Shrouded Ghost Spawn Rate

  • I believe to have your chance rate to increase you would have to have a certain criteria.

    50 in Hunter’s call = .5% increase
    100% commendations to the Hunter’s Call = 4% increase
    Legendary Hunter of the Hungering One = 1.25% increase
    Legendary Hunter of the Crested Queen = 1.25% increase
    Legendary Hunter of The Shadowmaw = 1.25% increase
    Legendary Hunter of the Ancient Terror = 1.25% increase
    Having all the above will give additional .5% to a total of 10% increase.

    If this were to become an update that would actually make the community to work on those commendations and add a quality of life added to the game.

    Now I know some might think this is a “ oh I wish I could just see one” BUT i actually taken out 4 shrouded ghosts.
    I just wish to get this only goal I’ve set to finally be done. Also I have all the above accomplishments as well acquired.

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  • @jerichocross666 this actually seems pretty reasonable i like this.

  • Had 3.3k hours played and never encountered one.
    Granted almost half those hours where spent in Hourglass.

    Shrouded ghost will lose its special appeal if everyone has a 1/10 chance of getting that meg spawn. (When the criteria is met or they have someone on the crew has has it).
    10% seems like a very high percentage.

    I imagine some patches they increase/decrease spawn rates in secret.

    Also Theres someone in the community who did a deep dive and collected as much info about players who encountered the shrouded to see if there was a pattern that could be spotted in increasing your chances of getting it.

    I forgot who they were, last time I heard about them, I think they wanted to release that video before quitting the game...

  • @ix-indi-xi I understand that but if the hungering one has a 85-90% spawn rate then also the Crested Queen has a 75% chance, while shadow maw has a 40% and ancient terror has a 25% chance and I JUST got my 50th ancient terror yesterday and I’m a day one player.

    You have to work really hard to get that 10% catching all the fish takes two months at best, full commendation 3months and maxing out hunter’s call another month.
    Your looking at a 4-5 month progression solely on just hunter’s call and then you gotta get 50 kills of EACH Megalodon that could take a year to get IF LUCKY. That 10% would be very hard and ever well earned for those that worked on it.
    So I don’t believe it wouldn’t loose it rarity.

    So that 10% would make it a good chance at get a shrouded ghost MAYBE once a year if you do your Megalodon spawn locations and taking out at least 3 everyday.

    To get where I’m at I had to travel in the biggest spawn locations and at least take out 3-7 a day 5 days a week every month.

  • ...Or you could get 10 back to back?

    Upping the spawn rate, even minimally, would absolutely (by the very definition of percentages and chance) decrease the rarity.

  • i encountered one in hourglass queue and ran to cancel but it was too late

  • @belphegor1384


  • @ix-indi-xi said in Shrouded Ghost Spawn Rate:

    10% seems like a very high percentage.

    10% chance to spawn? Sure.
    ......but I think our OP was asking for a 10% multiplier applied to the current spawn rate.
    10% multiplier on what is close to zero, is still close to zero.

    @jerichocross666 said in Shrouded Ghost Spawn Rate:

    BUT i actually taken out 4 shrouded ghosts.

    You got 4? Phwoar! Dude I still haven't even seen one, neither has a single player from my guild (there's a lot of us).
    Given Meg spawns are pretty low compared to some seasons from the past, I'd hazard a guess you might be stuck on 4 for quite some time....

  • @smuntface
    Exactly my point. A 10% increase from its current rate of spawn would not be a detrimental change plus to get to the 10% you would have to at least work on that for Lucky and minimal of one year that would actually be pretty specially everything else in the game is pretty much easily obtained within a six month time.

  • @look-behind-you
    But the decrease in rarity would not be very substantial for the fact that you would have to have 100% completion for accommodations of the hunters call which, very if you have with also all the megalodons obtained at legendary hunter title, which not very Much people in the community have obtained as well.
    So the rarity of people even obtaining all of those criteria requirements on top of the rarity of the shrouded ghost being increased to 10% of its already spawn rate not to 10% itself, but increasing whatever it’s current percent and raising that by 10%.
    For example, if it was like .005 with a 10% increase should be .05 so that is not a very big advantage.

  • I didn't read it as getting it to 1 in 10. But a 10% increase. So, let's, for the save of argument, say the spawnrate is 1 in 100. That's 10 in 1000. A 10% increase would make it 11 in 1000. Still incredibly rare.

    As Look Behind Me said, that'd be less rare by definition. But if done right, would only be marginal, and would be an interesting incentive to work on those commendations. As a completion is, I've been slowly working on the last HC comms when I solo. But this would probably motivate me to finish them faster.

    With that said, ultimately comms are a goal, and should not be a game changing mechanic. I like the idea, but I wouldn't want it to significantly change the spawn rate either. A very modest bump at best, if at all. Since I don't current spawn rate, I can't say if the numbers the OP proposes are a good idea or not. I just like the concept in theory.

  • @jerichocross666 Even if you increased the spawn by 0.000000000000000000001% the rarity would still be decreased.

  • @look-behind-you said in Shrouded Ghost Spawn Rate:

    @jerichocross666 Even if you increased the spawn by 0.000000000000000000001% the rarity would still be decreased.

    Would that be so bad? I have been playing this game for 6 years now and have yet to see one in the wild.

  • @metal-ravage Was more so in relation to this:

    That 10% would be very hard and ever well earned for those that worked on it.
    So I don’t believe it wouldn’t loose it rarity.

  • @look-behind-you 👍

  • Im like day -1 player and I still didn't see it.
    And im quite happy for how rare and random it is.

    Pleace don't kill last pices of legend and mystery in SoT by uping spawn rate.

  • @strangeness exactly that is exactly what I’m trying to put it out as.
    Those commendations are hardly touched or considered out of the way for nothing. The hunters call doesn’t get anything for cosmetics at least for doing it. Give the people something that relates to it and up a spawn chance by a minuscule amount for the most rarest thing to give a people better chance to see.

  • @look-behind-you yeah, if it is that insignificant of a spawn and just giving it one less zero, sure that would be nice but at the same time since the hunters call and it’s mascot, Merrick has had his lower intertwined with a shot to ghost. It would seem pretty cool to have your chance become a little bit Increased while obtaining commendations that takes months to years getting. Basically it would be rewarding the lifers of the game or people that have invested into it.

  • @look-behind-you
    Has anyone even gotten the 5/5 Shrouded commendation.
    I knew of a couple that had 4/5 2 years ago.
    And also seeing others now that are on their 4th Shrouded Meg.
    Not sure if anyone ever gotten that 5/5 though.

  • I hate luck-based achievements, the Shrouded Ghosts are literally the only thing missing for me to close 100% of the commendations, and if with 10k hours I never found it I think it's very difficult that I'll find it now.

    It doesn't make sense to me that Rare wouldn't think twice about reducing the grind for effort-based things but wouldn't care about letting something completely random and with a very low spawn rate stay that way.

  • I'd prefer no increase to spawn rate. Shrouded Ghost is the last remaining "myth", I'd like to keep it that way. A parallel to the white whale. A story, a legend. Not something like the box of secrets which everyone has seen now by natural occurrence or by the events. I'd rather it remain special.

  • oooooor, hear me out, increase the shrouded spawnrate during HG battles you are part of by 100%, so HG gets more players. genious.

  • I absolutely love this idea, I think the math needs some finetuning. I'd increase the absolute spawnrate of the SG up to 1% with the steps you listed. And just take that 1% out of the spawnrate of the Hungering one. That way someone with all meg related commendations completed has an actually reasonably chance to also get the SG. I personally killed 529 megs since captaincy. I think that sheer amount of megs should net someone at least 1 SG. Just so that the game isnt a completionists nightmare.

  • @ictus-xxi yeah, the 10% increase is referring to 10% increasing of its current level of spawn right. Not an overall 10% but I understand where you’re coming from and even one percent would be understandable compared to what it’s at right now. Even if the ancient terror is, even at 25% chance compared to its other variance even that one is hard to see often. I believe the game has been out long enough that something like that should have at least somewhat of increased bonus for completing a related faction and even increasing the mag bonds during events or something .

  • @lleorb I've given up on 100% commendations due to shrouded ghost and now hourglass because it's pretty terrible. So I went for the more achievable which was 100% achievements. However that's not even possible on xbox profile if you started but never finished arena stuff. But hey at least steam shows me at 100% completion. Now hopefully they stop adding achievements since "So few people have completed all of them we are abandoning _________" I had been holding off on Legend of the Veils until they added more emissary ledger rewards for athena but last season they announced that the active player base on the top reward tier or ledgers like myself are too small a % to bother adding more cosmetics.... They could have at least finished off the ship sets by doing captaincy addons but typical of Rare to not finish something. They added arena and never fixed or added to the rewards so people abandon it then surprise..... No one plays it. I wonder why that was?

    I killed over 600 megs before the captaincy reset. Killed 261 since then so nearly 900 megs and the only shrouded ghost I got was from an alliance server where the ship it spawned on called us all over so we could get credit. So yea I am considering 5 to be nearly impossible at normal play.

  • I wish they would just hide the commendations until you obtain them, or just remove the comms and grant the rewards anyways. Really undermines the "Myth" argument when any swabbie can open their pirate log and understand that it exists. Grant the figurehead and title when you kill it, nix the commendation.

  • @axiskronostm I feel understand your point. I believe the hunters call should have voyages that will tell you to go places to track fish instead of just look ant the commendation list and even special variants. Like track down fish in certain spot that also might have a curse on them.

  • @jerichocross666 It would be interesting if they took a bit of inspiration from The Hungering Deep, and Glitterbeard, and had some sort of mechanic to use multiple crews to organically increase the spawn rate... like do something that would "Drive" the Shrouded Ghost to a specific location, but it would require to do things at multiple islands around the map within a window that required multiple crews to work together to accomplish it.

    To prevent this from being an "Alliance Server" exploit, maybe have the initial quest to initate it involve a Dive, and then you have to recruit other crews on the server you end up at.

  • The whole point behind the Shrouded Ghost is it’s rarity

    Everyone always wants things in this game made easier and I don’t think this is the game for those people

    Leave it as is.

  • You have killed 4! You have 3.5k hours and 4 shrouded ghosts. That's more than 1 Shrouded Ghost per thousand hours. I'm not mad or jealous :(

  • @jojo-buddy-v2 I have a method to getting megs to spawn more and IF I get my 5th shrouded ghost I’ll start to stream or made tip/trick videos on how to increase your Meg i encounters.

  • If there was actually a 'Method' to spawning Shrouded would have been known by now/sold on eBay 😂.

    There are various way to increase the likelihood of encountering Megs as a whole but the overall Meg type is still subject to RNG.

  • @jerichocross666 said in Shrouded Ghost Spawn Rate:

    @jojo-buddy-v2 I have a method to getting megs to spawn more and IF I get my 5th shrouded ghost I’ll start to stream or made tip/trick videos on how to increase your Meg i encounters.

    Unless you are involved in alliance servers that kill megs in non-organic ways there isn't really any control on your end.

    Suggestions like the shores of gold never was a thing. That was and is just the typical timer that they would have had doing other random activities.

    There are tricks of the trade for organic play but nothing that moves the needle for a mass majority of players and they barely help in recent seasons.

    It's not even really confirmed that the ghost has anything to do with other spawns. It probably doesn't because alliance servers and players like me don't have enough ghost kills to suggest it even matters. That would suggest a total random spawn more than "kill megs forever and it increases chances" The increase in chance would just be playing more in an area that qualifies, like an ancient skelly.

    Any meg exploit would be super obvious in organic play/non-alliance servers.

    If someone has a lot of megs it's either alliance servers or a massive amount of experienced organic play and it would be really easy to tell which by looking at people's milestones since season 7. An alliance server is gonna kill 5-6x+ what someone like me can hunt and that will be very very obvious in the stats, as well as other stats that can pretty easily show what people are up to.

    I've been around years and I see what people post about meg hunting for tips/tricks, it's pretty much always just coinkydink stuff that really isn't gonna change outcome much (mostly not at all).

    If you're game I'd be interested in seeing your milestones. Privately if you prefer. I won't share anything you don't want public. Just the stats, I'm not looking for your meg hunting secrets.

  • The Shrouded Ghost is like the Moby D*ck in this game, increasing the spawn rate would ruin the appeal.

  • @wolfmanbush it’s all about statistic analysis
    Life span of game session you’ve been playing
    What activities are you engaged in

    I got 3 last year from practicing those fundamentals

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