Add PvE servers

  • I've been enjoying the game for a while and am about to get to Pirate Legend. This weekend has been a mess of griefers, so much so that I am about done with Rare and their products. Multiple times in a row we had our ship blown up by people with whom we were in an alliance (separate alliances). We just wanted to voyage and get something done, but everytime we were done stocking the ship some pieces of human refuse come along and sink the ship for nothing - we have no treasure, yet. If you added PvE servers (which might aid with your sub-par matchmaking system) people who just want to enjoy a casual moment of voyaging could do so and all the people who want to waste each other's time can do so I PvP servers. At the time I have remorse for giving you money and playing every minute of this game that I have.

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  • the next time you buy a game, check what it is.

  • @drogue14 ahoy there! If you're about to hit Pirate Legend, then you ought to know that this type of behavior is not "everytime" you finish stocking your ship (at least, it has not been for me or any of the other long-term players I have asked). You should also know by now that you are far from helpless in situations like this (this coming from a regular solo slooper, arguably the worst PvP position in the game).

    That said, I am truly sorry that you feel this way. I genuinely hope for your sake that this was a rage-post and you're feeling more amicable now. Good luck going back into the high seas!

  • @dasourf What a useful comment. I am aware that the game is PvP. This is repeated sessions of players joining an alliance and then sinking people in the alliance. It's simply trolls griefing. It's pathetic and PvE servers would be a work around that let players who primarily enjoy the sailing and voyaging. The griefing seems to have gotten worse over the past year. Right now this game is just fodder for annoying people.

  • "Please! Remove Pirates from a Pirate Game!"

  • @drogue14 Alright, don't let the door hit you on the backside!

  • @Drogue14 I think what @dasourf is trying to say is not to buy a game and then try to change what it is to suit your preference. I have spent a lot more time on this game then you have (based on you being almost legend), probably 5-10 times as much. I don’t have these experiences. Sure I have ships try and chase, I am certain that almost nightly these sort of encounters are attempted, however they are avoided with diligence.

    Remember, if you provide any benefit or possible benefit, or even if removing you negates any risk or feeling of risk to the other player, then they aren’t griefing you. They are either looking to gain at your expense or looking to protect themselves from you. Both are completely legitimate reasons to attack you

  • As you speak on the website of the game developer.

    Sea of Thieves is a new kind of multiplayer game that brings everything you need to live a pirate's life.
    Whether you're on a group journey or sailing alone, you'll find other crews ... but are they friendly or hostile? And how will you react?

  • @drogue14

    Hey there! You might be interested in searching out the several other topics created about the subject of PvE servers or passive modes and how others have responded to them. For the most part, everyone seems to agree that this would not be good for Sea of Thieves.

    First, let's take a look at the short statement available right here on this website that tells us what the game is:

    Sea of Thieves is a new type of multiplayer game that delivers all you need to live the free-roaming pirate life. Whether adventuring as a group or sailing solo, you'll encounter other crews... but will they be friends or foes, and how will you respond?

    This is the core philosophy that the game is built on. So what does that mean? Well obviously it means that losing your treasure and being attacked by other players is something that is intended to be experienced as one part of the overall Sea of Thieves journey.

    So since this concept of "friend or foe", "hostile or friendly" is made obvious to everyone from the start, that means you agreed to all aspects of what that statement meant. This is what you bought. The game will not cater equally to all play styles. No game ever does, so it would be best that you adapt to what the game is.

    When I look at Sea of Thieves, I see a game with a beautiful, breathtaking world that allows for so many unique stories and player interactions of all kinds, sneaky, hostile, friendly, cooperative, you name it! What other game allows for so many different situations to take place in one shared world?

    So knowing how great and unique this game is, I get pretty disappointed when I see people who get pigeonholed into trying to take this super unique multiplayer experience and simplify it down to just some solo PvE grinding experience. That isn't how its supposed to be.

    Thankfully I believe that Rare knows what a masterpiece they've created and will probably never create a place where players opt in to a dry, predictable, watered down version of the game that would be a PvE only or passive server.

  • @drogue14 i feel you, just got sabotaged yesterday by my own Crew Teammate just because he is Pirate Legend and Athenas Lvl 10 and dont care about money or reputation just because he is maxed out, he bombed our own Boat and stole like 50 cursed balls and dropped the Rowboat with all of our supplies just for his pleasure to hurt other People. Tried to report him in forum and on xbox, instead i get a communication suspension for 3 Days no Chat nothing, thanks for the f*cking miserable Job -<SoT and XBOX LIVE SUPPORT

  • May I present to you, the SoT community that's against pve/private servers summed up in one video.
    I do not share the opinions/views expressed in this video and am sharing it here not to promote toxic behavior but to provide evidence relevant to the argument that this game needs a way to explore SoT in peace with your friends

  • It is a game about pirates... it is part of the "pirate experience". And it didn't happen only yesterday... we usually switch server when there are persistent griefers.

  • @blackelite-id16 said in Add PvE servers:

    May I present to you, the SoT community that's against pve/private servers summed up in one video.
    I do not share the opinions/views expressed in this video and am sharing it here not to promote toxic behavior but to provide evidence relevant to the argument that this game needs a way to explore SoT in peace with your friends

    A griefer trolling his own crew, how is that relevant in any way to PVP vs PVE?

    What happens when you get stuck with such players in a PVE mode?

    Did you look at the video at all or did you just try to quickly pick a video that seemed to put PVP in a bad light?

  • @bloodybil closed crew eliminates the possibility of being paired with a troll like that but thats the same type of person/attitude i come across in pvp. Its still relevant to why i want private co-op, even without being focused on pvp. Give me private servers so i dont have to deal with people like that sharing my world.

  • @blackelite-id16 If you get paired with a griefer. Block them and report them on XBL.

  • Never trust anyone in Alliances unless they are part of your friends list, they can't even sneak up on you, check the map, if they are coming towards you, leave

  • This is one topic that tends to pop up often, many will agree and many will disagree.

    I too would like a pve server as I’m sick of spawn killers, specially when chasing a ship down who clearly doesn’t want combat. Or when you’ve spent hours doing a voyage for these players to spawn kill you, then if you happen to bump into them again with no loot anyhoo they still spawn kill and sink your ship. Perhaps get a bounty system in place for these type of players?

  • There is a mega thread plus 1000 of other pve crying.

  • @drogue14 I know it sucks when the game gets in the way of your achieving your goal in the game. I think they call it, "playing the game." It is the nature of all online multiplayer games where another player has the opportunity to take something you have.

  • I troll galleons in a sloop its really not that hard and a sloop is one of the best yea it takes a few shots and goes down but if you are well stocked then you can can keep the sloop afloat a lot easier then a galleon or brigantine not mention can maneuver a lot better just doesn't have speed so might as well fight if a galleon is chasing cause it will catch you but yes they need PVE and PVP servers as a choice

  • @blackelite-id16 If any of that is reportable, then report it. That has nothing to do with whether or not there should be PvE servers because much of what he does could easily be done and said on PvE servers, too.

  • @chronodusk I (mostly) agree with everything you said, but I'd still enjoy an offline mode. Yes, the grind will be repetitive without other pirates, but it's better than not playing at all when my internet is out...

    I know OP is suggesting a PvE server, not an offline mode. I agree with most people that it would hurt the current game, but making it offline (totally separate progression/completely solo) would be a better option (in my opinion). I think this would mostly cater to people with bad/no internet, parents who don't want their kids talking to strangers, and people that just REALLY don't like player interaction. I don't think it would appeal as much to the people begging for PvE servers because they would be alone and their progress would reset, so it would keep most people in the current build (as opposed to PvE servers).

  • @truthfullist56 I suggested an Exploration mode a while back. A mode where there is no progression. This would be used to help someone learn the islands, learn the ship mechanics, etc.

    We need pirates with different kinds of personalities in our servers. If you take out the "peaceful" pirates, everything will fall apart.

  • The reality is that trolls will be trolls. A PVE server just herds up the sheep into an easy target.

    Can’t kill you? Just jump on board and steal it. Maybe a keg would do the trick? Can’t cash in? Well perhaps just dumping your loot over the side (not much you can do about it if you can’t kill them.

    There are lots of ways people will exploit systems in order to annoy others. Running away from the main game unfortunately won’t help

  • @omnipotence13 said in Add PvE servers:

    The reality is that trolls will be trolls. A PVE server just herds up the sheep into an easy target.

    Can’t kill you? Just jump on board and steal it. Maybe a keg would do the trick? Can’t cash in? Well perhaps just dumping your loot over the side (not much you can do about it if you can’t kill them.

    There are lots of ways people will exploit systems in order to annoy others. Running away from the main game unfortunately won’t help

    You're right. It sure won't help. In fact, this would lead to far more bitterness than if people would just accept what they knew the game was before they bought it.

    Besides, the more people we have flocking off to go mindlessly grind rep and gold in a boring PvE server, the less we'll have to mix up the pot in The Adventure mode.

    Talk about dividing up the playerbase and making the game less interesting... They need to make sure they keep all players of all motivations playing together to make sure Sea of Thieves retains the qualities that make it special. That means PvE servers have no place in the game.

  • yep I agree. The game needs a pve mode. would greatly increase my enjoyment if I could choose when I want to play with other people. A lot of times I am not in the mood to play with others, so I don't play at all.

  • Dude, it's a pirate game. Also, you spelled griefers wrong, it's spelled "PIRATE".
    Most of the time servers are already pretty chill. 1 out of like 30 servers for me has a mega-aggressive crew of Athena 10 pirates. Just server hop if you don't like the players in that server. Or maybe just don't play a pirate game idk man you do you.

  • @tripleplayed said in Add PvE servers:

    yep I agree. The game needs a pve mode. would greatly increase my enjoyment if I could choose when I want to play with other people. A lot of times I am not in the mood to play with others, so I don't play at all.

    If this is how you feel then you might be playing the wrong game. I like to sink ships and rob people of their loot (more than simply digging up chests all day), but you may not want to be bothered at all and prefer to form alliances.

    But in order for Sea of Thieves to be the great and special thing that it is, it needs people like me and you to be playing together in the shared world. No opt outs.

    Giving people a separate place to do PvE only removes that particular "color" from the Sea of Thieves "painting", if you will... making the overall picture less of what it is, and less interesting. If we add PvE servers, soon enough you'll turn what used to be one big vibrant painting into just two plainly colored canvases.

    The PvE server thing, just doesn't work for the game.

  • @drogue14 Oh boy not this again.

  • Being a not so good player (when it comes to PvP) when I first played I thought that a PvE server would be great, now that I have played it a bit over a month now I can confirm we don't need PvE servers. And before you think i'm gonna go on a rant about how its a pirate experience and what ever it's the main fact of that is what the game is. When the developers made the game they clearly wanted PvP so like @dasourf said check what the actual style and game play is of a game before making the purchase don't try and bend it into what you think it should be.

  • @drogue14 If they have safe spaces, what would you do when the thrill of losing what you collected is gone, when you easily maxed out to PL10? Why do so many people fear a challenge? That's the fun of video games, overcoming challenges.

  • @blackelite-id16 There are a max of 6 ships on server in a big world, half the time I can't even find another ship as the servers are dead. Why do people act like as soon as they log in they get attacked?

    I need to join some of your crew because I struggle finding a good ship battle these days. Even doing the reapers run last week I think was attacked twice the 10 runs that I did.

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  • Dont get me wrong PvP is an integral part of the pirating world. Grieffing and harassment is not however. After soloing a good part of the reapers run last night only to be barraged by a 4p galleon and losing all of my loot. (Which was fun btw) i gave up and moved on. Thats the risk/reward system at its finest ans why we play the game. Finally making it to snake bite (after soloing 2 megs and a kraken) i got bombarded by 2 (above the pirate code) players that not only won our skimish fairly and took my loot but then repeatedly killing me 15 times "to prove a point" is completely unnecessary. I like the thrill of a bit of PvP, i do NOT enjoy the harrassment that some members of our community use to "Train" arena fighters. It takes away alot of the experience the developers have worked so hard to build. This isnt call of duty, or some other K/D focused game so it was just out of making some other person miserable. Hopefully the arena will take alot of the kill-happy players and leave the true voyagers and true pirates alone. I doubt it. Each of us have a right to enjoy the game in our own way, just dont ruin it for others. This game will triumph over others if we allow fair pirate adventures and sportsmanlike behavior. Sail, Kill, Loot.... but overall enhance the experience of ALL of our fellow pirates, dont diminish it. We wouldnt have this great game if it werent for them. rant over. Lol #soapboxsailor #seaofthieves

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