Ship's Flag revealed by Spyglass

  • Suggestion: Looking at another crew's ship through the spyglass now also adds the ships' equipped flag to the banner.

    For all of naval history, flags have held significance as forms of communication. The main thing they communicate is ship ownership and allegiance. When players look at other ships with their spyglass, the banner, title, and name of the ship, captain and guild are revealed. I would also like to add that that ship's flag be revealed in the banner in some manner, perhaps off to either side of the name.

    Pirates like Blackbeard, Black Bart, and Henry Morgan flew very distinctive banners. I would like to be able to similarly strike fear into my enemies when they see my Party Boat flag. All jokes aside, as it stands, ship flags are very difficult to see in-game. People equip them to their ships but pay little notice to enemy's flags. This could be changed by adding the equipped flag to the banner that appears when looking at a ship through a spyglass. Having the extra flag image would be a neat addition as well as historically accurate.

  • just for fun
  • I don't typically do the "no new A B or C until it's fixed"

    but on Captaincy I'm in a situation where I gotta

    It has been bug after bug with captaincy and they range from many months to a couple years.

    Captaincy needs some real care just for the basic features that exist.

    Logbooks are empty more often than not, banners haven't been showing info consistently for a long time.

    It's one of the best things in the game as far as immersion and quality of the session goes and it's regularly bugged from A to Z.

  • @wolfmanbush

    You are 100% correct. If it worked 100% of the time, this would be a fun addition to it.

  • @wolfmanbush Pretty sure I heard in one of their video updates that they were looking into that issue by the sick looking dude with tattoos. That was awhile ago and there was no word about it again after that.

  • @damanwithnoname sagte in Ship's Flag revealed by Spyglass:

    Suggestion: Looking at another crew's ship through the spyglass now also adds the ships' equipped flag to the banner.

    +1 nice QoL feature!

just for fun
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