Sloop suggestion | Cannons and sails

  • Be~hold ... my ugly image modification skills!!! =)

    ° two cannons on each side ( remember brigantine gets three )
    And maybe the ladder could be placed away from the window and will instead lead up between the cannons. Making it a little harder for sloop to be boarded near the anchor.
    The ship will feel alot more "bigger" for boarders to enter.
    Since the ladder would be shorter and easier to climb, it will also generate an interesting unique feeling when climbing up!

    Next is...

    ° one more frontsail ( adjusts slightly with the main sail and grants a passive speedboost )
    This extra sail can only be placed on the sloop on the cost of the harpoons.
    One advantage earned for the sacrifice of another. Now we are back to the beginning days of the 'Sea of Thieves' when we had to check every random barrel on the sea's for ourself and we have a harder time again to loot vaults.
    ( If you did not know you can just place stuff near the shore
    and "harpoon" everything on your ship - safing you the trouble to swim every single piece manually. )

    Between the harpoons and the extra sail can and must be chosen at the ship article chest.
    It can of course be changed constantly as long as you are near such a chest.
    Choose what you think will serve you better for the next hour(s).

    °rolling on the floor laughing° ?
    °not bad° ?

  • 21
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  • If the sloop has the current cannons sails etc is maybe because of something called balancing. If the sloop had 4 cannons it would be SUPER OP

  • @eggamer13 Maybe, maybe not. Keep in mind its still only a 2 person ship. Meaning there's still other things that demand you attention and to potentially distract the 2nd person from being on a cannon.

    Normal 2nd person options: stear, board, bucket, repair, shoot gun.

    New 2nd person options: stear, board, bucket, repair, shoot gun, shoot cannon.

    No doubt it makes it stronger, but OP. I'm not convinced of that yet. Also for solo sloopers the balance does not change at all as they are still only one person. If it is you could always slow the ship down as it is carrying 2 more heavy cannons.

    Regardless, very cool images and I applaud you for taking the time to make them.

  • @ronin20 maybe, maybe not? Definitly OP with 2 cannons, I can sail and shoot solo, imagine with a second crewmember...unbeatable

  • @ronin20 sagte in Sloop suggestion | Cannons and sails:

    @eggamer13 Maybe, maybe not. Keep in mind its still only a 2 person ship. Meaning there's still other things that demand you attention and to potentially distract the 2nd person from being on a cannon.

    Normal 2nd person options: stear, board, bucket, repair, shoot gun.

    New 2nd person options: stear, board, bucket, repair, shoot gun, shoot cannon.

    No doubt it makes it stronger, but OP. I'm not convinced of that yet. Also for solo sloopers the balance does not change at all as they are still only one person. If it is you could always slow the ship down as it is carrying 2 more heavy cannons.

    Regardless, very cool images and I applaud you for taking the time to make them.

    Thanks - was fun making them as well. You are the only person yet who gets exactly what I was thinking.
    It will definitely not be overpowered because in the end the sloop has less people.

    3 people = 1,5 times the "actions" of the sloop
    4 people = double the "actions" of the sloop

    This will never change. The sloop is also the easiest to shoot people off from.
    And when someone is shot off at a crucial moment and in the water, then the the sloop is as good as sunk.
    It is also is the ship were it happens the most due to its small seize and less space a pirate can occupy when being fired upon.

    And I hope the other users here have
    consciously read that the Brigantine should have have 'three cannons'.
    There is no way the sloop will ever subdue the bigger ships in a pure cannonfight.
    Not happening! (2x)
    The doubters are probably thinking
    " Oh am gee, two guys will be manning the cannons constantly like, 100% of the battle! "

    Yeah sure, and no one will steer, repair, bucket or heal at all.
    If the two people who might be on the sloop behave like that, they will either be dead pretty soon or their ship will make a journey to Atlantis before they can blink.

    @eggamer13 sagte in Sloop suggestion | Cannons and sails:

    If the sloop has the current cannons sails etc is maybe because of something called balancing. If the sloop had 4 cannons it would be SUPER OP

    You make it sound like 4 cannons on each side.
    Sloop = 2 cannons... on each side.
    Brig should get also one more and the Galleon already has four on each side.
    The Galleon also has two decks from which the higher half is functioning as half a shield if people are not skilled enough to hit lower-decks regularly.

    And how often is a Galleon ever troubled by a crew not repairing upper level and eating an unlucky ballast ball to the hull after a journey of lazyness and indifference?
    I bet no one can ever remember that happening even once.

    @schwammlgott sagte in Sloop suggestion | Cannons and sails:

    @ronin20 maybe, maybe not? Definitly OP with 2 cannons, I can sail and shoot solo, imagine with a second crewmember...unbeatable

    And you are never shot off the cannon and forced to retreat or even get killed by the counter cannonfire, yeah sure. Dude against shooters of the same skill-level you are not in an advantage in the slightest.

    But even if the Brigantine would not have 3 cannons on each side as my suggestion also contains - their third dude could still board you and keep you busy while their Brig does defensive maneuvers and has the same amount of cannonfire.

    I know there are many trash-crews on bigger ships and sloops tend to be more like a coordinated dou.
    But in the battles between experienced players, the sloop will never catch up to the overall combat strenght of the bigger ships.

    As it stands now the sloop is at a major disadvantage to bigger ships as soon as there are even one or two people on it who know that they are doing.
    Stop thinking the sloop has to be weak to be balanced just because this is how it was since launch.

  • I like the frontsail.

  • The sloop is PERFECT as it is. I'm a solo slooper. Occasionally I play with my brother. There's absolutely no reason to have two guns on a side for the solo slooper. Sure, it's not a powerful ship, but it's fast, compact, and maneuverable. Solo sloopers don't want it to feel bigger. Playing solo requires skill and creativity if you want to best bigger crews. And I do, quite often. Once the Steam launch happens, there will be tons of noobs trying to solo a galleon. It's gonna be at least a year of all-you-can eat noob buffet. So those who think the game is too hard will have a chance to... git gud.

    Now I do think it might be a good idea to have a ship between the sloop and the brig. We could talk about that further, but I feel that Rare got the sloop 100% right.

  • @odyssee-mit-tee

    I love the double cannons! Maybe move the one near the stairs a little closer to the front of the ship lol I'm picturing a ton of times I run down the stairs and my pirate decides to be special and gets stuck on it lol

  • @odyssee-mit-tee

    It will definitely not be overpowered because in the end the sloop has less people.

    There is something huge that you aren't counting that makes the Sloop op, its tenacity. The sloop is the only ship that can be completely obliterated and yet recover. What I mean is that hypothetically every destructible aspect could be destroyed and as long as two people are on the ship it can recover. I get that this sounds fishy, but back in the day, I think they patched this, one could scuttle a sloop, yet two people could bucket it dry even when all holes were open. Eventually the ship would sink, but it was after a de-spawn timer kicked in. Galleon can't say the same thing even though it has more people. There is a point of no return for the Galleon with the number of holes it can take before the crew, regardless of pure bucketing, can't sustain. Sloop is the only ship that can come back from total annihilation.

    Having two cannons per side ups the sloops offensive power, combine that with its defensive power, and now you created a much more tenacious monster.

    While certainly numbers play a role, but ships have this factor of better utilizing its number outside of how many people can fire cannons.

    Side note...

    Not giving up this topic yet.
    Counter my arguments if you can!

    Its sort of poor forum etiquette to self bump your own post.

  • I'm all for the passive speedboost option on the sloop. Anything that gives the player tradeoffs and choice is going to immensely help the game.

  • @odyssee-mit-tee there needs to be a lot of holes in the ship to sink it when I got shot off the ship, the sloop sink so slow even with water at the map table I can safe it alone while getting shot by cannons

  • The sloop isn't weak lol. It never has been. It's so easy to operate, one person can manage the entire ship, so with 2 on you can have one on the cannons 100%.

    Sure the larger ships have larger crews, but they also need to fully utilize that crew size to actually get anything done half as quickly as a sloop can. Brigs and galleons can't do 'quick' sail adjustments and the wheels turn 1.5x / 2x (compared to 1x on sloop). That's a significant difference, meaning you'll only ever actually catch fire from more than 1 cannon if you allow them to take a defensive position. If you rush into them, ram, have someone board and fight them while the other manages the ship and continues spamming cannonballs, the fight is over in no time.

  • @nabberwar sagte in Sloop suggestion | Cannons and sails:

    Its sort of poor forum etiquette to self bump your own post.

    Yeah seeing this topic being ignored even though a counter argumenting user has recieved 5 upvotes at that time, it appeared like poor forum etiquette to me as well.
    Trying to just kill the topic by silencing it to death I mean.
    Regarding this mindset, thanks for answering and keeping a discussion alive which was obviously not finished yet. ;-)

    @bloodsign7248 sagte in Sloop suggestion | Cannons and sails:

    The sloop is PERFECT as it is. I'm a solo slooper. Occasionally I play with my brother. There's absolutely no reason to have two guns on a side for the solo slooper. Sure, it's not a powerful ship, but it's fast, compact, and maneuverable. Solo sloopers don't want it to feel bigger.
    Now I do think it might be a good idea to have a ship between the sloop and the brig. We could talk about that further, but I feel that Rare got the sloop 100% right.

    Solo sloopers or solo players in general sometimes voice that they want an even smaller, even easier to operate ship. But their suggestions sunk quicker to the bottom of these forums as any scuttled vessel.

    This said the sloop is not a ship made to be manuevered just by a single person.
    And I too am someone who does it very often, so I feel the perspective.
    Then again I solo brig as well just because I am someone who likes the occassional super speed.

    but I feel that Rare got the sloop 100% right.

    Which ship doesn't feel "good enough" the moment it was in the game?
    Nah man. I am not falling for my own psyche here. I know when stuff could be better.
    The wheel for example and its turning radius. The sloop would still be way more agile and could make sharper turns, even if all ships would have only a single 360° turn of the wheel.
    This extended turning radius the bigger ships have is just to emphasize that this is a bigger ship, which I kinda think is not necessary.
    With enough thinking there is always something which could be changed.

    Like the overall layout of the ships interior.
    Have us choose between where the map and mission table stand. Objects of similar seize should be able to be switched with one another!
    Make every ship feel more unique and a little bit more exciting to board and explore.
    Why is every boarder allowed to always know where the food-barrel is, the ammonition crate, the cannonball barrels, the armory, etc.?

    I desire more variety. As a boarder and as someone who might find my ship boarded.
    Why is every ship in the game a placement wise clone of each other? °_°

    @nabberwar sagte in Sloop suggestion | Cannons and sails:

    There is something huge that you aren't counting that makes the Sloop op, its tenacity. The sloop is the only ship that can be completely obliterated and yet recover. What I mean is that hypothetically every destructible aspect could be destroyed and as long as two people are on the ship it can recover. I get that this sounds fishy, but back in the day, I think they patched this, one could scuttle a sloop, yet two people could bucket it dry even when all holes were open. Eventually the ship would sink, but it was after a de-spawn timer kicked in.
    Galleon can't say the same thing even though it has more people. There is a point of no return for the Galleon with the number of holes it can take before the crew, regardless of pure bucketing, can't sustain. Sloop is the only ship that can come back from total annihilation.
    Having two cannons per side ups the sloops offensive power, combine that with its defensive power, and now you created a much more tenacious monster.

    While certainly numbers play a role, but ships have this factor of better utilizing its number outside of how many people can fire cannons.

    So? What did you just said which does not hold true with various other defensive tactics and behaviours? A galleon which finds its upper deck not neglected and repaired regularly, is still half a fortress.
    If four people wanna be lazy, how does this mirror the galleons overall capability?
    Just because the sloop finds all of its holes repaired more often due to water leak?

    If people are so, pardon my "french", stupid to think the planks are wiser placed in a barrel instead of at every possible hole on the upper deck and then lets say, a ballast ball hits...
    ... how does this reflect any kind of weakness towards a "good galleon crew"?

    And this is exactly what makes the pro-sloop arguments here taste so bitter.
    You all speak from the obvious perspective that most Galleon crews are just randomly assembled open-crew horror shows with people
    ° ... lacking coordination
    ° ... being painfully new to the game
    ° ... going afk at the most random occassions
    ° ... behaving like spoiled nobility who expects others to "carry" them constantly

    You defend trash galleon crews and ignore the obvious fact that any galleon played by a good crew, or at least a vigilant crew who knows what they are doing, is an almost invincible floating monster.

    I too can sink Galleon with my solo sloop and do it very often.
    Cause the people there are simply not worthy of the vessel I just boarded.
    Does not mean I will think this ship could need a buff or is too weak. No.

    The sloop is the only ship that can be completely obliterated and yet recover

    The sloop is also the only ship which is PRETTY QUICKLY at the verge of being obliterated by the superior amount of cannons the bigger ships have and its smaller area to shoot at, which very often follows with the sloops crew either recieving an unlucky cannonball to the face, or close enough to push them off.

    The sloop does not win by cannons. It wins by careful manuevering and boarding in an attempt to distract the bigger ships crew from the cannons and then hope for the other slooper to find a good angle to blow some good holes in the bigger ship.
    All while the one boarder hopefully somehow survives against superior numbers and can even hinder the bigger ship from repairing.
    That is, if we speak about an open battle here and not some kind of wierd ambush via rowboat or diving with a megakek. :)

    You speak as if the bigger ships will soon be reduced to fodder, but cannonfire alone cannot do the job and if the bigger ships are not stationary and SAIL AROUND just the same,
    then even after a barrage of good hits from two cannons, the bigger ships will simply recover from it as well.
    Two cannons does not mean the sloop has more shots now, or that the bigger ships have less planks in store to simply patch up.

    What I am about is crew size balance which only appears reasonable.
    ° Galleon = 4 players. And 4 cannons on each side.
    ° Brigantine = 3 players. But has only 2 cannons on each side?
    ° Sloop... well, see our current discussion.

    It just does not make any sense! And it is not balanced, no. It just is.
    That is all there is. We do not needed harpoons either. But we got them anyway.
    Did you feel like you needed the harpoons? You didn't right?
    The ships felt "perfect" regardless, right?

    Most people think the new change will destroy everything.
    But you know what I think will happen? The sloops will become a little more "respected" and feared by the bigger ships overall and less seen as such an easy target to pursue.
    More like a possible ship to run from on equal terms.

    And when it comes to running 'aka' recovering from the verge of obliteration by just gaining distance and room to breath, I guess we all know that is something the sloop cannot counter.
    The pvp shipbattles between sloops and bigger ships hencefort simply change to be more defensive even for bigger ships.

    But the sloop will still only have 2 people.
    And the bigger ships have more "actions" in total.

    More gathering on nearby islands while "fleeing" from a pursuing sloop.
    More boarding, more capability pirate vs pirate, more patching up holes, more of everything.
    The sloop will never be headon with the bigger ships just because it would have more firepower, which I will keep reminding everyone the Brigantine should have 3 cannons as well on each side then.

    This is not just a sloop exclusive topic.
    I want the Brig to feel even stronger and allow more variety cannon wise as well.

  • @groggy-mayles sagte in Sloop suggestion | Cannons and sails:

    The sloop isn't weak lol. It never has been. It's so easy to operate, one person can manage the entire ship, so with 2 on you can have one on the cannons 100%.

    Sure the larger ships have larger crews, but they also need to fully utilize that crew size to actually get anything done half as quickly as a sloop can. Brigs and galleons can't do 'quick' sail adjustments and the wheels turn 1.5x / 2x (compared to 1x on sloop). That's a significant difference, meaning you'll only ever actually catch fire from more than 1 cannon if you allow them to take a defensive position. If you rush into them, ram, have someone board and fight them while the other manages the ship and continues spamming cannonballs, the fight is over in no time.

    By the way you still have not debunked my "what happens if the bigger ship sail defensively" argument? As in... it could rob the sloop of its apparent godlike ability to always deny the bigger ships an angle to shoot at them ( which doesn't exist ).

    Bigger ships have to utilize.
    Sloops too have to utilize.
    This starts to remind me of the "barrel rage" which I as well took heavily part in.
    After Rare started to have this window menu's in the barrels I was so disgusted and annoyed from it that I couldn't play for literal weeks and months.

    I liked the fluent experience from before and the barrels simply changed.
    But I could overcome it and now the game feels good for me again.

    And with a sloop with 2 cannons it would be even easier.
    Because in the end people would still find out that this does not make the sloop a beast against the bigger ships.
    Situationary it would just allow for a better firepower of the sloop itself.

    The two pirate crew size is the most dominant aspect when it comes to the sloops overall strenght and this will never be exceeded.

    Currently the 2nd handman of a daring sloop is constantly
    ° trying to board, this will vanish if the player wants to occupy the other cannon more
    or he is
    ° repairing
    ° bucketing

    I don't know why people here act as if the sloop is some kind of gliding god, always able to dance around the bigger ships without giving them a change to hit, which is just not a realistic scenario,
    but most of the time the sloop will be in the defense, even with 2 cannons.

    Cause there are barely any bigger ships being so slow and dizzy that they are not starting to shoot around the same time as the sloop.
    The straight ramming ships are... quite Rare. ) ) ) badum' dish ( ( (
    I mean these which you can sink easily 3 to 4 shots in without the risk of counter-fire.

    And first and foremost
    ... I just lost a fleetbattle which I tried to solo.
    Guess why? Because I took two cannonballs in succession.
    One death was enough to sink my sloop. Oh and I was shot off, 2 times.

    I cannot even remember the time this happened on a bigger ship.
    Dunno what it is with the sloop and getting shot off. But it happens rea~lly often.
    Only one damn death and it was all over.

    Then this frikking last wave ship ( btw. - I kinda tried to steal the entire battle with engaging only the last wave )
    ... sank by itself by steering in the nearby rock.
    I saw the battle being successfully ended while sailing back to it and I saw the skellygally sink in the distance.

    Imagine my rage when OF COURSE THE BLASTED STORM WAS GOING IN MY FRIKKING WAY and I was even krakened as well ( two times in one session ) just to find myself sucked in without an indicator after turning around and trying to sail out of the ink.

    Goodbye loot. Would be gone before I arrive.
    So yeah... thanks for nothing. But this is kinda my point as well.
    If ' the ' game ' does ' not ' want ' you ' to ' win ' you wont!!

    With two cannons, or one. Battles have such a luck element in this game sometimes it is insane and cannot be denied.
    And if you do not notice that,
    this means either the whale lord loves you ( unjustified! :D )
    or you have not truly mastered everything that can be mastered.

    ... just to find yourself bullied and mentally terrorized by SoT's sadistical PvE. =)

  • @schwammlgott sagte in Sloop suggestion | Cannons and sails:

    @odyssee-mit-tee there needs to be a lot of holes in the ship to sink it when I got shot off the ship, the sloop sink so slow even with water at the map table I can safe it alone while getting shot by cannons

    And then a boarder appears and ends your illusion of immortality and the invincible sloop or someone just shoots you directly with a cannonball.
    Ma~n what for bad crews are you fighting against in a sloop that you think the sloop is an unsinkable monster?

    It is the slowest ship. Bigger ships can gain distance better as the sloop.
    Even when it would become a more respected or feared adversary to the bigger ships, people would just adapt to its new ability in like a week and then this ability will become meaningless for most of the time.

    Not that it wouldn't be anways against a good crew which forces the sloop to be so pressured constantly that manning the two cannons at once will only be an option for 1/10th of the overall battles time.
    And the Brigantine should still have 3 cannons, never forget that.

    Where are your argumentative counters?
    Trying to escape by sailing into the wind already? :D

  • There was a moment in Pace22's/Pace_X's just a few hours ago in which their Galleon, which had a lot of holes on the upper level, was shot by 3 ballastballs in succession btw. and the Gally didn't sink.

    So much to your "only sloops can come back from complete annihilation" argument.
    Nah man. Galleons can as well as long as the crew works in coordination.
    The biggest, the tankiest, the strongest.

    With the same amount of cannons as it has crewmates.
    As the only one for some reason. Just wait a few days! And I will probably be able to link this to you in a highlight video on YouTube.

  • Update!

    2 Sloops could not sink ONE GALLEON in an open battle on the sea's.
    I and my bro we were one of the sloops. We even sunk a Wraith cannonball into them... and I chainshotted their masts down one time after the other.

    They are vigilant.
    We cannot board.
    They are vigilant.

    We kek them.
    They are vigilant.
    They recover.
    Adapt, persevere, overcome.

    [mod edit]
    " Two cannons and they will become monsters!! "

    [mod edit]

    All that matters is that Galleons ARE THE TRUE BEASTS always were, always will be and your hysterical reactions towards a second cannon on the sloop and a third cannon on the brig is simply ridicolous.

    We would have not dominated THIS Galleon even with 2 sloops at once, should we had another cannon on each side.
    But at least we could have tried something. But alas we were denied.

    And the immortal Galleon crew always has someone nearby to revive a fallen dude.
    Fish you, you sloop haters!!!
    I WAS SHOT OFF once more! IT ALWAYS HAPPENS!!!!!!!
    And because of that we sunk once.
    " Mü mü sloops will be so strong! "
    [mod edit]

    Yeah I am very salty right now. =)
    To the Galleon GG [mod edit]

  • @odyssee-mit-tee Remember, no 2 ships or crews are the same - their skill and coordination will always vary wildly. Personally, I have fun sinking galleons.

  • @odyssee-mit-tee Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


    Be courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • @triheadedmonkey sagte in Sloop suggestion | Cannons and sails:

    Hmmmmh, you edited the parts I considered less toxic as others.
    Well thanks for your services than. I will minimize my forum activity until I calmed down.
    Lots of thing anger me in SoT currently.

    One of it being my mic is not recognized by the game anymore since Cursed Sails.
    Already looking into it.

    Have a relaxing and good new week.

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