Tall Tales

  • Tall Tale Items SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO BE SOLD if stolen from doing PvP. How many times I have sunk ships and taken their Tall Tale items to do absolutely NOTHING WITH!!!

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  • Are they that common of an occurrence as to merit that? If they are, then maybe it's worthwhile being able to earn gold for the totems and gems etc. But it shouldn't extend beyond that; commendations shouldn't be granted for tale completion without playing it through as intended.

  • There is a big downside to this. Stealing these items and sinking the players can make the players start all over on their efforts to complete Tall Tales. Not the same as stealing a chest, skull, etc. Unless this part of the game is tweaked to allow steps to be save, it would be more detrimental to give it more incentives.

    It is a delicate balance. The story mode is a great idea and part of the game. It can just have such a more negative impact when the PvP side comes crashing in. Totally agree with @cddegarmo that commendations for Tall Tales should only be completed for actually completing them from start to finish.

  • The answer to everything in Sea of Thieves should not and must not be paint a dot on someone else so you can go kill and sink them. Come on it is an old and stale mechanic way over used by Rare in all the months of mercenary voyages and the new monthly updates.

    PvP minded pirates also need to stop being so lazy and selfish to have this as the answer to the only way to have fun in a game full of so many options and potential. Sail like a pirate and find your adventure. Stop wanting a dot or flag on the map or the horizon to guide you there like a pirate GPS system.

  • @mrbadabing
    Treat them like a animal crate and you'll feel much better.

  • @x-crowheart-x Some people are lazy, but I am far from Lazy and Selfish lol. I've earned my Rep and Title and Paid my dues. I have fun in game no matter what I do. I do things every day, but If I see a Ship in my view, we make it a point to go say Hi, and what happens from there, well that is a Tall Tale itself =)

  • @mrbadabing

    My latter post was not speaking of you specifically mate. Glad to hear you pay your dues and sail like a good player and pirate. Fair winds and cheers friend!

  • @x-crowheart-x No I know you wasn't speaking of me lol I was just throwing that out there. I am 100% PvP, but I also do missions

  • @mrbadabing said in Tall Tales:

    Tall Tale Items SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO BE SOLD if stolen from doing PvP. How many times I have sunk ships and taken their Tall Tale items to do absolutely NOTHING WITH!!!

    As someone who likes to PVP.. nah I am fine the way it is. I have even messaged people to tell them I left their stuff on the docks.

  • @zormis Santa Longbeard needs to fill your chests up with more gold and tankards with the best grog for being a naughty and nice pirate!

  • @mrbadabing said in Tall Tales:

    Tall Tale Items SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO BE SOLD if stolen from doing PvP. How many times I have sunk ships and taken their Tall Tale items to do absolutely NOTHING WITH!!!


    Rare intentionally made TT items worthless to others to discourage camping and harassing play against those who are doing tales.

  • Being a pirate doesn’t always mean profit, my friend.

    Good for you, you sunk a lone ship that was parked only to find they had a pendant with a cursed soul. Sucks to be you, because you wasted all that time for nothing.

    Pirates didn’t always have successful voyages.

  • I am not sure if selling is the answer, but it would be nice if the Tall Tale items have a second function.

    Since all the complains of players getting ambushed and their items stolen, it might be an idea to stop these players from not understanding the PvP element of the game. If the items were sellable, beginning players will screw it up by handing it in at the wrong place. On the other hand, it would also mean that you can get a reward out of not finishing a Tall Tale. Even if it's just gold, that means you can stop the Tale if you are out of time to play, which could be a nice compensation, since the final reward in gold is a bit lacklustering anyway.

    But like @theunionjames said, you always put up the Reaper's Mark so they can find you and win the items back. At least you'll get an extra battle out of it, if they dare ofcourse.

  • @lt-swag-johnson

    Here’s the other thing tho.

    people can farm the TT items very easily, for gold :)

    Rare won’t let it happen. You can literally activate a TT, get an item which will take barely any time at all, cash it in, lather, rinse, repeat.

  • Good point, @agent-samuraii. I was thinking something along the line of 80 gold and no reputation.

  • This is why I and such a low percentage of players havent completed Tall Tales.
    No point in spending hours (if your not following a walkthrough) to have all progress wiped out in an instant or a server merge mean you have to restart a Tale.

    Tall Tales, good idea, fewer than 2% have played them. Is it really worth adding more in the future?

  • @pithyrumble It is not Camping or Harassing anyone if you are sailing and stumble upon a ship and engage ship combat and sink them and find those TT items on board...

  • Sometimes we just take all their loot and supplies and leave their TT stuff on the boat. We have even repaired their ship for them B4 we leave. They normally don't chase us after that!

  • I feel like a lot of these discussion go around and around because of one basic premise. There are some people who simply do not want to PvP for whatever various reasons. PvP players are correct in that it is part of the game design and the social construct that Rare intends to have. Dev updates constantly include phrases like unique player interaction. What that is depends on the players. However just because it is part of the game doesn't mean everyone wants to do it. Just yelling it's part of the game as loudly as you can repeatedly just means it keeps going round and round. No desire for understanding just rinse repeat discussion. Likewise for the PvE crowd. Broken records the lot of ya.

  • @bootmaclir The people who are strictly PvE and want nothing to do with PvP need to make a decision on what they want to do with the game. Mainly it is PvE people that complain because either simply they are just not good at PvP and are salty when they get killed and their loot stolen, or whatever other reasons they don't want to PvP. There is NO WAY at all, they will never NOT encounter someone chasing them, unless they are in a dead server. The PvP and PvE discussions will never end. The PvE people have their views and PvP has their views. I am a on both sides because when I sail, I am doing Athenas, Skulls Forts, Megs, Ship Fleets, but I am also going around looking for Ships to sink so.

  • @mrbadabing They did decide. They want to do tall tales or grind trading companies or dark relics etc etc. Whatever it is the content that Rare puts out. Which is fine. Based on my humble game experience you can do this most nights and not be bothered if you keep your head up. I think TT in particular is frustrating because it is not like random loot scattered about. But the PvP will always complain because people run away and don't want to fight. Because people do not put up one when caught or there is no one for them to kill on a server. I think in Rare's perfect world it would be a blend of both for all players. However you will have extreme's on both sides. I've met players who have never completed a voyage. They just steal or kill for everything they have turned it. We've all run into player who have probably never killed another player even on accident. So I think in the end those people need to realize the game isn't for the 20% either way. It's for the rest of us who enjoy doing both or at least are willing to engage in PvP to protect themselves. My concern is they are the loudest voices and it would suck if Rare catered to just them.

  • @bootmaclir I complete every update that comes out and have nothing left to do. I love this game and play 6-8 hours every single day. I am a Pirate Legend Athena 10. I take this game very seriously, and I am very good at PvP. I love that there is PvE and PvP, but they both tie into each other. It's the same as any other open world game, where you can control what happens or take preventatives that you are safe. These PvE people sometimes have no clue on what's going on when doing missions. They should always have someone on their boat keeping a look out at all times. I don't know how many times I've rolled up on a Gally with nobody on board and their boat completely filled with loot. TT suck and it is a waste of time, I have done each one once and that's it, I could care less about the cosmetics they offer. If something is not worth the payout, then it is a waste of time. Just like Arena, I am gonna spend 25 Mins a match for only 4K Payout?? No Thank You.. I average 100K in Gold just in PvP, Ship Wrecks, Skull Forts in a Server.

  • @agent-samuraii

    Learn to pronounce
    a person who attacks and robs ships at sea.

  • @mrbadabing I think that may be where some of the disconnect comes in. I love this game as well but I simply do not have 6-8 hours to dedicate to it every single day. I have a regular crew of 3 with some people who pop in on a semi regular basis. We play about 4 hours or so 3 or 4 nights a week on average. I will solo sloop when I have free time and no one else can join. Also dedicate some time to insiders every week. I'm glad that you can do something you enjoy that much. I wish I could play that often. However the crew and I are PL at varying levels of Athena. I started out solo slooping and learned the tips you mentioned very quickly. As a crew we run into problems rarely. Solo stuff happens occasionally because well despite everyone insisting on it you just simply can't do everything at once all the time 100%. This is why it is "hard mode" and occasionally a ship creeps up etc. and I have accepted that. We loved the TT as a group and enjoy doing them. Some of the mechanics used are pretty cool. I loved the traps. That is more my style than PvP personally but hey I also love pirates. I would do the TT without a payout. The payout is just a nice bonus. When we get bored we will seek out commendations we don't have yet or go test our mettle on other crews. Sometimes we just get into random hijinks like seeing if we can get a harpoon rowboat into the legend hide out. There is plenty to do in this game. It's just whether you choose to do it or if it's a case of I just don't wanna. I'd like to think my experience is probably more the average experience with SoT.

  • @mrbadabing


    You are only helping my case XD People are being a pirate by stealing, but that don’t mean profit.

  • @bootmaclir Well put. This also highlights what I believe is a key reason so many people are frustrated with PvP when all they want to do is work on voyages and commendations: they don't have significant time to devote to the game. If you can only manage a few hours a week, I can absolutely understand why someone would lose their mind over getting attacked and sunk by other players with nothing but the learning experience to show for it. This is a great and unique game; it isn't remotely surprising that people want to pick it up, sail around, solve a few riddles, earn some commendations and maybe a little gold to get those cool sails they're after. Progression itself is a reward to these folks.

    I really enjoy the PvPvE aspect of the game, and am not suggesting a deviation from that. But I think we can all stand to cut the PvE folks a little slack instead of trying to shout them down. It's not hard to see things from their perspective.

  • @agent-samuraii I make plenty of Profit, I don't know what other Pirates are doing lol I have over 10 Million in Gold. If people are not making money any means necessary in this game, they are doing the entire thing wrong.

  • @bootmaclir Well Said My Friend. I am a Content Creator and this is my Main Game I play, so My Audience enjoys the action of PvP. This game is beautiful and amazing, and I hope more good things come. I just never understand why people get all mad about what happens during game play. At the end of the day.... It's a VIDEO GAME lol . You Win Some, You Lose Some.

  • @needsmokes I've never been able to complete a single TT.

  • @mrbadabing

    You know what I mean XD

    Not everything you steal will make a profit. Who wants pendants with tortured souls? Who wants a broken looking glass, or some random fake gunpowder barrel?


  • @agent-samuraii Ohhhh ok yeah I gotcha man lol some stuff I def do NOT want, like Foul Skulls lol

  • @mrbadabing

    I want them. Cuz now they’re so rare since I’m PL, and you won’t be able to finish the commendations for them as quickly.

  • @zormis Leaving a riddle would be in line with the game!

  • @mrbadabing Totally agree with that last statement. In the end it's a video game enjoy it while it exists win or lose. Also I would definitely not want to watch someone fish for 3 hours haha so I hope your audience enjoys the content. Hopefully I can catch it some time.

  • @needsmokes said in Tall Tales:

    No point in spending hours (if your not following a walkthrough) to have all progress wiped out in an instant...

    What's the point? Oh I don't know... Entertainment?

    I remember playing games like Super Mario Brothers and Battletoads on the NES. I would spends hours progressing only to have all my progress wiped out in an instant when I turned it off. And the next day I would do it again.

    I guess I want to play a game if the game itself is fun to play. Whether I achieve a certain amount of progress or earn some in-game reward is secondary. If I'm not having fun without that stuff, I probably won't keep playing the game.

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