How can we deal with cheaters? HG + Adventure mode

  • Hello fellow pirates,

    I have a question, this is not about the people using packs or closet cheating, but the blatant ones who teleport to your ship etc, who are basically unbeatable.

    We play this game quite a lot, and last weeks its impossible to find HG matches without people teleporting to your cannons, instakill you and spamming their cheating services discord names in the chat 100 times and screaming toxic stuff in open mic.
    We tried to hop stamps to avoid them, then we found out Amsterdam/London/Sweden servers are unplayable because it is basically infested with cheaters with fresh accounts and private ones.
    OCE has the same problem as well, but also in adventure mode the cheaters rule the servers there now, so its not only HG there.

    Then we tried to hop onto NA servers, that is impossible because the servers are 'dead' when EU people are actually playing (cause of the time difference).
    We are people with golden curses btw and 70/80% winrate normally (also people with legendary seadog titles etc) so the 'git gud' does not really help here.

    How can we avoid the cheaters basically, some of us are actually considering quitting the game all together cause we cannot have fun anymore... And that feels sad because we really enjoy the game.. And invested a lot of time in the game.

    Thank you for reading the post, we are just desperate right now, we enjoy HG the most, and it is impossible to play it at the current state of the game.

    Not about bashing rare, we just want to have fun again.

    Kind regards,


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  • @arweicher long story is you cant.... some of these cheaters currently have more power over the system than Rare does...I even posted about this that some of these people can apparently yellowbeard you if they want.... you can report these guys but then they just make new accounts....this is basically gta5 public lobbies all over again at the moment

  • @goutfoot-stiner said in How can we deal with cheaters? HG + Adventure mode:

    @arweicher long story is you cant.... some of these cheaters currently have more power over the system than Rare does...I even posted about this that some of these people can apparently yellowbeard you if they want.... you can report these guys but then they just make new accounts....this is basically gta5 public lobbies all over again at the moment

    some of these cheaters currently have more power over the system than Rare does

    I'm calling BS on that.

    I even posted about this that some of these people can apparently yellowbeard you if they want.

    Any proof? I can't imagine any cheating program being able to duplicate Rare's admin tools to the point of banning people.

    It sounds like fearmongering or trolling in the same vein of that one guy who said the Brig was getting removed; Just a lie to stir up controversy.

  • @guildar9194 gigglingghostly did a whole video on it where cheaters yellowbeared her

  • @guildar9194 Reddit post

    I'll do you one better rare even stated here that these yellowbeard error floods are even likely aligned with malicious players

  • @goutfoot-stiner said in How can we deal with cheaters? HG + Adventure mode:

    @guildar9194 Reddit post

    I'll do you one better rare even stated here that these yellowbeard error floods are even likely aligned with malicious players

    Well color me wrong.
    But the same post also says they fixed it, so script kiddies don't currently have more control than Rare.

  • @guildar9194 yea I'll wait on that part rare says the fix a lot of issues then it turns out the issue wasn't resolved

  • @guildar9194

    Any proof? I can't imagine any cheating program being able to duplicate Rare's admin tools to the point of banning people.

    It sounds like fearmongering or trolling in the same vein of that one guy who said the Brig was getting removed; Just a lie to stir up controversy.

    Proof was posted on twitter, and Youtube videos where made about it. Unfortunately you can't link these clips in the forums, but if you want definite proof, feel free to PM me.

    SoT streamers where banned live by a group that could yellowbeard players to garner a reaction out of the community.
    Also a video on Twitter/X of a player being threatened by a cheater that he was going to get yellowbearded.
    A few seconds later, the player got Disconnected and got met with a yellowbeard.

    Sure they might not have the power to give out the ultimate redbeard, but when cheaters can give out yellowbeards like free candy, you better start worrying...
    Also there are PAK files cheats where you can buy infinite supps and do a lot of goofy cheats in the game with them.
    Who's to say cheaters in the near future can't give out redbeards or in the extreme case, steal and/or manipulate ancient coins which are real life currency.

    It's time to stop acting blind and defending RARE and just admit the current situation as is...
    Enough is enough, the era of whiteknighting over RARE is over...

  • @ix-indi-xi said in How can we deal with cheaters? HG + Adventure mode:


    Any proof? I can't imagine any cheating program being able to duplicate Rare's admin tools to the point of banning people.

    It sounds like fearmongering or trolling in the same vein of that one guy who said the Brig was getting removed; Just a lie to stir up controversy.

    Proof was posted on twitter, and Youtube videos where made about it. Unfortunately you can't link these clips in the forums, but if you want definite proof, feel free to PM me.

    SoT streamers where banned live by a group that could yellowbeard players to garner a reaction out of the community.
    Also a video on Twitter/X of a player being threatened by a cheater that he was going to get yellowbearded.
    A few seconds later, the player got Disconnected and got met with a yellowbeard.

    Sure they might not have the power to give out the ultimate redbeard, but when cheaters can give out yellowbeards like free candy, you better start worrying...
    Also there are PAK files cheats where you can buy infinite supps and do a lot of goofy cheats in the game with them.
    Who's to say cheaters in the near future can't give out redbeards or in the extreme case, steal and/or manipulate ancient coins which are real life currency.

    It's time to stop acting blind and defending RARE and just admit the current situation as is...
    Enough is enough, the era of whiteknighting over RARE is over...

    Asking for proof, or pointing out the reality of a situation, is not 'white knighting'.
    I've noticed that that term is frequently used for 'Disagreed with me when I was attacking the devs' these days.

  • Well, if Rust, Tf2, Minecraft, WoW, Overwatch, CoD games, GTA can all survive with loads of cheaters even if banned or whatnot.
    SoT will do just fine.

    all comes down to, time. As you pointed, you found the NA servers to be fine but "empty" Well...fill them :P

  • @burnbacon a good portion of those games have private servers that a large portion of the community use.... so you have the option to avoid cheaters that way.. even GTA5 put the content that was public lobby only onto invite only lobbies so people could do all the content and avoid the cheaters..... so when you post this comparison this can easily turn into a argument that Rare needs private servers for thier gameplay.

  • @goutfoot-stiner
    RARE boasting about their game being a sandbox while having private servers only reserved for their partners which have not been updated in years will never not be disappointing. customizable options were also never a thing from the get go. (Outside of choosing what ship/s you want in the server)
    Also the priv servers are running on old version of the game.

    It's been a while since i've been invited to one of those, but a bug that they had which was present for months if you tried loading up say two galleons on a server, they would load into separate private servers meaning you had to try several times and waste a Partners time to give you the Server code to try and finally load up the ships that you wanted in the same server.
    I wonder if that bug has been fixed as of lately.

  • @ix-indi-xi who can say but if the cheaters are able to keep running rampant private servers might be the solution if they ever fix that issue

  • Not really a solution, but....

    You can deal with cannons teleporters specifically by loading your cannons up with flares or fireworks. They can't unload these.
    You can also just load one of the cannons assuming you play sloop so you would consistently know where he pops out from and send him to the ferry.

    Again. This is not a solution. That could only come from rares end.
    This is just something that could give you a fighting change.

  • @guildar9194

    You were given proof and even confirmed by rare.

    You just want to be RIGHT in some kind of fashion instead of just saying ok i was uniformed.

    As for cheaters having more power than rare.

    Just go look up what an injection is client side vs server side and i will leave it right there sir.

    I dont think we should call it white knight it should be

    Lord cutler becketting. 😉

  • @hadtodoit

    Its not new to It dont worry,he ask proof he never provide any. Even if you waste your time providing proof he Will blatantly lie in front of your face.

    Another user who probably play forum comment simulator instead of Sea of thieves.

  • @hadtodoit said in How can we deal with cheaters? HG + Adventure mode:


    You were given proof and even confirmed by rare.

    You just want to be RIGHT in some kind of fashion instead of just saying ok i was uniformed.

    As for cheaters having more power than rare.

    Just go look up what an injection is client side vs server side and i will leave it right there sir.

    I dont think we should call it white knight it should be

    Lord cutler becketting. 😉

    You must have missed where I said I was wrong, in order to yell and feel morally superior.
    Don't worry; I'll quote my own reply to them so you don't have to do anything but continue to ineffectually flail:

    @guildar9194 said in How can we deal with cheaters? HG + Adventure mode:

    @goutfoot-stiner said in How can we deal with cheaters? HG + Adventure mode:

    @guildar9194 Reddit post

    I'll do you one better rare even stated here that these yellowbeard error floods are even likely aligned with malicious players

    Well color me wrong.
    But the same post also says they fixed it, so script kiddies don't currently have more control than Rare.

    Wow! I admitted I was wrong when I was given proof! Which makes your post claiming I did not want to admit I was uninformed...wait for it...

    Utterly incorrect! 😁

  • Please avoid engaging in personal arguments and derailing the topic of the thread. It is fine to debate the content of the post, and the viewpoints therein, but disrespecting any of your fellow pirates personally is against the pirate code, and our forum rules.

  • I will add that I don't think this is fully fixed yet.... a few people I play with are dealing with some of the same issues in Oceania servers still

  • @goutfoot-stiner If you believe a player has been toxic in the game or suspect foul play, you can report them to Xbox Live here. You can also submit a support ticket via Rare Player Support.

  • @look-behind-you it's exhausting to report these people over and over for them to just be replaced by new ones... ultimately I'm done with hourglass and if this starts to trickle into the rest of the game I might leave altogether.... I tried getting champion commendations done today and always at around the 2 or 3 streak mark I had someone teleport onto my ship or I would watch the server just crash on me as i got booted from the game.... ultimately I'm just exhausted by all of this

  • Please avoid engaging in personal arguments and derailing the topic of the thread. It is fine to debate the content of the post, and the viewpoints therein, but disrespecting any of your fellow pirates personally is against the pirate code, and our forum rules.

  • Didn't Rare say they were making it so players have to actually play adventure for a set amount of time, before they can enter an hourglass battle. This is suppose to prevent cheaters from getting banned and making a new account to go straight into hourglass.

  • Several years ago i played a game that you had to pay for every month to play.
    It wasn't a high monthly cost just around 8-10$. Unfortunately they changed this and it became free-to-play and they opened up more for PTW in the shop which was very sad to see.
    But this change also set off a huge wave of cheaters who suddenly had nothing to lose if they got banned, they just created a new account and carried on.

    Personally, I would have rather paid 8-10$ every month to the game developers because the cheaters would be forced to pay that too for every account they used up.
    In this way the cheater lose something, and the game developers gets a cash flow at the same time so they can keep working on the game.

    I’m not saying this is the solution, but I would rather pay and see less cheaters because I really like this game and the nice people I have met so far in SoT.

  • @toy8161 yeah this is why PC being free online isn't the brag they think it is.

  • @screenamesuck I think hg should be behind pirate legend

  • @goutfoot-stiner said in How can we deal with cheaters? HG + Adventure mode:

    @screenamesuck I think hg should be behind pirate legend

    No. This would make it more likely to get matched with cheaters. Because they can cheat their way to PL faster than normal players can earn it.

    Let's say you have 50 people to match with in HG, and 10 of them are cheaters. That's a 1 in 5 chance to match against a cheater.
    Suddenly, you lock HG behind PL, and that removes 20 players.
    Now you have 30 players in the matchmaking pool, and 10 are still cheaters. Now you have a 1 in 3 chance to match against a cheater.

  • @guildar9194 every ban evasion account would still have to go through PL again to be able to cheat in hourglass.... it would give rare time to bust the accounts before they get to HG

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