
  • Hourglass battles in "Sea of Thieves" have become a contentious feature among players, often criticized for their impact on the overall gaming experience. These battles, intended to add a competitive edge and excitement to the game, have instead introduced several issues that detract from the enjoyment and fluidity of gameplay.

    Firstly, the introduction of hourglass battles disrupts the primary appeal of "Sea of Thieves," which is the freedom to explore and engage in piracy at one's own pace. Players are often forced into combat situations when they might prefer to focus on treasure hunting, questing, or simply sailing the open seas. This mandatory engagement in PvP (Player versus Player) combat can be particularly frustrating for those who enjoy the cooperative and exploratory aspects of the game. The constant threat of being pulled into an hourglass battle means that players must always be on high alert, which detracts from the leisurely and immersive experience that "Sea of Thieves" originally promised.

    Secondly, hourglass battles can create an uneven playing field, especially for newer or less experienced players. Veteran players with advanced skills and better equipment can dominate these battles, leading to an unbalanced and often discouraging experience for others. This imbalance can result in a steep learning curve and a significant barrier to entry for new players, who may find themselves repeatedly defeated and unable to progress. The frustration of continuous losses can lead to a decline in player retention, as newcomers may choose to abandon the game rather than endure the constant setbacks.

    Lastly, the focus on hourglass battles can overshadow other aspects of the game, such as the rich lore, intricate quests, and dynamic world-building that "Sea of Thieves" is known for. The emphasis on combat can shift the community's priorities, leading to a more hostile and competitive environment rather than one of camaraderie and shared adventures. This shift can alienate players who were drawn to the game for its unique blend of exploration, teamwork, and storytelling.

    In conclusion, while hourglass battles were introduced to add excitement and challenge to "Sea of Thieves," they have inadvertently created several negative consequences. They disrupt the freedom and exploration that define the game, create an unbalanced experience for newer players, and overshadow the rich, cooperative elements that many players cherish. As a result, many believe that hourglass battles have made "Sea of Thieves" a less enjoyable and more frustrating game.

  • HG is PvP on demand, if you don't want to engage in HG fights simply don't vote for it.

  • @shinypug123 I'm confused, what is this post for? Yes, hourglass is constrictive to create mandatory pvp, if you don't like that you don't have to vote on it. Hourglass is totally opt in and it fills a different need than adventure. You don't do hourglass if you are looking for player interaction or the open world experience, you do it because you are looking to fight another player who wants to fight you. Hourglass does not make Sea of Thieves a less enjoyable or more frustrating game because it is not mandatory.

    Second, veterans will beat new players because they are better. This is no different for adventure, in fact I would argue that hourglass takes the most competitive players like myself out of adventure and away from chasing bad players around who don't want to fight anyway. Yes, there are ways that rare could fix SBMM (implement better cross-stamp matchmaking!!!) but in the end, hourglass is a positive for the new player. They may abandon hourglass, but they will stay on the game. Hopefully once they get confident they can return to hourglass with more confidence.

    Moreover, the idea it overshadows the "rich lore, intricate quests, and dynamic world-building" is absurd. Look at the last 5 season and tell me that they are focused on hourglass. I can tell you there has been a jitterbug glitch for months, a no ship name glitch for months, a underwater glitch sense the start of this season. These glitches arise from the dive mechanic and rare has been incredibly slow to fix them, as always. Rare's priority is not hourglass pvp, the idea that it somehow defines this community is just plain wrong.

    Hourglass certainly has its issues that pushes players away, but they aren't leaving the game. I have seen no one say that because hourglass exists is makes the whole game worse. Please stop exaggerating the issues about hg, it only prevents real discussions about making the game better.

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