Hourglass Level Calculator

  • Hello! I've created a tool for tracking Hourglass progress. It gives you a real estimate of how much time you have left to reach your desired hourglass level. I've been using it in private for a while now, and finally made it public. To use it, simply click the link and make a copy of the sheet. Then use as you please!

    I based the tool off of 4 different methods for levelling up:

    • Selling your hourglass after every win
    • Selling your hourglass after every two wins (around 20% slower than getting a 4 streak, but much safer)
    • Selling after a 4 streak
    • All of the above if you sell at least a grade 1 flag after every game.
    • Loss farming (fun fact, it takes 1800 losses to get to 100. Just play the mode)

    If you have any questions, put them below and I'll get to them as soon as I can.

  • 13
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  • takes 1800 losses to get to 100

    Smaller than I expected. Most matches take less than 3min so it’s doable
    And days there is double exp also helps ;)

  • @burnbacon
    Loss farming is also very useful for Elo tanking so I don't really blame anyone for doing it.

    At 3 min per loss, it would take 90 hours of continuous loss farming for 100. I think a more reasonable average is 5-6 min (counting the setup and loading times), which would be 150-180 hours.

    If a player just wants a curse, not a horrible time investment, especially if they only loss farm during G&G. But even if it takes a player 30 minutes to get a single win, and they sell the hourglass after that win, the time investment would be 117.5 hours (not counting losses or flags in that time window). I think the 117.5 hours is more enticing, considering the player will probably improve at the game somewhat, lowering the required time investment as they improve and setting them up to earn more cosmetics in the 100-200 range if they continue. But, what can I expect, some players in SoT have a history of wasting time needlessly to stay away from PvP.

  • I just made an update to the calculator. It includes

    • A multiplier field so you can do your calculations for Gold & Glory and Community Weekend.
    • A way to input your own streak goal if you don't want to do 2 or 4 wins specifically.

    If you already have your own version of the document, you'll have to make another copy of the document to get the changes.

  • 18k losses for the gold variant, let's gooooo!

    Ok, but on a serious note, thanks a lot for this calculator, it will be really useful to find how far a player has advanced.

  • @dragotech123 how many for the titles at level 9999 ? 😂 i would guess times 10 so 180k

  • @callmebackdraft said in Hourglass Level Calculator:

    @dragotech123 how many for the titles at level 9999 ? 😂 i would guess times 10 so 180k

    179964 losses for level 9999.

    I wonder who could be insane enough to loss farm to 9999.

  • I made another update to get rid of some weirdness in the "to 100" column if you're above 100.

    It's been especially useful for getting to 100 because the levels require more XP the further you go. So the calculator allows you to find out how far you actually are. For instance, level 62 is halfway there, and 90-100 is the last 15%. Last night, I got my friend to 98.5 with 4 or 5 champion streaks, then I was able to calculate that a 3 streak would get him over the finish line. Plenty of uses for it and I wish I had thought to release it sooner!

    I feel like loss farming to 1000 is an idea so dumb a content creator is going to do it someday.

  • alt textwhy are is the set lvl 100 different from when i put my desired lvl at 100?

  • @elderdarkk
    Below 100, what is required per level is not well known, and the curve used to figure out those numbers is not perfect. It's very close, though. If that's not what you're asking, I'm sorry, I just can't see your picture.

  • @grumpyw01f honestly cant blame anyone loss farming you keep running into the same 4 people the hardcore sweats who a so Obessesed with pvp that there believe its a pure pvp game there could be counted legally insane even than ya got those who fight tooth and nail nothin wrong with that but there start running till you quit even if it takes them 4 freaking hours to get on your nerves and the 3 is just those who just sail away after 2 Hits and than try 50 boards not even shooting a bullet and lastly exploiters+cheaters

  • When it says 'double wins' is that how many pairs you need or how many wins flat out if going to a two streak? For example, if I needed 20 double wins, will I need to win 40 more times going to two each time, or only 20?

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