Cool website that was made by some very smart and dedicated fans.

  • Is a website that can track the storm and active trade routes for your server just sign in with your Xbox account (It's safe I've used it a lot) It also track's the current mystery right now! There is a lot more as well so definitely check it out if you haven't heard of it or used it. It also has the skeleton runes and lore timeline for the Sea Of Thieves. I believe they also have a place you can donate to continue supporting them. Definitely check it out and spread word on it they deserve the recognition. Knowing where the storm is and where it's going definitely helps with transporting kegs.

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  • @waffle0405 yeah, nice website...I use the storm-map frequently

  • @schwammlgott Same here it helps a lot even if its just watching where it's gonna go.

  • @waffle0405 got my last 4 shadow stormfish within 2 days with this

  • @schwammlgott I have almost have hunters call maxed but none of the commendations completed except for the variants turned in. Last community day I did nothing but fish but this season I grinded Athena's Fortune with the new voyage. Plus it helps for that super rare fish that is like a wrecker but in a storm next to a fort (active) I think.

  • @waffle0405 sagte in Cool website that was made by some very smart and dedicated fans.:

    @schwammlgott I have almost have hunters call maxed but none of the commendations completed except for the variants turned in. Last community day I did nothing but fish but this season I grinded Athena's Fortune with the new voyage. Plus it helps for that super rare fish that is like a wrecker but in a storm next to a fort (active) I think.

    It doesn't have to be near an active fort, that one would be the battlegil...
    Just at a shipwreck, while in a storm...that one isn't rare at all and it is super easy...why everyone complains about this one? Shadow stormfish is much harder to get...
    When next to a shipwreck and the storm comes through, almost every fish is that "black cloud shipwrecker" (I guess that's the name, not sure in english)
    I can catch at least 5 or 6 of them while the storm drives by one shipwreck...also you can find so many of them in shipwrecks/rowboats/supply crates...besides the splashtail, probably the most common fish found in these, at at least in my experience

  • @schwammlgott I have only sold two trophy shadow storm fish one found in a shipwreck and one fished myself and that wrecker I just heard was rare and when I watched a guide on hunter's call they said it was pretty hard to get. I think the harder thing's the old hat, fish bones, and old boot. But that is useful to know next time I need to go after those specific wrecker's.

  • @waffle0405 people who say those are hard, have no clue imo...

  • @waffle0405 That treacherous plunder is trivial to get.... it just takes a few hours with some friends hanging out at the right spot.

    And don't forget to pick up the loot every once in a while. Had 7 pieces of treacherous plunder despawn on me once. That was nasty.

  • @sneakweazl It shouldn't if it's on ur ship?

  • @waffle0405 a dit dans Cool website that was made by some very smart and dedicated fans. : Is a website that can track the storm and active trade routes for your server just sign in with your Xbox account (It's safe I've used it a lot) It also track's the current mystery right now! There is a lot more as well so definitely check it out if you haven't heard of it or used it. It also has the skeleton runes and lore timeline for the Sea Of Thieves. I believe they also have a place you can donate to continue supporting them. Definitely check it out and spread word on it they deserve the recognition. Knowing where the storm is and where it's going definitely helps with transporting kegs.

    if that storm-tracking map is accurate, that is a brilliant website.
    im going to give it a burl!

  • @tehstepford It is indeed accurate just refresh the page when you wake up in game. If you're trying to get stormfish or really any reason you would want to track the storm you can. I found this website from a guide on steam and it still seems not very many people know about it.

  • @waffle0405 a dit dans Cool website that was made by some very smart and dedicated fans. :

    @tehstepford It is indeed accurate just refresh the page when you wake up in game. If you're trying to get stormfish or really any reason you would want to track the storm you can. I found this website from a guide on steam and it still seems not very many people know about it.

    you are right. i just tested it and it did track the storm accurately.
    for years there has been speculation on how storms move. this guy somehow figured it out.

  • @tehstepford No clue how but they did it. Plus it tracks outpost demands if you still do the trade routes. There's a lot more too!

  • @waffle0405 Many, MANY hours of tracking, testing and confirming. The Folks at Merfolks Lullaby and Ancient Isles University do a LOT of research on all manner of Sea of Thieves things. RareThief is also a fantastic resource!

  • @triheadedmonkey I just recently came across the Ancient Isles University but I have used Rarethief's app (Website too) and Merfolks Lullaby more than I can count. Helpful for when I just recently got the shores of gold curse and commendations.

  • @waffle0405 said in Cool website that was made by some very smart and dedicated fans.:

    @sneakweazl It shouldn't if it's on ur ship?

    I'm not running back to the ship from "that spot" every time I have a piece of plunder...

    From now on Im setting a timer for 30 minutes, and move the pile of plunder from one spot to the next. Still need 17 pieces.

  • @sneakweazl Assuming you solo sloop. I fish with friends so it makes it easier. My bad.

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