This community saddens me sometimes

  • Seeing how common the skelly fleet raid is as the newest flavour of exploit is disheartening. How toxic these people get when you sink them and stop their fun too. These will be same people complaining of lack of content when they've cheesed through it.

  • 31
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  • Frustrating season all around.

    Imo it was on course to be the best season and ended up a lot closer to season 7 but it is what it is.

    Season 12 and 13 seem reasonably promising.

    I've been getting crashes for a month, that doesn't really get to me, bugs happen, just doesn't get to me much

    What happened with the exploiting and cheesing, decisions around that, making the box of secrets irrelevant, that stuff gets to me as a long time adventurer in the organic play style.

    Great for new and casual play. Hopefully fun in the near future for some pvp. Intense adventure experience? eh Long term storytelling and significance for organic play? eh

    I see a lot that has happened as unnecessary but it is what it is. A lot of people are still having fun and gonna have fun, probably just not the right experience for some anymore.

  • @hiradc I hear you. This has always been the downside to open world grinds but the level of cheesing in SOT is significant. Just take a look at the ledgers every month to verify this.

  • are we men or are we mice?

    I like cheese ^_^

  • @pithyrumble Cheese is good!

  • @musicmee said in This community saddens me sometimes:

    @pithyrumble Cheese is good!

    Yes, the mouse problem. This week, The World Around Us looks at the growing social phenomenon of mice and men. What makes a man want to be a mouse?

  • @metal-ravage
    irrelevant. I am woman.

    cheese is delicious. especially when the tears of the gatekeepers have salted it.

    TBH, using a gap to simplify something you don't really enjoy isn't bad. I simply found a way to do it that I enjoy. Tools not rules. Just because I didn't do it the way you think I should, doesn't mean it's wrong. I regularly broke red mermaid statues with kegs before it could be done with 2 pirates. Did I exploit? No. I took advantage of a mechanic. Is it an exploit that I'm doing FloF because the skellies forgot how to repair? No more so than waiting on that storm to wander over and sink them for me.

  • @pithyrumble said in This community saddens me sometimes:

    irrelevant. I am woman.

    I believe women are relevant.

  • @metal-ravage said in This community saddens me sometimes:

    @musicmee said in This community saddens me sometimes:

    @pithyrumble Cheese is good!

    Yes, the mouse problem. This week, The World Around Us looks at the growing social phenomenon of mice and men. What makes a man want to be a mouse?

    the mouse problem is irrelevant because I am a woman. Are we men or are we mice? I present a different solution ^_^

  • @pithyrumble said in This community saddens me sometimes:

    @metal-ravage said in This community saddens me sometimes:

    @musicmee said in This community saddens me sometimes:

    @pithyrumble Cheese is good!

    Yes, the mouse problem. This week, The World Around Us looks at the growing social phenomenon of mice and men. What makes a man want to be a mouse?

    the mouse problem is irrelevant because I am a woman. Are we men or are we mice? I present a different solution ^_^

    Not really, the female of the species enjoys cheese as much it seems, hence Mickey and Minnie.

  • @pithyrumble I don't mean the skellies not repairing. I obviously won't go into details but people are farming the raid loot just getting captain ship with main treasure to keep respawning

  • @hiradc said in This community saddens me sometimes:

    @pithyrumble I don't mean the skellies not repairing. I obviously won't go into details but people are farming the raid loot just getting captain ship with main treasure to keep respawning

    Please don't give out tips or we will have another sea fort situation.

  • @metal-ravage there's zero info about how to do it (I don't even know the specifics) go attack anyone doing skelly fleet raids that take longer than 10 mins is my advice 👍

  • @hiradc yeah, but people consider my clever advantages exploitative sometimes... you should see some of the trash that's said to me when I leave my loot in the Shrine Mermaid and just sail off. lol.

  • @wolfmanbush Did Rare ever punish the folks who cheesed the sea forts?

    I'm sure this one has been brought to their attention. No immediate hotfix to prevent items from respawning on the same ship?

    Accountability goes both ways.

    People shouldn't bring weapons to nightclubs, sure. And if the club owners don't want weapons in their establishment, they better have good bouncers/security to prevent it from happening, and handle it when it does.

    The community doesn't sadden me as much as Rare's community management does.

    Requests for accessibility features being directed to this void of a feedback section. Which rarely ever gets acknowledgement from Rare devs/staff. Players telling others to disable EAC to fix crashes, with no response or clarification from Rare on the subject. Players telling others that Rare has "discontinued KBM support for xbox," which isn't true, but isn't addressed by a mod until I have to flag the post?

    Telling us what's to come in future updates through YouTube videos - yeah that's cool and all. But what is the community actually saying? What are the issues we actually face? That needs attention which is severely lacking, imo.

    I was memeing with a buddy in a sloop and ran into another sloop doing this exploit. Sunk them and got 8 talismans outta it. GGs.

    "Casual" is as much interest as I'm willing to commit to this game anymore.

  • @pithyrumble said in This community saddens me sometimes:

    @hiradc yeah, but people consider my clever advantages exploitative sometimes... you should see some of the trash that's said to me when I leave my loot in the Shrine Mermaid and just sail off. lol.

    None of this should be settled in game between players.

    Sinking and stealing are fair game, hunting for treasure, all good.

    It should be settled on the forums and through support with feedback to support a position.

    Targeting/mistreating players is never the way.

    Disagreements over conduct and gameplay don't justify harassing/hassling individuals or crews in game.

    It's important to me and some others but none of it is that serious.

  • I’m more sad players like to think the game is either pvp or Pve. Never pvpve

  • @burnbacon said in This community saddens me sometimes:

    I’m more sad players like to think the game is either pvp or Pve. Never pvpve

    @burnbacon i just don't like the pvp part of my pvpve burger. So I'm picking off the onions and mushrooms. And complaining when they want to add more onions and mushrooms. Needs more pickles imo.

  • @burnbacon said in This community saddens me sometimes:

    I’m more sad players like to think the game is either pvp or Pve. Never pvpve

    Neither are really an issue organically

    pve players when playing organically take risk no matter how they feel about pvp

    pvp players that play organically create the risk, thrill, and sense of accomplishment for the pver

    it's the non-organic stuff that creates most of the issues

    and there are different levels of non-organic play. Players that cheese a bit here and there with pve or pvp are only creating a bit of an issue, nothing major

    it's the extreme stuff that has always been the issue, extreme cheesing/exploiting pve or pvp

    A crew bringing home a bit more or hopping a bit more is sustainable, people being a part of big coordinated things or that engage in it 12 hours a day get into the level that is contributing to quite a bit of damage

  • I don't really mind the exploits, personally, I'm just tired of people being so negative about a game that I think is great

    "Rare NEEDS to add this or game bad!" "Rare NEEDS to nerf this!" "Game dying!!!"

    Its just annoying to see people continuing to complain about the exact same things. The devs are trying to fix the bugs and crashes, give them some time.

    (In case someone misunderstood this, I wasn't saying that this post is one of these complain-y posts, I'm just talking about what saddens me personally about this community)

  • @gameglarb said in This community saddens me sometimes:

    I don't really mind the exploits, personally, I'm just tired of people being so negative about a game that I think is great

    "Rare NEEDS to add this or game bad!" "Rare NEEDS to nerf this!" "Game dying!!!"

    Its just annoying to see people continuing to complain about the exact same things. The devs are trying to fix the bugs and crashes, give them some time.

    (In case someone misunderstood this, I wasn't saying that this post is one of these complain-y posts, I'm just talking about what saddens me personally about this community)

    It can be unpleasant but another way to look at it is that it happens because the game has lasted a long time in a tough space and people have 3k, 5k, even 10-15k+ hours.

    It's like any community. There is drama and not everyone gets along but SoT is pretty special to a lot of people. A lot has happened in the game and in people's lives in the last 6 years. At the core of it all is an attachment and fondness for the experience, even if in the past, others in the community, the fun of gameplay, escape within the immersion.

    It ain't always pretty but it's something that people have shared for quite some time.

  • @gameglarb said in This community saddens me sometimes:

    I don't really mind the exploits, personally, I'm just tired of people being so negative about a game that I think is great

    "Rare NEEDS to add this or game bad!" "Rare NEEDS to nerf this!" "Game dying!!!"

    Its just annoying to see people continuing to complain about the exact same things. The devs are trying to fix the bugs and crashes, give them some time.

    (In case someone misunderstood this, I wasn't saying that this post is one of these complain-y posts, I'm just talking about what saddens me personally about this community)

    aggressively fistfights on the forum
    I know my personal HIGHLY POSITIVE experience is not the vocal norm. The game works. I like it mostly. Y'all demand dumb stuff and then immediately complain it wasn't what you wanted.

  • Well man, you know when you’ve grinded for hours and hours non stop and you end up getting chased by someone not even running a reaper flag for no joke 45 minutes straight until they force you to leave when they coulda been doing something else besides being a Thorne in your side? yeah you’d be pretty mad about being sunk/chased to. Some people justify their pettiness with just saying that this is a pirate game, but you coulda just allianced with us and not been annoying. I get its sea of ‘thieves’ but I guess I gotta agree with the title comment, yeah this games player base does sadden me, but you know what I’ve learned? Don’t do big hauls, and you won’t have to deal with that which sucks but it is what it is lol, ain’t much you can do besides go to safer seas.

  • @areseniccash and what exploits? From what I saw they patched the small island gold hoarder and dying over and over sea fort exploits (there are probably more then Ik) but those are the ones I had seen everyone doing and they got rid of that. Only thing that makes me mad rn are the bugs man, the bugs are crazy.

  • @areseniccash said in This community saddens me sometimes:

    Well man, you know when you’ve grinded for hours and hours non stop and you end up getting chased by someone not even running a reaper flag for no joke 45 minutes straight until they force you to leave when they coulda been doing something else besides being a Thorne in your side? yeah you’d be pretty mad about being sunk/chased to. Some people justify their pettiness with just saying that this is a pirate game, but you coulda just allianced with us and not been annoying. I get its sea of ‘thieves’ but I guess I gotta agree with the title comment, yeah this games player base does sadden me, but you know what I’ve learned? Don’t do big hauls, and you won’t have to deal with that which sucks but it is what it is lol, ain’t much you can do besides go to safer seas.

    I can imagine that, the risk/reward structure is completely one-sided, where the PvE'er has all the risk and the PvP'er all the (possible) rewards. But that is not something you can realy solve though.

    Bigger problem is the extremely long chasing. The power in a chase is completely with the person chasing, because he/she decides if he/she continues and thus when the chase ends. The one being chased can only keep running. And since the chasee (is that how you write it?) probably has loot on board and the chaser doesn't, the chasee can't 'give up' without consequences, while the chaser can.
    I would like to see a system where if the chaser doesn't catch up to the chasee in a certain amount of time, the chasee would get a significant speed buff so he/she can sail away, or perhaps would get server merged so he/she can escape. The biggest complaint (from both sides) is that chases can literaly go on almost forever. A system that 'forces' an end would help i.m.o.

    Then again, i sometimes also use their willingness to chase to tease them back. Yesterday i was playing on my alt and was doing the commendation for spotting captained ships, one of them decided to go after me. I had no loot and only the base supplies. He had an grade 1 emmy flag (no loot for what i saw), but he was decent enough that i couldn't get him in my broadside to attack, so i decided to just sail around to see if i could spot some other captained ships (no such luck, they were non-captained) and just took him on a tour around the Sea of Thieves, before i portal hopped.... He waisted all that time for literaly nothing, while i did what i wanted to do, lol.

  • 2 times. 2 damn times today. i have literally been Grieved by owm team. My first team left while under water so I went to get the treasure while under water 3 random people joined me no words were said. I had tons of loot and they immediately locked me in the bridge and sunk the ship and left. The Second time I was playing with these people for at least an hour or so and we raided a fort and while sailing to the outpost this guy kept trying to run mine ship into islands to sink it and when I wouldn't get off the wheel he dropped all of my loot into the water. Someone explain why you can't simply report in game.

  • @hedontmiss420 you can, when your in game, if you hit pause and I think go to settings, there’s a option to report a pirate

  • @areseniccash the ingame report option is just for player, ship, pet name (as it doesn't need any evidence they can see logs). If you choose other it just gives you a link to sot support here as you need videos or screenshot etc

  • @pithyrumble

    My favorite are the passive aggressive posters who think a level of snark replaces solid argument. We need more of those posters to make the forums enjoyable...

  • @tybald my work here is done 😁

  • @tybald said in This community saddens me sometimes:


    My favorite are the passive aggressive posters who think a level of snark replaces solid argument. We need more of those posters to make the forums enjoyable...

    The passive aggressive/condescending stuff is around quite a bit in SoT but that's just gonna happen, especially in an online space.

    but the forums specifically are one of the more chill online spaces that I have participated in/observed. Quite a few of the regs lean heavily into substantive posting and away from the insulting stuff. Letting disagreements just be disagreements instead of long term grudges. Varied personalities and play styles.

    I've enjoyed it, but I just jump out of a thread and go ramble about something else if it gets too unpleasant lol

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