Blunder-Buss Nerf.


    After a 19 Hour Glass Streak, I come across a Boat, "Two Birds One Tail" And this is exactly what I am talking about:

    Masts Down, Cannon Line is being fired upon, One balled two people, And their ship was done. I go to board, and Guess what happens? I get their anchor down, but im met with THREE blunderbusses. They manage to get on my boat, BLUNDER my friends and we sink. Again, people Who say the Blunderbuss is "Balanced" are not opinionatedly wrong, they are Factually Wrong.

    I saw it happen in my face, While reloading his sniper, my friend got blundered, As my friend ran up the stairs to assist, he got blundered, and As I was lunging at the dude, he turned and Blundered. Same Dude, Three shots, the CREW IS DEAD. The Gun has no recovery, It has No balance. NERF IT, PLEASE.

    Sword requires FOUR hits, with a SPLIT in between,
    Pistol require TWO hits after fast reload.
    Sniper requires TWO hits after reload.

    Let us do the math, Whats Required to kill:

    Sword = 4 Hits (No Ammo)
    Pistol = 2 hits (Can kill Someone 2 times)
    Sniper = 2 Hits (Can kill Someone Two times)

    It needs a Nerf. It does not fit the Sea of thieves Tempo.

  • @oda-ashina said in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:


    After a 19 Hour Glass Streak, I come across a Boat, "Two Birds One Tail" And this is exactly what I am talking about:

    Masts Down, Cannon Line is being fired upon, One balled two people, And their ship was done. I go to board, and Guess what happens? I get their anchor down, but im met with THREE blunderbusses.

    So either you might have been mistaken by the new cannon hit sound effect that sounds similar to when you down a player from afar, or the crew was on top of their game with reviving and still getting enough bails to not sink, which leads me to wonder if you were too late trying to board them while they essentially started recovering in your broadside. Of course, they have good awareness to know when someone is climbing up their ladder and bring out their guns to immediately terminate the boarder.

    They manage to get on my boat, BLUNDER my friends and we sink.

    So that was all it took to sink you? A crew wipe from a single possibly risky decision? Let's see what happened here.

    I saw it happen in my face, While reloading his sniper, my friend got blundered,

    Your friend was not aware enough of their surroundings and let an enemy get too close to them, that's a massive error on their part.

    As my friend ran up the stairs to assist, he got blundered,

    Blunderbuss takes 2-3 seconds to reload, and if you're on a brig coming from the lower deck, my guess is your opponent was nearby the front mast/anchor, more than enough time to reload a blunderbuss, wait for your other friend to get close, and kill them in one shot because they probably charged at them with a sword or a blunderbuss themselves.

    and As I was lunging at the dude, he turned and Blundered.

    By clear assumption based on this story, your sword lunge either didn't connect and you missed, or your sword lunge bugged, leaving you stunned despite clearly hitting your foe, while they had 2-3 seconds to reload their shot, get close to you standing still because of the cooldown from your lunge, and killed you in one shot.

    Same Dude, Three shots, the CREW IS DEAD. The Gun has no recovery, It has No balance. NERF IT, PLEASE.

    Your entire crew was unaware, lacked good movement on a brigantine, and did not think to use ranged weapons in order to defeat the shotgun-toting boarder. All I see is a need to buff, buffing your crew's overall skill and awareness, that is. There's no way any of you thought that maybe swording an enemy with decent aim and an obvious shotgun equipped was looking like a bad idea. With good awareness, you shouldn't let a boarder get too close to you if you can help it, specifically because you are at the risk of getting killed by a blunderbuss if they have it equipped.

    It's not the blunderbuss' fault you got close to it.

  • Rare logic, "being able to 1 shot kill players is fair and balanced because they have to get close range. Ignore the fact hit reg hardly works at mid to long range and once on ships even with maxed out FOV players can jump and freak out harder then a chimp who drank a 4 pack of red bull."

  • @nex-stargaze

    I genuinely need you to stop responding to my posts.

    a.) Your argument doesn't make sense
    b.) You're hawk eyeing my post
    c.) It's honestly getting annoying, you're not even using logic. You're using a high-horse posh sense of self-righteousness to defend your argument, which dresses it as a Proper and well structure.

  • @oda-ashina said in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:


    I genuinely need you to stop responding to my posts.

    a.) Your argument doesn't make sense
    b.) You're hawk eyeing my post
    c.) It's honestly getting annoying, you're not even using logic. You're using a high-horse posh sense of self-righteousness to defend your argument, which dresses it as a Proper and well structure.

    I've played this game for nearly 3 years now. I've been destroyed by players of all kinds, I've defeated players of all kinds, I've watched Twitch streamers a plenty, both partnered and non-partnered, that complain and whine over the same issues with PvP, I've seen teenagers make boring two-tap montages from the Arena, I've been in and seen the take downs of alliance servers, I've been in some of the best open crew sessions I could possibly imagine, I've been in LFC crews that turned into complete, miserable trainwrecks, I've been in Xbox LFG crews that were somewhere in the middle, and the fair amount of the friends, acquaintances, and even enemies I've made would even back me up on this wholesale.

    I've been involved with the game's community in just about every single facet of it, my responses to you in this thread are an attempt to argue that you're inexperienced, need better (and definitely less ban-worthy) moments in the game, and to get a grasp and understanding of the current balance the game has, and why the developers, and by extension, a fair amount of the experienced playerbase have remained sturdy on the blunderbuss' current state (hit registration exclusively withheld). You're free to live the pipedream, but you need to come at grips with reality. I will not be told that the facts I've learned from experienced, knowledgeable members of this community, and even the game's Partnered Official/Unofficial Wiki are the result of poor game design just because you want to hug your enemies to death and they just so happen to be smarter than that.

    I'm sorry you have to deal with me, but I'm defending what I know is right, because with my game knowledge, I know that it is MY fault, and not the game's fault (mostly) that a blunderbuss, when fired very close to me, will do the maximum amount of damage to send a player to the Ferry of the Damned. I have been okay with this ever since I started playing, and I've learned over the years that I'm to blame for dying to a powerful weapon that I can also use back at my opponents, which is the equinox of the blunderbuss, and every single weapon in the game. Once you learn that you're making mistakes and are at fault of your actions that go wrong, you'll understand a little of what I've been saying all this time.

  • @nex-stargaze

    • Disregarded
  • @oda-ashina said in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:


    • Disregarded

    That’s… not how you… respond to anyone. You posted on a public forum, why are you complaining about people using it?

  • If a player oneshoots you 5 times in a row with blunder.... That person is the luckiest One in the world or you have the worst luck ever seen.

    5 shoots without hitreg? Nah, I dont think so. But if you still thinking that was the blunder the reason why you sunk, ok, It is up to you.

    Do doblegunners use giga overpowered blunder? Nah, is too OP for them. 90% uses Pistol + Sniper

    You can keep complaining instead of not trying to kiss others pirates, that Will not make you suffer less oneshoots :) Do not engage close combat if you dont know how to deal with a simple shotgun, that's all.

    "Rare I want to board people without being contested, please Nerf Blunder"

  • @mrestiercol Well, you know that almost every double gunner uses EoR and blunder. EoR + flintflock is by far the least used weapon setup in the game.

  • @oda-ashina blunderbuss is fine and already been nerfed by devs. Get used to it and stay away from players that rely on one shot blunders. It’s not that hard to adapt your play style to that.

  • "Don't let the guys with blunderbusses get near." That is a very fair and valid point that would work in a world which one cannot simply load oneself into a cannon, shoot himself somewhere near while lagging in the sky like nobodies business just to appear under, or better yet ON your ship and proceed to CQB you with the shotgun, leaving the flintlock and especially EOR worthless.

    So either disable climbing into cannons, which probably wont happen because "muh twitch clips" OR, maybe take a look at my thread HERE, about limiting ammo on person and in general, which would also balance it somewhat and bring swordplay into the game.

  • @vito1700 said in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:

    @oda-ashina blunderbuss is fine and already been nerfed by devs. Get used to it and stay away from players that rely on one shot blunders. It’s not that hard to adapt your play style to that.

    Yeah, just don't be on a boat with one otherwise there's no way to kill them before they close the gap.

  • @scurvywoof said in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:

    @oda-ashina said in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:


    • Disregarded

    That’s… not how you… respond to anyone. You posted on a public forum, why are you complaining about people using it?

    Most of the arguments on this forum are made in bad faith, so it's appropriate.

  • I disagree to nerfing the weapons, however I think the double gun meta does need to be broken up. I have seen more pirates running two guns than I have seen running around with swords, which, historically at least, is ridiculous. But I think nerfing weapons isn't going to fix that problem. I think that double gun needs to remain viable, but pushed more in line with the sword.

    Which, in my humble opinion, should stem from fixing the ability to animation cancel swapping weapons. I do not think someone should be able to swap weapons within an incredibly short second, and it should play out the full animation of bringing the weapon out before being able to fire or be used. I've seen some double gunners practically quickfire me, and others, from a distance they shouldn't be able to. The only reason the blunderbuss is good is because it's the only weapon that can one-shot from a very very close distance. So it's clear that Rare don't want a one-shot option from a medium to long distance. (Aside from cannonballs, of course, which are much slower in travel speed) And if someone's firing twice within a second or two, it might as well just be considered one shot.

    I do not think blunderbuss is the problem here, I think double gunning should be balanced out vs. a sword and say, some other gun. The blunderbuss fires several "pellets" and if you're close enough to get hit by all of those pellets, you're going to get hit by all of them, and drop. Each one does 15-20 damage if I recall correctly, so if only one misses you out of all those pellets at full health, you will survive. Topping off health is important in this game.

    Either that, or Rare could introduce some sort of utility item that takes up a weapon slot, but that utility item needs to be just as good if not better in usefulness than holding two weapons.

  • @scheneighnay

    I appreciate this

  • @thelostsentinel

    I can really stand by this, you have made the most valid point here.

  • @scheneighnay said in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:

    @scurvywoof said in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:

    @oda-ashina said in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:


    • Disregarded

    That’s… not how you… respond to anyone. You posted on a public forum, why are you complaining about people using it?

    Most of the arguments on this forum are made in bad faith, so it's appropriate.

    As in Nex-Stargaze’s posts or just the forum in general?

  • @oda-ashina why are people always crying for a blunderbuss nerf? IT'S A DAMN SHOTGUN! IT HAS TO KILL ONE SHOT AT POINT BLANK!
    Otherwise it would be useless!
    Btw, I don’t use it, always cutlass and pistol

  • @thelostsentinel sagte in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:

    Each one does 15-20 damage if I recall correctly, so if only one misses you out of all those pellets at full health, you will survive.

    Isn't it 10 pellets, each 10 damage? Higher damage would be completely unbalanced

  • @scurvywoof said in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:

    @scheneighnay said in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:

    @scurvywoof said in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:

    @oda-ashina said in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:


    • Disregarded

    That’s… not how you… respond to anyone. You posted on a public forum, why are you complaining about people using it?

    Most of the arguments on this forum are made in bad faith, so it's appropriate.

    As in Nex-Stargaze’s posts or just the forum in general?


    You have people who say "I earned the right to have control over other players" or "well if that were the case I would have to chase every ship for way longer" then turn around and act like they care about the good of the game and not just their own capacity to harass people.

  • @schwammlgott said in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:

    @oda-ashina why are people always crying for a blunderbuss nerf? IT'S A DAMN SHOTGUN! IT HAS TO KILL ONE SHOT AT POINT BLANK!
    Otherwise it would be useless!
    Btw, I don’t use it, always cutlass and pistol

    This is a game where the shotgun also launches people, and most fights happen on a moving ship.

  • @schwammlgott said in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:

    @thelostsentinel sagte in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:

    Each one does 15-20 damage if I recall correctly, so if only one misses you out of all those pellets at full health, you will survive.

    Isn't it 10 pellets, each 10 damage? Higher damage would be completely unbalanced

    Yes, you're right. I wasn't sure if it was 5-6 pellets or 10. But I'm quite positive you're right in that it's 10 for 10 damage each, as mentioned I wasn't sure about those numbers!

  • @scheneighnay Umm... I'll take that as a yes to the entire forum...

  • @n0soup4u said in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:

    Personally if anything I think it should just do max 99% damage. Given the flow of the game and PvP I don't think it's proper to have a weapon that one shots. I'd like to hear arguments as to why we need a 1 shot weapon though

    From a raw numbers standpoint, yes 99% is better than an EoR's 80%. But from a practical standpoint, this 1% nerf would effectively make the EoR an objectively better choice.

    With a weapon that "only" does 99% damage, it takes two strikes from any combination of weapons to kill. Which is the exact same truth for EoR. Pistol, on the other hand, takes a hit and two sword strokes as a trade-off example.

    Which means, from a practical standpoint, because EoR has better/more predictable behavior regarding hitreg and no errant pellets, it'd always be a better choice if someone practices quick-scoping. That'd render the blunderbuss to non-use.

    While knockback is a perk of the blunder, it is the one hit kill that defines why it gets any use at all, and primarily in areas where CQC is expected. Nerf that and it balance is toast.

  • If hit reg wasn't so appalling in this game, I would see a lot more players using Pistol/Snipe combo.
    Instead the Blunder takes priority in any serious players kit over the pistol because of not only the one shot potential but also the utility it provides (Knockback)

  • @oda-ashina said in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:


    After a 19 Hour Glass Streak, I come across a Boat, "Two Birds One Tail" And this is exactly what I am talking about:

    Masts Down, Cannon Line is being fired upon, One balled two people, And their ship was done. I go to board, and Guess what happens? I get their anchor down, but im met with THREE blunderbusses. They manage to get on my boat, BLUNDER my friends and we sink. Again, people Who say the Blunderbuss is "Balanced" are not opinionatedly wrong, they are Factually Wrong.

    I saw it happen in my face, While reloading his sniper, my friend got blundered, As my friend ran up the stairs to assist, he got blundered, and As I was lunging at the dude, he turned and Blundered. Same Dude, Three shots, the CREW IS DEAD. The Gun has no recovery, It has No balance. NERF IT, PLEASE.

    I question the validity of this story.

    Let me clear, I am not questioning anyone's honesty or integrity. Adrenaline does strange things to a person's perception. But the reality doesn't add up. Let's break down a few things:

    You were on a NINETEEN streak. Most people rarely see a four streak, and the game heavily encourages that as a cap. You are shocked that you finally hit a high-skill player that knew how to blunder at an elite level? Nobody hitting nineteen streaks can say than an weapon was OP and ruined them. If the weapon was OP, nobody would reach a nineteen streak because a blunder would end their streak early and often from random non-skilled crews. Your own testimony proves this false. This feels like a reactionary anger post for losing a streak instead of cashing out like a sane person.

    You had a ship with masts down, incapacitated, and you one-balled TWO people. And you got met with three bludnerbusses at the anchor?!? Was this the mythical five-person galleon? Either the ship was in an alliance and had more crew aboard, and could take more risks, which would explain your loss far more than the blunderbuss does. Or you mistimed your board and someone came back from the ferry before you got to the anchor. Which regardless of brig or galleon, is not a short amount of time, and a very bad tactical miscalculation.

    Further, you went for the anchor. on a ship that is already not moving and where you had the cannon-line on lockdown (by your own words.) Stopping them from...turret spinning? You prioritized poorly. Kill the people bailing. The anchor was another tactical misfire. And a big one.

    They manage to get on your boat. Was this right after you boarded them? While they were still under cannon fire from your crew? With masts down? Their ship was "done" but they sent a boarder?!? You say you were on a 19 streak, so I assume their ship wasn't "really" done or they'd have been teleported away for all of what transpired to happen before the "ship sunk" player migration happens. Timeline here is a bit fuzzy....

    So, because you boarded, got blundered going for the anchor, that gave them time to recover and send a boarder before you got through the ferry door. And nobody caught the boarder at the ladder? That's not even a tactical choice. That's just lack of situational awareness.

    And the player blunder-wiped you. "Same dude" by your words. That's nobody on your team landing blows in-between. Even if he hit every shot as a on-shot, three crew members should've landed two pistol hits, or two sword hits or some combination to end him. This was just being outplayed. Full stop. If he could do that, he would've done it with a sniper/pistol DG or quickscope/sword combo about as easily. The one-shot made it slightly easier. I concede that fully. But that isn't itself an imbalanced weapon. A sniper/sword in the right hands is "easier" than pistol/sword to kill someone. That doesn't make EoR overpowered. After 19 ships that were not as good as you, you hit one player who was better. Take the loss.

  • Dude they already nerfed the blunderbuss and the knockback now is awful. The sword doesn't stun lock anymore and double gunners are having a field day

  • @scheneighnay sagte in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:

    @schwammlgott said in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:

    @oda-ashina why are people always crying for a blunderbuss nerf? IT'S A DAMN SHOTGUN! IT HAS TO KILL ONE SHOT AT POINT BLANK!
    Otherwise it would be useless!
    Btw, I don’t use it, always cutlass and pistol

    This is a game where the shotgun also launches people, and most fights happen on a moving ship.

    So...what do you want to tell me?

  • @schwammlgott said in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:

    @scheneighnay sagte in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:

    @schwammlgott said in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:

    @oda-ashina why are people always crying for a blunderbuss nerf? IT'S A DAMN SHOTGUN! IT HAS TO KILL ONE SHOT AT POINT BLANK!
    Otherwise it would be useless!
    Btw, I don’t use it, always cutlass and pistol

    This is a game where the shotgun also launches people, and most fights happen on a moving ship.

    So...what do you want to tell me?

    You'll figure it out

  • @strangeness I'm not so sure this will be the case in reality. In a vacuum, I can agree with you, but most of the time people are not at full health, especially if they do not have pineapples (pineapple balance is a topic for another time), plus all it would take is a blunder bomb and if you have a friend with you, it shouldnt be too hard. Even using blunder and sword (which doesn't typically make sense) would be quick enough to kill people I think.

    The Blunder still has it's usage and someone taking 99% of their health is most likely gonna try to retreat or heal, should give you the opportunity to recover yourself, or follow up.

  • @n0soup4u said in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:

    @strangeness I'm not so sure this will be the case in reality. In a vacuum, I can agree with you, but most of the time people are not at full health, especially if they do not have pineapples (pineapple balance is a topic for another time), plus all it would take is a blunder bomb and if you have a friend with you, it shouldnt be too hard. Even using blunder and sword (which doesn't typically make sense) would be quick enough to kill people I think.

    The Blunder still has it's usage and something taking 99% of their health is most likely gonna try to retreat or heal, should give you the opportunity to recover yourself, or follow up.

    I think that's still fair, I usually don't start cqc under full health, and teamwork is teamwork. Main problem is a spawn camper just being able to 1-tap people as they appear.

  • @strangeness

    • TLDR
  • @oda-ashina said in Blunder-Buss Nerf.:


    • TLDR

    Your unwillingness to read a response and defend your position is telling.

  • i agree with this, i dont think a one shot weapon is any good in the game, most pvp games that are around are removing them of late because getting one shot is just not satisfying, i dont mind the quick swap kill of double gunners, sure its annoying but it takes learning and you might dodge it or they might miss, giving vital few seconds of survival and combat, the blunder negates any chances of survival in a close quarters fight, you get in aim shoot and blam dead, any respawn is easily killed with ship control.

  • @strangeness

    Already defended it before, dont need to respond to someone else who doesnt look into the previous messages.

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