Looking for Fishing/The Hunters Call Hints and Tips? Look no further!

  • Ahoy maties!

    • The Anniversary Update delivers a host of general gameplay features that offer new activities and ways to play. The Hunter’s Call Trading Company, led by fan favourite Merrick, is here to reward pirates with gold and cosmetics for fishing, hunting and cooking. Find and catch rare fish or cook up new fruit and meat edibles.

    Don't forget to check out what the Release Notes have to say about Fishing, Hunting and Cooking!

    Release Notes 2.0

    Have you got some vital tips and hints you can share to help out your fellow pirates with Fishing and The Hunters Call?

    Are you struggling with a certain part of this new feature? Let us know below! Hopefully one of our more experienced pirates can help you out.

    Found a good place to fish for a certain breed?

    Found some benefits to some of the new fish, meat or fruit?

    Drop any help or questions you have below!

    The Great Fishing PSA

  • 59
  • I wrote a guide with the best of my knowledge about Fishing, Cooking, and the Hunter's call.

  • How do you use bait?

  • Does anybody have a photo of the Bright Pondie? Please message me on discord or post below, discord preferred, thanks!

    Discord: Grad#0484

  • @tenriak Ahoy matey!

    Once you have you your fishing rod equipped bring up your item radial a second time, you will see the option to switch to bait to choose from your different bait items.


    If you use this in a video/guide/whatever, please give me and anyone else the credit they deserve. Thanks!


    Here's a PSA for anyone who needs help. Fishing is very vague, and is sometimes unclear. This is completely fine, however there are some things the game just doesn't tell you at all. So, me and some other people are gathering as much information as we can, so everyone can have fun fishing. Enjoy!


    To equip bait to your line, hold the fishing rod, and then go to the Item Radial. Where it says "More" there will be another option, "Bait"
    To fish, wait till a fish bites on, then pull the rod the opposite direction of the fish. Keep fighting it, and then eventually it will get tired out and you can reel it in. Repeat the process.


    Splashtails, Pondies, and Islehoppers don't need bait.

    Splashtails are anywhere.

    Pondies are ONLY in freshwater (Devil's Ridge. Pan next to the pond)

    Islehoppers are ONLY around islands.

    Plentifins are ONLY in the Shores of Plenty. Use worm.

    Wildsplashes are ONLY in the Wilds. Use worm.

    Ancientscales are ONLY in the Ancient Isles. Use leech

    Devilfish are ONLY in the Devil's Roar. Use grub

    Battlegills are ONLY around Skeleton Ships and active Skull Forts. Use grub

    Wreckers are ONLY around Shipwrecks. Use worm

    Stormfish are ONLY in the Storm. Use leech


    NOTE: with very few exceptions, schools of only one subspecies of Islehoppers can be found at each large island.

    Stone Islehopper: Cannon Cove, Crooks Hollow, Sailor's Bounty, Shipwreck Bay, Sharkbait Cove, etc.

    Moss Islehopper: Wanderer's Refuge, Marauder's Arch, Thieves Haven, etc.

    Raven Islehopper: Discovery Ridge, Sharkbait Cove, etc.

    Honey Islehopper: Crescent Isle, Sunken Grove, Plunder Valley, Kraken's Fall, Discovery Ridge, etc.

    Amethyst Islehopper: Devil's Ridge, Crooked Masts, Smuggler's Bay, Snake Island, etc. (night time only)

    You must be fishing in the sea within the title card range of an island to catch them

    Thanks to @Alien8theBunny for this info on Islehoppers!


    There are 5 types of each fish, and for MOST fish, the first three seem to be increasingly rare, while the 4th one is the "Super Rare" one, and the 5th one is the glow-in-the-dark nighttime exclusive one.

    NOTE "Super Rare" fish are reportedly more common in and around Skull Forts.

    Cooked fish & food is worth more, burnt is worth less.

    Wiggle the rod around to reel faster.

    You can reel while the fish is struggling to get a small bit of
    progress, but it is risky. You can only turn it 1/4 turn before it snaps if the fish is not tired.

    Use the right bait or you'll just catch Splashtails, with some exceptions.

    Sell fish & cooked meat at Seaposts.

    You don't need bait to catch trophy fish; they're just rarer versions of the respective normal variants

    Unlock different fishing rods for each set by catching & selling different fish. Check the tool shop to see them all.

    More hard-to-find fish are worth more. I once got a Trophy Sun Wrecker, cooked it, and it sold for 4.8k. NOTE: Sun Wrecker value has since been swapped with the Snow Wrecker value.

    When you can't grab a fish, check if your food is full.


    All the fruits heal you different amounts.

    Bananas: 10%

    Coconuts: 20%

    Pomegranates: 30%

    Mangos: 50%

    Pineapples: 100% (2)

    Pineapples can be eaten twice.

    Cooked food gives more health, prevents food poisoning, and fills your regen bar. The regen bar will drain itself, but fill your health if you stop taking damage for a couple seconds.

    Fruit doesn't cook. It only burns. It's good for a quick heal, but doesn't give a regen bar.

    When meat is cooking, it will go from completely pink, to completely brown. If there's any large pink sections, put it back on the pan.

    When a fish is cooked, the skin will go brown and the eyes will go milky. Even if they change color, (ex. Red fish to Blue fish) wait until they go brown.

    Sell cooked meat to the Hunter's Call to get a commendation for each animal. You even get a tattoo for the animals, and a Merrick & Derrick themed face paint for the monsters.

    Pretty much every single campfire that was in the game now has a frying pan over it, if you have to cook a bunch of stuff, see if you can find one.

    Caged animals die from less hits, so if you go hunting, bring some animal crates.


    Remember, please, Upvote posts you like so more people can find them. Otherwise it will sink to the bottom of the forums and in this case, we'll have another 1000+ posts saying "how do I catch a fish?"


    Credit goes to:
    @Merrick's Family

  • can you sell the fish, and where?

  • @captain-bokos Any Seapost.

  • I'm glad to know I was not the only one gathering info on fishing stuff. Yours is sorted a bit nicer than mine. x3
    Though i would like add that each grade for the fish is

    1. Turn in 01 fish
    2. Turn in 10 fish.
    3. Turn in 20 fish.
    4. Turn in 35 fish.
    5. Turn in 50 fish.

    You should also add to stormfish that you need to be like IN the storm and not just on the edges. :) Edit i did see you mentioned that haha my bad.
    For Splashtails Umber is more likely to spawn in Devil's Roar. :) I believe there is a Devil's roar fish type for each fish but didn't get to test that out.

  • @klutchxking518 said in Looking for Fishing/The Hunters Call Hints and Tips? Look no further!:


    Here's a PSA for anyone who needs help. Fishing is very vague, and is sometimes unclear. This is completely fine, however there are some things the game just doesn't tell you at all. So, me and some other people are gathering as much information as we can, so everyone can have fun fishing. Enjoy!


    To equip bait to your line, hold the fishing rod, and then go to the Item Radial. Where it says "More" there will be another option, "Bait"
    To fish, wait till a fish bites on, then pull the rod the opposite direction of the fish. Keep fighting it, and then eventually it will get tired out and you can reel it in. Repeat the process.


    Splashtails, Pondies, and Islehoppers don't need bait.

    Splashtails are anywhere.

    Pondies are ONLY in freshwater (Devil's Ridge. Pan next to the pond)

    Islehoppers are ONLY around islands.

    Plentifins are ONLY in the Shores of Plenty. Use worm.

    Wildsplashes are ONLY in the Wilds. Use worm.

    Ancientscales are ONLY in the Ancient Isles. Use leech

    Devilfish are ONLY in the Devil's Roar. Use grub

    Battlegills are ONLY around Skeleton Ships and Skull Forts. Use grub

    Wreckers are ONLY around Shipwrecks. Use worm

    Stormfish are ONLY in the Storm. Use leech


    NOTE: with very few exceptions, schools of only one subspecies of Islehoppers can be found at each large island.

    Stone Islehopper: Cannon Cove, Crooks Hollow, Sailor's Bounty, Shipwreck Bay, Sharkbait Cove, etc.

    Moss Islehopper: Wanderer's Refuge, Marauder's Arch, Thieves Haven, etc.

    Raven Islehopper: Discovery Ridge, Sharkbait Cove, etc.

    Honey Islehopper: Crescent Isle, Sunken Grove, Plunder Valley, Kraken's Fall, Discovery Ridge, etc.

    Amethyst Islehopper: Devil's Ridge, Crooked Masts, Smuggler's Bay, Snake Island, etc. (night time only)

    You must be fishing in the sea within the title card range of an island to catch them

    Thanks to @Alien8theBunny for this info on Islehoppers!


    There are 5 types of each fish, and for MOST fish, the first three seem to be increasingly rare, while the 4th one is the "Super Rare" one, and the 5th one is the glow-in-the-dark nighttime exclusive one.

    Cooked fish & food is worth more, burnt is worth less.

    Wiggle the rod around to reel faster.

    You can reel while the fish is struggling to get a small bit of
    progress, but it is risky. You can only turn it 1/4 turn before it snaps if the fish is not tired.

    Use the right bait or you'll just catch Splashtails, with some exceptions.

    Sell fish & cooked meat at Seaposts.

    You don't need bait to catch trophy fish; they're just rarer versions of the respective normal variants

    Unlock different fishing rods for each set by catching & selling different fish. Check the tool shop to see them all.

    More hard-to-find fish are worth more. I got a Trophy Sun Wrecker, cooked it, and it sold for 4.8k. OUTDATED; Sun
    Wrecker value was swapped with Snow Wrecker value.

    When you can't grab a fish, check if your food is full.


    All the fruits heal you different amounts.

    Bananas: 10%

    Coconuts: 20%

    Pomegranates: 30%

    Mangos: 50%

    Pineapples: 100% (2)

    Pineapples can be eaten twice.

    Cooked food gives more health, prevents food poisoning, and fills your regen bar. The regen bar will drain itself, but fill your health if you stop taking damage for a couple seconds.

    Fruit doesn't cook. It only burns. It's good for a quick heal, but doesn't give a regen bar.

    When meat is cooking, it will go from completely pink, to completely brown. If there's any large pink sections, put it back on the pan.

    When a fish is cooked, the skin will go brown and the eyes will go milky. Even if they change color, (ex. Red fish to Blue fish) wait until they go brown.

    Sell cooked meat to the Hunter's Call to get a commendation for each animal. You even get a tattoo for the animals, and a Merrick & Derrick themed face paint for the monsters.

    Pretty much every single campfire that was in the game now has a frying pan over it, if you have to cook a bunch of stuff, see if you can find one.

    Caged animals die from less hits, so if you go hunting, bring some animal crates.


    Remember, please, Upvote posts you like so more people can find them. Otherwise it will sink to the bottom of the forums and in this case, we'll have another 1000+ posts saying "how do I catch a fish?"


    Credit goes to:
    @Merrick's Family


    Not sure about the accuracy of the Raven Islehopper. I found it at Snake Island and only the stone one was found at Sharkbait. The Stone Islehopper has a red chin, while the raven one has a blue chin.

    Also, have yet to find the Amethyst Islehopper at night.

    Does anyone know if there are special conditions to get the shadow stormfish? The Twilight one is the night variant.

  • @cyberguardian77 don't know what you said as the post got deleted. lol

  • Something I would like to add, there's alot of fish and meat both cooked, uncooked and overcooked to be found inside barrels of shipwrecks. Did 2 shipwrecks today and managed to get plenty of nice items to sell for. Just make sure you check every barrel, you will be surprised what you find inside them 😉

  • As @Hynieth mentioned in another thread, selling mermaid gems to the hunters call reps is the best way to level up from low levels, and bypass having to catch mostly splashtails or having to test your patience gathering and cooking meat.

  • Helpful tip when fishing for pondies, get on a rock or someplace you need to jump to then skelies cant get to you and cause you to lose your fish

  • Hello all Hunters. Tell me if I'm doing something wrong. I reel in a fish. It's out of the sea. Indicator tells me to take it but offers no key (PC) to do so. Bug or brainfreeze on my part? Tnx in advance.

  • @hurricanenotus said in Looking for Fishing/The Hunters Call Hints and Tips? Look no further!:

    Hello all Hunters. Tell me if I'm doing something wrong. I reel in a fish. It's out of the sea. Indicator tells me to take it but offers no key (PC) to do so. Bug or brainfreeze on my part? Tnx in advance.

    brain freeze on your part. you cant pick it up because your inventory is full of food items already.

  • @klutchxking518 this is amazing

  • anyone know how to catch smoke and bone ancientscales? I have gotten the other 3 so I think i'm missing something on these 2. I am in the ancient isles and using leeches..

  • @purplmonster74 said in Looking for Fishing/The Hunters Call Hints and Tips? Look no further!:

    anyone know how to catch smoke and bone ancientscales? I have gotten the other 3 so I think i'm missing something on these 2. I am in the ancient isles and using leeches..

    Smoke, not sure there's anything to it as I don't remember doing anything special when I got mine. I think they just don't spawn as often?

    Bone I've caught at inactive forts. This also applies for the Bonedust Plentifin.

  • @geoffman72 thanks i just took your advice and caught a bone ancientscale. Also what does the smoke ancientscale look like in the water?

  • where do i purchase the killer whale ship parts?

  • @purplmonster74 Ahoy matey!

    The Hunters Call will offer you these once you reach level 20!

  • I didn't know some fish subspecies required specific places to fish (not talking about regions). I thought that for each fish, you could catch any of the first 4 variants during day regardless of location and nocturnal one only at night, good to know.

  • @musicmee said in Looking for Fishing/The Hunters Call Hints and Tips? Look no further!:

    @purplmonster74 Ahoy matey!

    The Hunters Call will offer you these once you reach level 20!

    This is great info, as I was about to ask the same thing. So at level 15 we don't get anything? At least I don't see it when I talk to one of the hunters. At level 5 was the fishing rod and level 10 the tankard, now the squares are empty showing nothing... Anyway tanks for the answer! 😁

  • @capt-flameheart said in Looking for Fishing/The Hunters Call Hints and Tips? Look no further!:

    @musicmee said in Looking for Fishing/The Hunters Call Hints and Tips? Look no further!:

    @purplmonster74 Ahoy matey!

    The Hunters Call will offer you these once you reach level 20!

    This is great info, as I was about to ask the same thing. So at level 15 we don't get anything? At least I don't see it when I talk to one of the hunters. At level 5 was the fishing rod and level 10 the tankard, now the squares are empty showing nothing... Anyway tanks for the answer! 😁

    Not sure if it was intended or not, but the items after level 10 become visible after you buy the promotion. Maybe they (Rare) don’t want to spoil the designs of some of the stuff until you can actually get it?

  • @cyberguardian77 said in Looking for Fishing/The Hunters Call Hints and Tips? Look no further!:

    @capt-flameheart said in Looking for Fishing/The Hunters Call Hints and Tips? Look no further!:

    @musicmee said in Looking for Fishing/The Hunters Call Hints and Tips? Look no further!:

    @purplmonster74 Ahoy matey!

    The Hunters Call will offer you these once you reach level 20!

    This is great info, as I was about to ask the same thing. So at level 15 we don't get anything? At least I don't see it when I talk to one of the hunters. At level 5 was the fishing rod and level 10 the tankard, now the squares are empty showing nothing... Anyway tanks for the answer! 😁

    Not sure if it was intended or not, but the items after level 10 become visible after you buy the promotion. Maybe they (Rare) don’t want to spoil the designs of some of the stuff until you can actually get it?

    I've bought the promotion and I'm currently halfway towards level 13 on Hunters call, but I don't see any new items showing up that unlocks when you promote to level 15 and level 20 just like with the other companies. So I'm not sure why this is, anyone else who knows what we get at level 15?

    Edit: I think you are right, when I bought the level 15 promotion I only get to see the lantern and after I bought the lantern the squares are empty again. At least we know now that we get a shippart on reaching level 20 😁

  • @capt-flameheart Lantern

  • @geoffman72 Thanks! 😁 Can't wait to see how it looks like!

  • Are there additional requirements for Forsaken Devilfish?

    My (fairly obvious) tip: When hunting land based animals for meat, use a blunderbuss (No aim; just run up on the animal. Exactly like hunting long pig.). A frantic sword swinging crew standing near each other can also make short work of animals.

    Second (fairly obvious) tip: Make use of the increased Meg death shark spawns to fill your barrels with shark meat.

    Third tip: There are visual cues that signal the level of cooking "doneness". More smoke then normal will alert you to the start of the next level.

  • Okay, something about the shipwrecks. I already know that inside these barrels are lots of cooked and uncooked fish and meat, but today I found something interesting...
    The barrels inside the shipwreck resets every ingame day (24 minutes) and when a new day has come you can find fish and meat uncooked or cooked inside the barrels again.

    I discovered this with a crewmember while we kept fishing there for wreckers. This is a great way to get all the wreckers and also random meat/fish from the shipwreck barrels.

  • Forsaken and Firelight Devilfishes are giving me a realy hard time. Also I can't find the ancient stormfish.

  • Has anyone figured out the conditions for getting the Shadow Stormfish? I’ve tried every location at night, during the day, nothing. Tips?

  • @cyberguardian77 said in Looking for Fishing/The Hunters Call Hints and Tips? Look no further!:

    Not sure about the accuracy of the Raven Islehopper. I found it at Snake Island and only the stone one was found at Sharkbait. The Stone Islehopper has a red chin, while the raven one has a blue chin.

    Hello there! I'm the Islehopper equivalent to Prof Oak. Please allow me to clarify regarding the accuracy of my results in the giant PSA post, as I've repeated the study twice now (40+ hours of Islehopper hunting), and have new information that isn't listed above. First, the handy-dandy chart I made to help speed things along for folks:

    Fantastic Fish and Where to Find Them

    It's been just over 24 hours since I posted this graphic and the details of the study to Reddit and other social medias, and I've been getting reports of Ravens appearing alongside the commonplace varieties in many places I've yet to see them.

    The problem with Raven vs Bunny is their rarity and spawn rate. I spent exactly one hour per large island in each experiment, catching only one common subspecies, but at random a Raven would appear. Since I released this information yesterday, I have found a Raven at Old Faithful, and the reporters mention Wanderer's Refuge and Crooked Masts, so my current theory is:

    Raven Islehoppers can spawn at any large island in addition to the common variants, all that is required is time a luck.

    As for the Amethysts:

    On any of the islands I've listed for them, fishing at night without bait should yield Amethyst Islehoppers and a variety of Splashtails, in roughly a 2:1 or even 3:1 ratio. If you continue to have trouble, I'd be more than happy to join you on the sea and help!

  • @hurricanenotus said in Looking for Fishing/The Hunters Call Hints and Tips? Look no further!:

    Hello all Hunters. Tell me if I'm doing something wrong. I reel in a fish. It's out of the sea. Indicator tells me to take it but offers no key (PC) to do so. Bug or brainfreeze on my part? Tnx in advance.

    Had the same problem. It's because your food inventory is full. So put your pole away, eat a banana, and then take you pole back out and grab the fish with the F key.

    Fish is a food so you need a free slot in your inventory to "take" it.

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