and they suddenly pop I go straight over. Not bragging just saying you can take them down when you work out how. Happy to sail with you and example if you like..... just hit me up

  • @jellyfishapod2 said in If you're solo in a sloop and a skeleton ship attacks, you might as well scuttle ship.:

    Hey I think you just need to strategize a lil more. Knowing how to use the sloop to its fullest is the first thing to master, I used to go out attacking player galleons solo till I perfected it. Cursed balls are key for soloing The skelly galleys and I’ll be honest with you, once you work them out you’ll be able to solo fleets on the sloop to. I currently have 8-9 fleets solo so far, when I’m not on crews and they suddenly pop I go straight over. Not bragging just saying you can take them down when you work out how. Happy to sail with you and example if you like..... just hit me up

    Also you can outrun them, again manouver the sloop and once out of zone they drop off. You can always sail towards another player to have it engage on them lol sometimes it will turn all it’s focus on the opposition 😂

  • Skele ships circles the active fort whilst im doing it and randomly attacks my boat. Thanks, now I got the fort attacking and the skele ship. How fair this is by myself.

  • I enjoy sinking the skeleton ships on my sloop

  • @killthulhu19k

    Sorry but this is not accurate. Don’t give up so easily. You also have something the skeleton ship doesn’t - a human brain that you can use to prepare and strategize for these situations.

    The two main strategies I use with skeleton ships if I happen to be solo slooping are ramming with gunpowder barrels on the tip of the ship/bucketing my water onto their ship and just a simple use of Cursed cannonballs.

    I had a skeleton ship pop up on me when I was soloing the other night. I fired off a weary ball, pelted with cannonballs for a bit, kept them stunlocked with another weary ball, then more cannonballs. That ship went down in less than a minute, it was so easy.

    If I can do it, you can do it. I swear if Rare nerfs this game’s PvE experiences any further they won’t be fun or worth doing at all.

  • @sailorkek Not everything in the game is supposed to be balanced for the solo player, especially not Skeleton Forts. Solo Slooping has always been considered the “hard mode” for this game. Additionally, Skeleton Forts are, and always have been a crew based activity. Try playing with a crew. It’s infinitely more fun and you have a better chance to take on more challenges successfully.

  • @chronodusk the forts are easy as anything but EVERYTIME I'm close to completing some big ship comes straight into the wind and sinks me spawning me on the other side of the map.

    Im so sick of doing stuff for 30 mins just for someone with 2 or 3 more people than me to just take it off me again and again.

  • @emperorass If you know how to take them, they are so easy. My success rate is well over 90%.

  • @goedecke-michel said in If you're solo in a sloop and a skeleton ship attacks, you might as well scuttle ship.:

    @emperorass If you know how to take them, they are so easy. My success rate is well over 90%.

    Same. Only reason I sink is because a Meg or Kraken joins in or I run out of supplies. The ghost ships if you actually properly supply yourself at an outpost are no issue.

  • It's not that it's unsinkeble, but I do alot of merchant Quest and if u have bottles of rum and u incaunter a skelleton galleon, u might as well start over, where u can escape from both the Kraken and megalodon, it just doesn't seem fair..

  • @killthulhu19k just dont fire at them and they wont attack you unless you run under the skeleton fleet cloud. They might sail near you outside of that but if you dont fire on them they wont mess with you.

  • Difficulty does need to be tweaked a bit when you are solo for these ships in my opinion

  • I've killed some skellie ships solo, it's definitely possible! There are some good tips here already, so I don't really think I can add to that. Just want to encourage you to keep trying!

    I agree though, that sometimes a random spawn like a galleon or the kraken can feel like an instant game over. It sucks. But as long as you regularly sell your loot, I guess you don't have that much to lose?

    Also, ignore the meg. Just put the wind in your sails, and get below deck. Wait it out. She doesn't follow you, so you'll be out of her zone pretty quickly. And a lot of the time, she won't even attack you as long as you leave her be. Same goes for some of the skeleton galleons. They are often just exploring, doing their own thing.

    Good luck!

  • @therealepicandy well that's just not true, I have been shot by skelleton galleons a hand full of times even if I didn't start shooting first.. they will attack, of u shoot or not.

  • Skeleton ship combat needs to be somewhat optional and less common. Returning to SoT excited about this update (as it was a feature request of mine) and have encountered them on almost every voyage. Not so exciting and mysterious when it's constant, they're nothing more than AI griefers.

    Just lost a ship full of loot that took an hour to obtain. Could not outrun, I didn't engage or retaliate but they persisted, they didn't leave at the outpost, could hardly fight back or steer as was constantly repairing, bucketing and SLEEPING. Sure, beating them in a sloop is possible. But what if I don't want to in that moment? I get the whole sink them with buckets of water but doesn't this feel a bit hacky, like it shouldn't even be a thing? I mean they came out of the sea how are they sinking?

    Decided to use the mermaid instead of manually swimming my loot to the outpost as I trusted they would persist on my instant return, they did not. Couldn't we even have a sunken ship spawn with seagulls so I can locate my booty?

    How it could be improved:

    • Skeletons have ammo limit, takes time to reload and "summon" more cannon ball crates after a limit of shots. Reduce spamming and frequency of magic cannonballs
    • Skeleton ships only track you when you're carrying cursed skulls / cursed chests. Throw it overboard and they may leave you alone.
    • Better spoils persistence, spawn sunken ship at location of wreck.
    • Events occur less often, adds mystery and excitement.
    • Skeletons prioritise players with high notoriety
    • Skeleton sloops.
    • Resource persistence (with an upper limit) - resources and ship loot disappear if you leave the game have to start over. What if I want to stock up, have a break and return?
  • @haywirephoenix said in If you're solo in a sloop and a skeleton ship attacks, you might as well scuttle ship.:

    Sure, beating them in a sloop is possible. But what if I don't want to in that moment?

    Having the ability to dictate when and where you are forced into battle removes all of the danger from the game, and thus all of the challenge.

  • @vin-delanos said in If you're solo in a sloop and a skeleton ship attacks, you might as well scuttle ship.:

    @haywirephoenix said in If you're solo in a sloop and a skeleton ship attacks, you might as well scuttle ship.:

    Sure, beating them in a sloop is possible. But what if I don't want to in that moment?

    Having the ability to dictate when and where you are forced into battle removes all of the danger from the game, and thus all of the challenge.

    Exactly. Saying we should be able to opt out of emergent elements of the game is just silly. It seems like people just want the experience to be simplified down to an antisocial singleplayer experience, sailing from island to island digging up chests, without ever being bothered by other players or A.I.


    This game needs the presence of threats and challenges.

  • @straw-hat-blake im confused. Are yu saying solo slooping skellie ships is impossible or are you making fun of people who say that

  • SoT is not giving each player the same experience in terms of difficulty.

    In a sloop last night I pumped a skelly galleon with 26 cannonballs, and strafed their whole lower deck. It did not sink. Skelly ships DO repair.

    But if I happen to be on a crew with a pirate legend, they blow a kiss over at it and the thing goes instantly down with like a dozen hits.

    I hadn't had a single kraken, skelly ship, or meg defeated solo for my first 6 weeks of playing (if I engage any of the above it just goes on indefinitely until all onboard resources are exhausted. Same with megs, I can put 20 cannonballs on em, empty a dozen clips, till it wins the 'plank war of attrition').

    Finally got first kraken kill (pre-nerf) in a galleon crew with legends and this kraken attack went on for 30 minutes. it wrapped tentacles 7 times, we exhausted all planks, the other pl players were like "I've never seen a kraken take this long before, if this kraken wraps one more time I'm quitting SoT!"

    I have a feeling this was so difficult because I was on the crew, and SoT has dialed up a "custom" difficulty for my pirate, much higher than the default levels, and they were sharing my grief.

  • The game was designed to play with friends or in a group. The literally called it hard mode when you play alone.

    and I literally beat one, by myself, on a Galleon while I was getting supplies before my friends logged on.

  • As a player that can complete a Skeleton Fleet solo slooping; I disagree with the title of this thread. Thank you all for reading. I did not. Good Day!

  • @straw-hat-blake ha detto in If you're solo in a sloop and a skeleton ship attacks, you might as well scuttle ship.:

    I’m going to take out 500 skeleton ships SOLO and prove to the community solo slooping is alive more than ever

    Be hardcore, matey! Do it SOLO on a ROWBOAT!

    alt text

  • @major-bashed said in If you're solo in a sloop and a skeleton ship attacks, you might as well scuttle ship.:

    @therealepicandy well that's just not true, I have been shot by skelleton galleons a hand full of times even if I didn't start shooting first.. they will attack, of u shoot or not.

    They don't always attack, but is you shoot them they will always retaliate.

    @khompewtur said in If you're solo in a sloop and a skeleton ship attacks, you might as well scuttle ship.:

    SoT is not giving each player the same experience in terms of difficulty.

    Yes it does? Besides the kraken that does indeed scale depending on the ship size (bigger the ship, harder he gets), skelly ships and meg are the same difficulty for all ships and players.

    In a sloop last night I pumped a skelly galleon with 26 cannonballs, and strafed their whole lower deck. It did not sink. Skelly ships DO repair.

    But if I happen to be on a crew with a pirate legend, they blow a kiss over at it and the thing goes instantly down with like a dozen hits.

    Well it makes sense that if you are more than one player shooting it, it will go down faster, legend status or not. They might have used well-timed cursed cannonballs too.

    I hadn't had a single kraken, skelly ship, or meg defeated solo for my first 6 weeks of playing (if I engage any of the above it just goes on indefinitely until all onboard resources are exhausted. Same with megs, I can put 20 cannonballs on em, empty a dozen clips, till it wins the 'plank war of attrition').

    Yeah those are indeed harder to do by yourself than with a crew, meg takes about 30-something cannonballs to die. Skelly ships do repair, so you gotta keep that in mind, hence why cannonballs are handy for those fights.

    Finally got first kraken kill (pre-nerf) in a galleon crew with legends and this kraken attack went on for 30 minutes. it wrapped tentacles 7 times, we exhausted all planks, the other pl players were like "I've never seen a kraken take this long before, if this kraken wraps one more time I'm quitting SoT!"

    I have a feeling this was so difficult because I was on the crew, and SoT has dialed up a "custom" difficulty for my pirate, much higher than the default levels, and they were sharing my grief.

    Lol you gotta be trolling at this point mate :)

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