PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?

  • 2,207 Hours

    1,592 Ships Sink

    0.72 Ships per Hour

  • Hours played___3854
    Ship sunk______4128

    I was expecting to be in the mid-range but looks like I'm on the top!

  • @guilleont said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    Hours played___3854
    Ship sunk______4128

    I was expecting to be in the mid-range but looks like I'm on the top!

    You definitely look more predatorish, compared to the others around here. ;-)

    Clever tabulating improvisation btw!

  • @greengrimz I did play from day 1 and the band of pirates I sail with are definitely pvp types at heart. I'm not sure about when they counted stats though. Some say the anniversary release they began counting for the year. The first anniversary release was late (April of 2018) and so the stats released for 2018 only reflected about 8 1/2 months of sinks because the stats were released by December 15th for an early Christmas gift.

  • @greengrimz dijo en PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    You definitely look more predatorish, compared to the others around here. ;-)

    Clever tabulating improvisation btw!

    Yes. It's a pity I got less agressive lately due to how bad is the state of the weapons/PVP. But my average session used to be 100% hunting (with a crew or even solo).

  • @guilleont said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @greengrimz dijo en PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    You definitely look more predatorish, compared to the others around here. ;-)

    Clever tabulating improvisation btw!

    Yes. It's a pity I got less agressive lately due to how bad is the state of the weapons/PVP. But my average session used to be 100% hunting (with a crew or even solo).

    The bad state of weapons/PVP also applies to your opponents brother. B A L A N C E


  • @dislex-fx said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    For the record:

    • These stats started around year 2 and DO NOT include your info. from year 1.

    Ah, I knew it.

    So the stats are wrong.

  • @personalc0ffee said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @dislex-fx said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    For the record:

    • These stats started around year 2 and DO NOT include your info. from year 1.

    Ah, I knew it.

    So the stats are wrong.

    Yes and no, since we calculate an average. So long as your playstyle has not drastically changed you can still calculate an average with decent proximity. Game exists for 3 years and records ships sunked for 2. So just remove 33,3% from your time played value, and calculate with the number you get.

  • @greengrimz said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @personalc0ffee said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @dislex-fx said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    For the record:

    • These stats started around year 2 and DO NOT include your info. from year 1.

    Ah, I knew it.

    So the stats are wrong.

    Yes and no, since we calculate an average. So long as your playstyle has not drastically changed you can still calculate an average with decent proximity. Game exists for 3 years and records ships sunked for 2. So just remove 33,3% from your time played value, and calculate with the number you get.

    Hmm, well I failed Maths so someone else will have to calculate that for me lol

  • @personalc0ffee said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @greengrimz said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @personalc0ffee said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @dislex-fx said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    For the record:

    • These stats started around year 2 and DO NOT include your info. from year 1.

    Ah, I knew it.

    So the stats are wrong.

    Yes and no, since we calculate an average. So long as your playstyle has not drastically changed you can still calculate an average with decent proximity. Game exists for 3 years and records ships sunked for 2. So just remove 33,3% from your time played value, and calculate with the number you get.

    Hmm, well I failed Maths so someone else will have to calculate that for me lol

    Remind me, what are your ships sunk and time played.

  • @greengrimz Here you go. It's got other stats on it since I pulled it from the website.

    alt text

  • @personalc0ffee said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @greengrimz Here you go. It's got other stats on it since I pulled it from the website.

    alt text

    I also need your total time played though, from the XboX app. Check my OP if you are not sure where to find it.

  • @greengrimz Oh, my bad.

    Here you go alt text

  • @personalc0ffee said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @greengrimz Oh, my bad.

    Here you go alt text

    Right, so 96 days are 2304 hours, minus 33,3% (for the 1 year that the game has not been recording ships sunk), equals 1537 hours of playtime.

    1144 ships sunk, divided by 1537 ingame hours equals 0,74 ships sunk per hour.

  • @greengrimz said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @personalc0ffee said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @greengrimz Oh, my bad.

    Here you go alt text

    Right, so 96 days are 2304 hours, minus 33,3% (for the 1 year that the game has not been recording ships sunk), equals 1537 hours of playtime.

    1144 ships sunk, divided by 1537 ingame hours equals 0,74 ships sunk per hour.

    Nearly 1 ship per hour, not bad.

    I definitely know I have more than 1500 hours lol so I knew those stats were wrong. I would say closer to 4000.

  • @personalc0ffee said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @greengrimz said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @personalc0ffee said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @greengrimz Oh, my bad.

    Here you go alt text

    Right, so 96 days are 2304 hours, minus 33,3% (for the 1 year that the game has not been recording ships sunk), equals 1537 hours of playtime.

    1144 ships sunk, divided by 1537 ingame hours equals 0,74 ships sunk per hour.

    Nearly 1 ship per hour, not bad.

    I definitely know I have more than 1500 hours lol so I knew those stats were wrong. I would say closer to 4000.

    Actually from what others have been saying, the ship count on this website began after the 1st year of SoT, while the time played in the XboX app is properly recorded since launch. So your 96 days (2304 hours) should in fact be correct.

    Somebody pelase correct me if I understood this wrong.

  • @greengrimz said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @personalc0ffee said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @greengrimz said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @personalc0ffee said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @greengrimz Oh, my bad.

    Right, so 96 days are 2304 hours, minus 33,3% (for the 1 year that the game has not been recording ships sunk), equals 1537 hours of playtime.

    1144 ships sunk, divided by 1537 ingame hours equals 0,74 ships sunk per hour.

    Nearly 1 ship per hour, not bad.

    I definitely know I have more than 1500 hours lol so I knew those stats were wrong. I would say closer to 4000.

    Actually from what others have been saying, the ship count on this website began after the 1st year of SoT, while the time played in the XboX app is properly recorded since launch. So your 96 days (2304 hours) should in fact be correct.

    Somebody pelase correct me if I understood this wrong.

    Hmm, I've always heard it is wrong.

    2300 hours is still A LOT.

    Someone needs to actually confirm this.

  • Hours played: 4282
    Ships sunk: 4320

    Sinks per hour: 1

    Sounds about right.

    What I really want to know is what fraction of 4282 hours was spent in the Arena tavern.


    @greengrimz said:

    ...you can still calculate an average with decent proximity. Game exists for 3 years and records ships sunked for 2. So just remove 33,3% from your time played value, and calculate with the number you get.

    Adjusted hours: 2869
    Ships sunk: 4320

    Per hour: 1.5

  • @greengrimz said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    By the way just tested. The counter most definitely does include arena sinks. Refresh is quite instant too.

    I'm actually fascinated, my crewmate has slept in arenas for months, yet, our average sinks per hour are still the exact same.

    To be fair, the best way to get silver for a while has been try to not sink your target so you get more shots on it.

  • @greengrimz
    Adjusted hours: 1732.1

    Sinks: 2528

    Adjusted s/hr: 1.46

  • I don't playing too much, but there my hillarious stats:

    Ships sunk - 202
    Playtime - 497 hours (~20 days if my calculations are correct)

    Average - ~ 0,4

  • @greengrimz dijo en PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @guilleont said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @greengrimz dijo en PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    You definitely look more predatorish, compared to the others around here. ;-)

    Clever tabulating improvisation btw!

    Yes. It's a pity I got less agressive lately due to how bad is the state of the weapons/PVP. But my average session used to be 100% hunting (with a crew or even solo).

    The bad state of weapons/PVP also applies to your opponents brother. B A L A N C E


    Lol. Seems like not haha. Nayway, even when you success to sink a crew, the amount of bugs/troubles you have don't make you feel rewarded but frustrated. Even sinking noobs is kind of a hell. And that balance is gone when you are fighting solo a galleon. Sword and hitreg is not reliable at all. Getting lag-sworded from feets away is very frustrating.

  • @guilleont said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    Lol. Seems like not haha. Nayway, even when you success to sink a crew, the amount of bugs/troubles you have don't make you feel rewarded but frustrated. Even sinking noobs is kind of a hell. And that balance is gone when you are fighting solo a galleon. Sword and hitreg is not reliable at all. Getting lag-sworded from feets away is very frustrating.

    I honestly think that the bigger difficulty to sink galleons and brigs is actually because people have learned more about the game. Much more tips and guides are available. The players are much more advanced than once upon a time.

    Hit-reg, I don't know. True it's broken for you, but it's also broken for your opponents. So realistically, it can work for you, and it can work against you.

  • @greengrimz Victims can watch all the help videos they want but it won't do them a lick of good when our brig is breathing down their neck and We have their head wind cut off.....😁

  • @greengrimz

    Time Played: 570 hours
    Ships Sunk: 364
    .6 (rounded down) ships sunk per hour.

    My Crew and I are pretty agressive, and engage in PvP without hesitation. However we have had quite a few PvE nights were we had no conflicts. But some nights... we have sunk near dozen ships in one session!

  • Time played: 68 days (almost 69) for about 1653 hours
    Ships sunk: 1848
    1.1 ships per hour.

    In case you are interested in some context:
    I played a lot of arena (I'm both Triumphant and Legendary Seadog) and I quite doubt ships sunk in Arena are counted in, I'm quite sure you are pretty guaranteed to sink at least one ship per game, and if you play about 3 games in 1 hour (15m game +5m queue) you'd get AT LEAST a buff of 3 ships per hour. But me and my arena duo used to play 10 arena a day to get Legendary Seadog and barely losing 2/3 games each week. We problably sunk at least 4-5 ships ourself per game + some ships sunk near us that the system would have counted in. So I'm quite confident those ship didn't register.

    PS: I'm probably biased on this, not all sessions are those juicy 5 sinks in 2 hours. Often time flies by and you get lost in a 1 hour chase or fight for a fort with 0 sinks. Also the fact that stocking up your ship, server hopping and just selling stuff are included in the time played and are probably 25% of it with zero to low chance to sink somone in that time. Or that I may have played 100/200hrs of Arena that are probably statistically irrelevant compared to the other 1400 hrs in adventure.

    When I play adventure I usually farm companies only to get top 25% and then only play reaper going for world events and emissary hunting. Like today we had a 2 hours reaper session and a 4 hours Gold Hoarder farming.

    During the 2 hours reaper session we sunk 5 ships, during the 4 hours session we sunk 0 ships (but got to 1.1 million emissary points which I think will be enough for the whole month :P)

  • Hours- 3543
    Ships Sunk- 3565

    1.00620942704 Ship per hour! Crazy for someone with this amount of time xDDD

  • Well the problem is the “Stats” don't separate PVE and PVP ships!

  • @dag-13ernit said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @greengrimz Victims can watch all the help videos they want but it won't do them a lick of good when our brig is breathing down their neck and We have their head wind cut off.....😁

    Umm, I'm not too sure what you are referencing exactly. But there are actually counter plays to brigs, with both galleons and sloops, even without favorable winds.

  • @pellahh said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    Time played: 68 days (almost 69) for about 1653 hours
    Ships sunk: 1848
    1.1 ships per hour.

    In case you are interested in some context:
    I played a lot of arena (I'm both Triumphant and Legendary Seadog) and I quite doubt ships sunk in Arena are counted in, I'm quite sure you are pretty guaranteed to sink at least one ship per game, and if you play about 3 games in 1 hour (15m game +5m queue) you'd get AT LEAST a buff of 3 ships per hour. But me and my arena duo used to play 10 arena a day to get Legendary Seadog and barely losing 2/3 games each week. We problably sunk at least 4-5 ships ourself per game + some ships sunk near us that the system would have counted in. So I'm quite confident those ship didn't register.

    PS: I'm probably biased on this, not all sessions are those juicy 5 sinks in 2 hours. Often time flies by and you get lost in a 1 hour chase or fight for a fort with 0 sinks. Also the fact that stocking up your ship, server hopping and just selling stuff are included in the time played and are probably 25% of it with zero to low chance to sink somone in that time. Or that I may have played 100/200hrs of Arena that are probably statistically irrelevant compared to the other 1400 hrs in adventure.

    When I play adventure I usually farm companies only to get top 25% and then only play reaper going for world events and emissary hunting. Like today we had a 2 hours reaper session and a 4 hours Gold Hoarder farming.

    During the 2 hours reaper session we sunk 5 ships, during the 4 hours session we sunk 0 ships (but got to 1.1 million emissary points which I think will be enough for the whole month :P)

    Arena sinks definitely count, I tested that personally. Also, downtime for selling applies to all the rest as well, so your SPH is not really affected by the "selling" factor. Spamming Gold Hoarders however (despite how much gold you earn) does lower the ratio, especially if you do it on regular basis, as you mentioned.

  • @glannigan said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    Well the problem is the “Stats” don't separate PVE and PVP ships!

    If that is true, part of everybody's SPH is slighly bloated, but the ratio still remains authentic.

  • 204/1518, about 0.1

  • @personalc0ffee said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @dislex-fx said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    For the record:

    • These stats started around year 2 and DO NOT include your info. from year 1.

    Ah, I knew it.

    So the stats are wrong.
    That explains a lot, I knew mine seemed low, I got 120 Forts in the first year and had to fight hard for each one, only having 204 sinks total wouldn't even account for 2 sinks per Fort

  • @reedski said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @personalc0ffee said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    @dislex-fx said in PIRATE QUIZ: what's your average sunk ships per hour?:

    For the record:

    • These stats started around year 2 and DO NOT include your info. from year 1.

    Ah, I knew it.

    So the stats are wrong.
    That explains a lot, I knew mine seemed low, I got 120 Forts in the first year and had to fight hard for each one, only having 204 sinks total wouldn't even account for 2 sinks per Fort

    If you play from day 1, you just need to remove 33,3% from your time played, and then calculate SPH. It's 1012 in your case.

    204/1012 = 0,2 SPH

  • @WolfManbush

    Could you take the quiz please?

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