Is there a reason to sink enemy ships in adventure mode if they have no loot or flag?

  • I was recently sailing alone in a sloop, and I had just sold all my merchant alliance items and lowered my alliance flag. Some annoying sloop came along and sunk me and said they were sinking me for the "XP." Is there any reason to seek out and destroy other ships if they have no loot or no alliance flag to obtain?

  • 16
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  • Not for "XP", no, but a lot of crews will sink you for your supplies.

    (edit: they'll farm your supplies then sink you)

  • @toughcookiez146 they were trying to get that emissary flag and just annoyed that you took it down so they sank you anyway. Valid enough reason as being annoyed at being sunk with an empty ship.

  • @toughcookiez146 said in Is there a reason to sink enemy ships in adventure mode if they have no loot or flag?:

    I was recently sailing alone in a sloop, and I had just sold all my merchant alliance items and lowered my alliance flag. Some annoying sloop came along and sunk me and said they were sinking me for the "XP." Is there any reason to seek out and destroy other ships if they have no loot or no alliance flag to obtain?

    Is there a way to know a ship has no loot on board before you attack it? Here is a picture of a sloop. How much treasure is on board?

    The easiest way to see what a ship has on board is to sink it and see what floats up. Searching it means we have to fight the crew as we look around. Or are we expected to trust someone when they say they have nothing on board? People lie about that all the time.

    The good news is, if you sunk and you have nothing on board, then you lost nothing. Grab the mermaid and you have a brand new ship with a fresh start of supplies.

  • @toughcookiez146

    They also mean xp not as in rep or experience points, but as in experience towards PvP. Using the cannons, raising and dropping sails.

    Not to mention like @Ghostpaw mentioned we have no idea how much loot you have on board.

    Plenty of times I've had players beg me and tell me "We swear we don't have anything, WE SWEAR. We just want to be left alone!!! Please, believe us and stop being toxic!!" - I sink their boat and loot floats up to the top.

    Sometimes its true, they really don't have anything, but a lot of the times its false and they have some or even a good amount hidden away.

    The best ones are the ones who tell me they don't have anything but the game is glitching and I can see the Skulls glowing through their boat lol.

    Sorry broski, people make stuff up or lie in this game to get there way. Players will lie to betray alliances and players lie about having loot on their boat. Only best way to know is to sink them.

  • I see alot of valid reasons but for fun should be one of them too.
    Not disagreeing at all with the other reasons, you cant see what loot they have on aboard but for me when im in PvP mood, look at me funny and ill kill you.

    Poem to the void: If the universe is so big why wont it fight me

  • @toughcookiez146

    Well, Sir ,i wouldn't see it as "unnecessary violence" , i mean ,sinking or attacking ships just belongs to this game as seasalt in the Sea ( * Oh, yes , our moron has won many prizes for his comparisons in his country...hihihi).

    Allthough i hardly ever attack first , i do have to admit that i'm filled with some kind of thrill and joy when a Sloop decides to attack us. Sloops may seem undergunned but are hard to hit , they are small, have little depth and are very nimble.

    If those pirates tried to steal your treasure , then they failed because you already turned it in. Maybe they wanted your resoources , which is actually the only thing that you lost. Or maybe , they just attacked you to just get "the feel of hitting a Sloop with the right angle", a "feel" one can only get by trying a lot of times to hit a Sloop because ,for me , that's far from easy...

    So don't be dissapointed or a bit angry, maybe they just wanted to have a fight ,or recources or training . i'm sure it was nothing personal and there is no reason to question your mind or haunt your mind why this happened ... See it more in a possitive or even goofy way : If they came for your treasure then they were just in time to too late . If it was for your resources , well, in 10 minutes time ,one can ,on the bigger islands ,almost amass a hundred cannonbollios . So your " loss" is easely wiped out...

    And if it was training ,well, then i hope you have fought like a Devil in a Holy Water vail and gave them a good fight because you both have sharpened your skill...

    i wish you Great Travels and Fortunate winds for the future.

  • @toughcookiez146

    If you don't do it to them, they could do it to you

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Is there a reason to sink enemy ships in adventure mode if they have no loot or flag?:

    They also mean xp not as in rep or experience points, but as in experience towards PvP.

    Either that or they are VERY ill-informed on how SoT works. =P

  • If you sunk with nothing on then no issue. Should of just tried to fight back to get experience in naval fighting. I was fought a Galleon whilst i was solo slopping. had just started so no loot as they came by so was like yup ill have a go. I sunk so i went to board and they killed me so i for the lols i went back and fought again

  • @toughcookiez146

    Yes. There is now a reason to sink every ship you encounter.. Rare had a good idea to show you your end of year stats, and on them showed the number of ships you sent to Davy Jones. Players will no doubt be eager to continue to see those numbers rise and the only way to do that is to keep on sinking others, regardless if your carrying loot.
    Your now viable statistic floating about on the waves for somebody not to pass up.

  • Yes,

    So they don’t sink you.

    It’s a sink or be sunk world 🌎

  • Oh come on, can't we all be friends ? BTW I am running unofficial study of what type of pirates are trying to sink new players. So far I see only 5 minute pirates being hungry for those Castaway and Seafarer's chests :)
    5 minute Pirate - played enough to make their ship look mean and have enough confidence to think every ship is for their taking.

  • Let me turn the question back on you, OP: is there a reason to assume you're ever truly safe in a game with a shared open world and the word "thieves" in the title?

    Just because you're not looking for PVP doesn't mean that PVP isn't looking for you.

  • @toughcookiez146
    Here are some reasons why.

    I got a fancy new weapon skin and wanted to show them to you and give you a demonstration of how they worked.

    I have an extensive cannonball collection and wanted to share them with you via my high speed cannonball delivery system.

    My crew mates gave all the bananas to Clyde our monkey and we needed more.

    I was showing my crew mates my Chris Angel impression and wanted to show them that I could make people disappear.

    I was bitten by a pirate with pointy teeth and now have an unending thirst for blood.

    I was given a sword from Sir Arthur Pendragon and was tasked with putting the sword back in the stone but unfortunately I mistook your head for the stone.

    It was in accordance with the prophecy and a sacrifice needed to be made as the Whale Lord must be satisfied.

    I watched a Captain Falcor video and am now obsessed with planks and wanted to have the largest plank collection in history.

    The Oompa Loompas said you stole some fizzy lifting drink from my factory and I should exact revenge but now I'm starting to think they just wanted to sing another stupid song at your expense.

    I wanted nothing and that's exactly what you had so I was forced to take it from you.

    I needed practice with my high speed cannonball delivery system as my current delivery rate was at 40% and I was going to be fired if I didn't get it up to 80%.

    I needed more practice with my weapons as I'm still considered a double gunning one blundering sword spamming bot.

    I wanted to hear about my exploits on the forums so here we are...

    These are some that come to mind for me anyway so thanks for playing hope you have a better session next time.

  • @toughcookiez146

    it's tough cookies XD

    as long as nobody is unneccessarily harassing and trolling you verbally - pvp is all around and fine i guess.
    dont sail alone, get a crew, become part of a crew, sail together!
    truly a gamechanger i'd say

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