Saying Goodbye to The Arena

  • Will the legendary weapon set be obtainable when Arena gets deleted, or will it just be unobtainable?

  • The one hope I have for this change, is that some PVP love gets poured into Adventure.

    How can the meta be expanded and fun naval battles encouraged in Adventure, now that all energies, finances and ideas are being directed to it?

  • why remove the arena? Well, 2 percent of people play it, but it still doesn't make sense to give it away. You've stopped improving it, but you can still leave it there, the arena is a matter of course, as new players learn pvp?

  • @personalc0ffee said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    @sweetsandman said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    @personalc0ffee said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    I also don't like hearing I did not invest a lot of time into Arena just because I'm not rank 50 in the 3 years Arena was available.

    Casual investment or not, I personally spent a lot of time on the Arena. I have special cosmetics from an event they ran for it. I spent more time on it in during Arena 1.0 than 2.0 but I played both modes and invested time into them. Did I play it as much as Adventure? No I did not. But to sit there and tell me I didn't invest a lot of time, is wrong.

    They aren't saying that. In fact, they're saying the opposite. You invested time into Arena, probably got past rank 5, and as a result are getting 5 ship sets as a gift that anyone that got into SOT more recently and never touched Arena will not be getting. Folks keep getting hung up on that one set they won't be getting and seem unappreciative of what they are getting.

    I'm actually pleased they put a surprise cutoff date out there with no additional time for people to magically be interested in Arena. This is coming from someone that isn't getting The Good Boy ship.

    Yes, there is that but I put in significantly more time into Arena than Rank 5 and I just want that time honored. That's really all it is.

    I refuse to believe no player has not gotten Grade 5 in Sea Dogs. It is extremely easy.

    How come you aren't good boi? Are you close? I'm like 12 levels off and I'd planned to do Arena today with some folks to hit 50. So that cutoff really rubs me the wrong way.

    This is absolutely accurate. Grade 5 in Arena is 1-2 matches if you win. ~42 is about halfway to 50 rep-wise. To be 49.5-49.9 and get this news is really rough. To have members of the community respond in a "tough luck, your time means as much as a first time arena player" feels really disrespectful to boot.

    It is not about the 5 ship sets we are getting or the one we will not, it is about the trust that feels broken and as much as Rare feels they honored one group of players, they honestly did the opposite to another group. Maybe they calculated who would be less affected/angry but I hope in the future they announce these things with a bit more foresight. This is honestly akin to the LSD wins reduction if they didn't open a dialogue about it and instead just pushed it live with an announcement of the change.

    For one, the way things were handled, I would of rather there were no "gifts" and arena was just shuttered at the announcement. Maybe a short highlight video or podcast to honor arena and those who played it, and then move on. Everyone would of been sad arena was gone but there would have been no anger over some players being treated differently than others by a small arbitrary measurement and everyone would of then just been excited for what was to come.

  • @kommodoreyenser That's basically how I feel, yes.

  • @ghostpaw "Someone complained they were taking “thieves” out of Sea of Thieves by removing Arena". You don't get it. The pve and lore part is fun, but you do them once and that s it. The Pirate's Life, for example, it was cool but all that work was for like 2 or 3 days of gamplay. The FOTD, on the other hand, it's something you want to see every time you hit "set sail", because you know there's gonna be PvP. By removing arena and not adding more PvP based content, like a mercenary faction, or something that is worth grinding (LSD was a good example) they will convert this game in a Sea of Friends, where you get to kill some new npcs every first week of the month then just delete the game till the next month or season. They NEED to focus more on the PvP side. Go on Twitch and see what the most popular SOT steamers do all day and what they think if you don't belive me.

  • @calinel said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    Guys I fell like you're slowly removing the "thieves" part from the game's name.

    @ghostpaw said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    Really? Thievery involves taking something. What exactly was being stolen in a group of ships parked together while crews played TDM? Crews that attempted to play the mode as intended by digging up chests and turning them in for points were run off so the others could get back to TDM. Sounds like Rare is getting the game back on track.

    @calinel said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    @ghostpaw "Someone complained they were taking “thieves” out of Sea of Thieves by removing Arena". You don't get it. The pve and lore part is fun, but you do them once and that s it. The Pirate's Life, for example, it was cool but all that work was for like 2 or 3 days of gamplay. The FOTD, on the other hand, it's something you want to see every time you hit "set sail", because you know there's gonna be PvP. By removing arena and not adding more PvP based content, like a mercenary faction, or something that is worth grinding (LSD was a good example) they will convert this game in a Sea of Friends, where you get to kill some new npcs every first week of the month then just delete the game till the next month or season. They NEED to focus more on the PvP side. Go on Twitch and see what the most popular SOT steamers do all day and what they think if you don't belive me.

    So, because they are removing a mode that was not played much, somehow that is going to change Adventure mode into a PvP-free game? Yet many others in this thread are claiming removing Arena is going to unleash a tsunami of PvP-masters hungry for blood across Adventure mode. Neither is going to happen. The numbers are just not there. 98 percent of game time is spent in Adventure mode while Arena accounts for 2 percent.

    There is PvP in adventure mode. The entire emissary system was designed to enhance PvP. The Reaper’s Bones faction’s main focus is stealing treasure from other crews. We have received a bunch of tools and incentives for PvP. Cursed cannonballs, blunderbombs, chainshot, firebombs, more lucrative server events. PvP has been in Adventure mode since long before Day 1.

    Twitch streamers focus on PvP because it retains eyeballs. Viewers are not as interested in seeing someone fishing, cooking, and so on. Many of them play in Adventure mode looking for active FOTD and other crews to fight. Taking out Arena isn’t going to change that one way or the other.

    I just want to encourage you to keep playing the game the way you like to play it. Gear up your ship and go hunting other crews if that’s your play style. There is nothing you could do in Arena that you can’t do on Adventure mode. Just like Twitch streamers do, you will find the content that you enjoy if you go looking for it.

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Saying Goodbye to The Arena]

    Yes, there is that but I put in significantly more time into Arena than Rank 5 and I just want that time honored. That's really all it is.

    I refuse to believe no player has not gotten Grade 5 in Sea Dogs. It is extremely easy.

    How come you aren't good boi? Are you close? I'm like 12 levels off and I'd planned to do Arena today with some folks to hit 50. So that cutoff really rubs me the wrong way.

    I would agree that the level 5 minimum was too low. Anyone that started playing before Seasons started could have gotten there by accident, or without ever having even touched Arena. If anything, that's what we should be complaining about. I'm sure they have their data to support why they landed on 5 as the magic number, it just seems awfully low.

    But like you, I probably fall somewhere around that 2% of total playtime in Arena, maybe a touch higher, but certainly no more than 5%. As such, I am very appreciative of them giving me the gifts that they did. There might be some outliers of newer players that have an unusually high percentage of time in Arena and are going to miss out on The Good Boy set, but it's probably an incredibly small number...if any at all. There's no sense in them giving everyone an opportunity to suddenly spike their individual percentages just to get that one set.

    I know I'll be sailing regularly on The Lucky Rover and The Regal Hound when I get my gifts. I hope to see Arena ship sets out on the seas and not just a dust collector in the inventory of those that received the gifts.

  • @ghostpaw I don't care about the arena, you don't get what I'm saying. I just want to see they focus on the PvP side of the game. Season 2 was the last time they added something for you to get excited about in a server after you're done with the tales or after you did every shire once. If they will add more events or objectives based on PvP I'm glad they took arena out, but right now, seeing their plans for 2022 it seems they are 100% focused on anything else. Feels like ignoring the main quest for side quests, and keep watching the charts if they keep doing that :) (eg. charts during and after the pirate's life update)

  • @calinel said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    @ghostpaw I don't care about the arena, you don't get what I'm saying.

    We are in a thread titled “Saying Goodbye to The Arena” so you have to forgive my confusion. Sounds like your point might be appropriate in the more general feedback section rather than in a thread focused on Arena.

  • level 50 here, but didn't buy the last commendation for it before. i just forgot to do it.. hope i'll get the ship anyway. cause i've been 50 for a year..

  • @personalc0ffee said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    My biggest hangup is how the cut off is being handled. Typically these things are handled better. Like with the Over Achiever sail set. I remember the outrage about that one, same as Cursed Sails. Why are we back here again?

    I also don't like hearing I did not invest a lot of time into Arena just because I'm not rank 50 in the 3 years Arena was available.

    Casual investment or not, I personally spent a lot of time on the Arena. I have special cosmetics from an event they ran for it. I spent more time on it in during Arena 1.0 than 2.0 but I played both modes and invested time into them. Did I play it as much as Adventure? No I did not. But to sit there and tell me I didn't invest a lot of time, is wrong.

    Time is the most non-renewable resource we have. If I spent 100 hours on Arena, that is still time I will NEVER get back. Time is extremely valuable and I think that's part of why we're seeing the reaction we are seeing with this outrage. People feel their time is not honored or valued just because they aren't rank 50. That what they did just doesn't matter because to quote Rare "We wanted to honor the most dedicated of pirates." Well IMHO, dedication is 240 wins or beyond. I'm currently at 40 some odd wins, I think and perhaps if it had been done this way, the outrage would be less. I know I wouldn't be close to qualifying, that's for sure.

    Yes, there's always going to be someone that misses the cut off. But to basically say anyone who is not rank 50, that their time is not valuable and they aren't dedicated? Yah, I can see that leaving a bad taste in lots of pirates' mouths.

    I have over 2000 hours logged into the entirety of Sea of Thieves and some of that is the Arena.

    Of all of the ways for Rare to determine who spent a lot of time in Arena, the Rank that you have is the best indicator, not your wins. I can imagine the backlash being worse if people were told that they had to get LSD or TSD for the Good Boy because, without cheesing, those require an immense amount of time or skill.

  • See, this is exactly the kind of thing that actually keeps me from playing the game, there is far too much FOMO going on. I like to do things at my own pace, but I don't find "time limited" content enjoyable, or the fact that things can just "suddenly" without warning just vanish from the game. More often than not I don't play at all, since having goals that can be upended at the drop of hat, just isn't enjoyable.

  • @crazed-corsair FOMO of purely cosmetic rewards?

  • Please bring the sea dogs as a faction into regular sea of thives instead of getting rid of them since we have the sea dogs place in regular sea of thives it would work but would also bring some more pvp into the game, and would be nice because anyone who couldn't get the achievements would have a chance to get them rather than making it you cant get achievements at all, R.I.P ARENA you will be missed once your gone

  • Want sea dog commendations? Just grind hours of your time to do it, oh we're removing arena, sucks if you didn't finish everything by our two day notice, here's some ship cosmetics that literally everyone will get because you can get to sea dog 5 without ever even playing arena and one for 50 even if your at 47 by the cutoff date. What a joke.

  • I guess they could have split up the rewards a bit differently.

    Level 5 - Blue
    Level 10 - Red
    Level 20 - Green
    Level 30 - Purple
    Level 35 - Yellow
    Level 45 - White

    More work on their end but a bit more distribution based on time spent in Arena.

  • I have been a legendary sea dog for a few months and I took a break this past month. Can I still get the arena cosmetics or am I out of luck?

  • I was only ever going to end up like this and was a waste of dev time that could have added more to the core game. Not sad to see it go at all.

  • The arena...

    so much good ... & bad memories...
    but overall, good memories.

    I really loved having a place to practice PvP:

    • cannon shooting (regular & chainshots)
    • learn priorities to focus on while fighting (ex.: when to repair holes, put out fires and stuff)
    • learning naval tactics
    • practicing guns vs players (NOT the same than shooting immobile skeletons)
    • learning from more experianced players

    Parts of the Arena I liked less:

    • can't choose to be solo (would be a nice challenge / good practice)
    • spawn camping / guns shooting through wood
    • campers at the chest turn-in

    Things I think were missing in the arena or things that could have been included:

    • have multiple fighting scenarios; sea fights, TDM (pirates fighting on land only, with fast spawns), raid races (2 teams fight their own fort but you can invade the other team time to time)
    • mechanics to prevent spawn camping (ex.: a timer of how long you can be off your ship, a small invulnerability buff (1 or 2 seconds) when spawning

    Having to say goodbye to the arena withouth having a clear competitive alternative feels really bad... Sea of Theives is a PvP game but most players are PvE. Sometimes pirates just want to fight, but we won't have ANY tool to find other competitive players... I don't feel it's right to sink new players or players already selling. Most players will flee reaper flags (with reason), making it almost impossible to find players willing to fight and of the same skill level or higher.

    Can we have an update on private servers? Please? I was really hoping they'd be the alternative. Or that the development progression would be told in the 2022 preview...

    In the end, I think it's very sad for those close to 50 sea dog to have such short delays for the special skin (they are also part of the people who were there before you know) but whatever. Level 44 here and I salute all the sea dogs out there.

    On another note, I think the adventure mode could really use a different system; PvE mode (to allow non-gamers or story driven players to enjoy the game) or PvP mode (with leagues placements for those who want to push their skill level foward)


    My PvP heart feels sad not having an alternative... still, happy for the PvE side, which looks great... ... I just don't get why they don't want PvE servers so bad while removing PvP on another hand... I don't get it.

  • @alek-and6168 unobtainable :(

  • I had this neat idea for a PvP mode. I know arena is gone, but I wanted to share. Imagine having a mode where there's only one ship, and you're fighting for control of it to try to get it to your checkpoint and keep the enemy from doing the same!

  • @mcdoosh2011 You have an Xbox so there's no way you didn't know about the game for a long time. It was literally on the front page of the dashboard for months at a time.

  • I agree with some of this and disagree with some of this.


    As someone who's been LSD for a few months now, I can say that the time investment to get it, starting from 0 wins to 240, is a lot. Took me about two months from playing Arena everyday. Some will take longer to finish it, some will be quick with it. Depends on the person and the time they're willing to invest.

    That's why I believe the announcement of Arena's closure should've been earlier. If these cosmetics are going to be locked forever, players who want to attempt it should at least be given a reasonable time frame to complete it. Sure, you could say if people wanted Arena cosmetics they should've already went for them, but it's more about giving players a choice, and how it stands right now, most players will not be receiving Arena cosmetics/commendations unless they dedicate a ridiculous amount of time to this mode (and even then, there might not be enough time).


    The ship cosmetics. I don't think it's hard to understand the reasoning behind why these are being given out: to reward people who have supported Arena. If you never supported Arena, of course you wouldn't be getting these ship cosmetics. But you get 5 of these cosmetics for doing the bare minimum (getting to rank 5). The Good Boy ship is just for those who went above and beyond over the years. I have to agree with others that no matter what time they would make this announcement, there will always be some players who are rank 49. And the point is that people can't grind for these ships because they're meant as a thank you, and grinding for them would just be insincere support.

  • @ghostpaw said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    Does anyone else find it interesting that most of the discussion (I didn’t say all) centers around the cosmetics earned AND NOT THE ACTUAL GAMEPLAY? Very few people are lamenting the loss of Arena for what it is/was. Only the skins. That says a lot.

    Because most people with full-time employment have been grinding arena for months to get these cosmetics, and Rare didn't do the math to not waste 100+ hours of people's time, for those of us more than 50% of the way there.

    The absolute bare minimum time to get LSD if you are a perfect, unmatched PVP god is 80 hours (100% win rate, and not including the time taken to get Pirate Legend in Adventure).

    TSD takes even longer, with 800+ weapon kills and an absolute bare minimum of 300 games played (but much closer to 400-500 since you need to hit rank 50 before you can even begin to grind Sea Dog Sailor).

    6 hours of arena a week is a significant investment for us non-streamer types. That's 2 hours of area a night, 3 days a week, or 2x 3 hour sessions on weekends. Guess what, that's 14+ weeks of grinding. And for most of us who also like to split our time with Adventure mode, we've been diligently working towards these rewards for 6+ months.

    The announcement for the shutdown should have been proportionate to the time it takes most players to complete the rewards. My main arena partner has been grinding this out with me for about 6 months now, some quick napkin math showed him he'd need 1.6 months to finish at our normal rate, but he's got two young kids, so it's not like he can magically double his play-time.

    They should have announced it was closing at the end of next season, instead of giving us essentially 5 weeks (starting on a weekend with endless server errors). Maybe that means some NEETs that never cared about arena might be able to grind it out from zero, but the main people who they hurt with this decision are the ones who already sunk 100+ hours in arena and are 50-75% of the way done.

  • @tommy how is that even a statement? My Xbox was a mere DVD player and got played on by my kids occasionally for years until lockdown, I dusted it off and started playing Warzone…. It was there my friend asked if I’d heard of SoT, I said no and he suggested I downloaded it. Feb 2021 I first set sail. So not even a year.

  • @kassgamingyt you can earn any Arena cosmetics till March 10th.

  • @ninja-naranja i meant the rewards for the team shipsets

  • @kassgamingyt everyone who is level 5 will get 5 of the sets, and everyone who made it to 50 will get the white and black set.

    The cutoff was back on Thursday so you can no longer work for them. They will be handed out on March 10th.

  • @ninja-naranja oh, thanks. I didn't entirely understand what they meant

  • @konuckle Appreciate it man, so many fun matches win or lose we always got better thanks for helping us all look back at the memories i salute you

  • As someone who enjoys Arena as a warm up to get my combat shots and pirate v pirate kills before hopping into Adventure, I've always found Arena to be a great mode and have been slowly working my way to lvl 50. But I understand the devs position and Adventure really is what I come to the Sea of Thieves for!

    That said, I would like to see the cosmetics unlockable through Arena to be available through some similar PvP related means in Adventure, to carry the spirit of Arena forward. I'd also love to see the GSD hideout repurposed, it is a beautiful lobby and carries a lot of good memories. I love looking out the window and imagining adventures going on as I prepare for the next round of glorious battle!

    My two cents.

  • @ondrejbakan said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    @crazed-corsair FOMO of purely cosmetic rewards?

    In a game which regularly has time-limited and exclusive cosmetics (which are the only visible progression available per the game's design) that are very easy to miss if you aren't playing all the time? Yeah, there probably is some understandable FOMO, and decisions such as the one being discussed here are a major contributor for it.

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