Madame Olga & Her Visions

  • Ahoy mateys,
    Today I would like to talk with ye about Madame Olga & Her visions.
    As ye all know Madame Olga is being hunted by a visions, which she wrote down on a Cards. There is V Cards in total. First II were revealed: Resurection & Below. Which if we put together is "Resurection form Below".
    Many of Us may assume it's about Flameheart, since him layer is located below the Reapers Hideout, but, what if, it's nothing to do with a Flameheart, but with Dark Brethren.
    What if Sirens attempting to resurrect the "Old Mother", the Greatest Calamity in whole Sea of Thieves to accomplish 'eir Queens Vision. With "Old Mother's" help, they would drag the Islands below the Waves to forever rule the Seas. Thats why there is little to no Krakens lately. They are using Krakens Essence to Ressurect their Mother, them also are summoning the Oldest and Strongest of their Kind to wreak havoc upon the Surface World.
    Heed my words mateys, something stirring below the waves and if we didn't do anything about it, we will forever be lost to the sea.

    With Best Regards,

    Selgewick The Seaman
    Chronicler of Legend & Fleet Commodore
    Guild Owner of "Scribes of the Deep" & "Privateers of Flame"

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  • @selgewick I think it's not about the old mother for a simple reason, it would be absolutely impossible for the player to have contact with an absurdly colossal being like her. Even in a tall tale in the sea of ​​the damned it would be difficult to support something like this, unless it was a disappointing fight, with just one or two tentacles... I also don't think it's wise to bring her back without showing her to the player, just hearing that she's back would be bad.

    It is most likely Flameheart, a member of the ancients or a new character.

    Obs: The kraken spawn is normal as far as I know, I found 2 or 3 in the same day playing solo

  • @lleorb 1. I don't say that she is Resurrected. I am saying that what if Them are trying to ressurect her. Therefore we won't find a Colossal Creature, but perhaps her Colosal Skeleton or Bones, or whatever left of 'em or her. Which 'Em trying to put together in order to perform a Resurrection. Plus such process would take a lot of time n preparation. Therefore, if Madame Olga forseen it, we may prevent Her from ever returning. 2. If ye find 2 Krakens or more per session, it's not Normal. It is Incredibly Rare! Ye are very Lucky to hit such Jackpot! Because ye Rarely even see 1!

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