Looking for Hourglass help

  • Looking for someone(s) to help me grind out hourglass, sitting at only 7 for servant and lower for Athena's version of it. not the greatest player, not the worst, been playing since day 1 off and on.

    Primarily on PC, if that helps any. Cheers mates. Not trying to be a sweat lord lol just want to have fun and learn some things along the way!

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  • if you want to play sometime i can come

  • @joeking885821

    I’m working on it some myself. I’m not 1/2 bad. I’ll work on it with u sometime

  • @konstaboi98 sorry been awhile for a bit. Would you down this weekend?

  • @joeking885821 sorry about that. Same here. This weekend is packed for me but I can this coming week on Monday Tuesday or Wednesday :) you can add my on Xbox (same name) I might see messages better that way. I took a little break from SoT, been playing Fortnite. But need to get back into SoT.

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